Pure depraved pleasure

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Warning: This chapter contains anal sex, it is soft core and not very visually discribed, but if that groses you out just skip the chapter

I throw myself down beside her, chuckling lightly and she glare at me, letting herself fall down on her side, still breathing hard. "So that is your idea of being nice Tom ?"

"Well I think I was very nice". I say, my hand starting to trail up her thigh and over her hip.

She arches one eyebrow, sending me an 'are you kidding me' glare, but a smile is tucking at the corner of her mouth. "Oh yeah if you call trying to fist me being nice".

"Don't be such a prude darling. I didn't really try, you are way to tight for that, had to give up already at the fourth finger". I smirk at her, my hand finding her breast, starting to play with it. I love the way her breasts fit perfectly in my hand.

She chuckle and suddenly pushes me hard on the chest, and I let her push me down on my back, as I said, today I am showing her I can play nice to, so I let her take the lead.

I grab her hips as she straddles my stomach, she leans down kissing me greedily, her hands running into my hair, pulling at it lightly, sending small jolts of pleasure through me.

She is kissing down my neck and down over my chest, sucking on my nipple making me moan out, bucking my hips up. "Come on darling, ride me hard".

Her smile is teasing, as she grabs my throbbing cock and slowly slides herself down on it, making me growl, fuck she feels so good.

She is teasing me, sliding herself all the way up, only keeping the tip inside, then snapping her hip down on me bottoming out, rolling her eyes back in her head.

Watching her is almost as good as her riding me, the look of pleasure on her face the the most erotic sight ever, the scent of her, a mix of her juices and her sweat an unparalleled aphrodisiac.

"Oh God darling, that feels so good, keep doing that". I grab her tits, playing with her nipples. I can feel her tighten her pussy around me every time she goes up, feeling like her inside is massaging me.

She is getting close now but suddenly she pulls of me, she grabs the bottle of oil and sends me a mischievous grin, then she holds my cock up straight, pouring oil over it.

"What are you doing ?" I look up at her, but she just smiles, places herself over my cock and I feel her pushing down on me again, but fuck that is most definitely not her pussy, it might be tight, but not compared to this.

I know my eyes are rolling back in my head and I gasp out, grabbing her hips, using all my willpower to let her control the tempo and not thrust myself hard into her.

She slides herself all the way down on me,  burying me inside her, she looks at me with shining eyes and starts riding me, first slowly, but soon picking up pace.

"Oh God baby, that is.. Oh fuck.. Wow". I am not really capable of a coherent sentence, so I let my body speak, thrusting up to meet her.

I got one hand on her breast, the other hand slides down between us, and I slide two fingers inside her pussy, making a small scream of pleasure escape her mouth, pushing up my palm, pressing it against her clit, rubbing against it.

I am almost done for, feeling my cock starting to twitch and I gasp out the words. "Cum with me baby, now, let me see you cum".

And she does, screaming my name, making it the best sound in the world, pulling me with her, making me cum so hard, all I can do is growl in a very primal way.

She collapses on top of me and I just hold her, snuggling my face into her neck, knowing that she unfortunately still belongs to someone else, hoping against all odds, that I can make her change her mind.

I let myself slide down beside him and snuggle into his side, wow that had been mind blowing and very much different than I had expected. It wouldn't be something I would do like all the time, but I would be open for it some other time.

"Well you definitely know how to be nice". Tom says chuckling, burying his face in my hair and neck.

Once again I start feeling bad, what is wrong with me ? I do love Alex, don't I ? It is like I am two persons, living two different lives. One is the dirty, naughty Josie, who keeps doing really bad things with her hot sex God of a co-star.

The other one is the sweet and loving Josephina, who loves her fiance and calls him every day, telling him how she loves him and misses him and who would never cheat.

Thank god we only have about ten days back of filming and then I can go back home and marry Alex like I am supposed to and forget everything about Tom and what he does to me.

"I better get back to my own room and get some sleep". I try to get up, but Tom's arms hold me tight into him.

He whimpers, pulling me in, kissing me softly. "Please don't go Josie, stay with me".

"No Tom, that isn't a good idea, this changes nothing. I like you, but in ten days I am going home to marry Alex". I say, pulling myself out of his arms, getting of the bed.

He actually looks hurt, as he watches me put on my clothes. "I will make you change your mind Josie".

"Please Tom, don't try, I made a promise to Alex and I love him, I won't change my mind". I shake my head.

Tom get a stubborn glint in his eyes, but he keeps from saying anything and I walk to the door. "See you tomorrow".

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now