Definately not a gentleman

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I dress as fast as I can and hurries back to the hotel. I go straight to Matt's room and knocks frantically on the door.

"Josie baby, something wrong ?" He takes one look at me as he opens the door and asks.

I just nood and pushes past him, throwing myself on his bed my face buried in his pillow, feeling like the world's biggest whore.

"It's Tom again isn't it ? What have he done this time". Matt sits on the edge of the bed, stroking my hair.

I mumble something into the pillow. Knowing my face is the colour of a tomato, with both embarrassment and anger.

"Excuse me Josie, could you repeat that, because I heard you say he just gave you the most mind blowing orgasm ever, but that can't be right". Matt says.

I lifts my face just enough to look at him og he starts laughing, making me groan and hide my face again.

"Sorry love, but what on earth happened ? Did you let that sexy brit fuck you after all ? You know I wouldn't blame you". Matt says.

I roll on my back. "No, he.. Well lets just say he is pretty handy with those damn long fingers".

"That sounds pretty kinky, but what about you not wanting to give in ?" Matt looks at me.

I groan and pulls the pillow over my head. "I am such a hore and I am a tease to, I actually slapped Tom when I realised what I had done a threw him out".

"Oh my God, you let him pleasure you and then threw him out, you dirty little cock tease. He must have been so pissed, serves him well". Matt is laughing.

I peak out from under the pillow. "Happy that you find this amusing, but I have to work with him and what am I going to tell Alex ?"

"You are not going to tell him a single thing love. It would just hurt him to know. If your feelings are the same, it is best for him to not know". Matt says as a matter of factly.

He might be right, but it just feels so wrong to lie to the man I love, but knowing Alex he would probably forgive me and what is the idea in hurtig him ? It would only be to make myself feel better.

"But you might have even more problems with a certain brit now. Because now he knows that you are not unresponsive to him, he might want to get something back". Matt raises an eyebrow.

I sighs. "Well I just have to tell him how much of a mistake it was and stay as much clear of him as possible".

"I might be a whore to, but he could fuck me any time he wanted to". Matt says grinning.

I look at him shaking my head. "I be sure to tell him that and yes my dear, you are a whore".

He slaps my butt making me whimper, okay I am a bit sore now I realise. Matt grabs my pants pulling them down to bare my backside. "Oh lord, he got a kinky streak I see, you got several hand prints here".

"Oh yeah, he is absolutely not a gentleman in the bedroom". I say blushing a bit, it really had been hot.

Fuck she slapped me and threw me out, but at least I know she just pretend not to want me. She is just holding back because of that fiancee of hers.

I have to go to my trailer to relieve myself. I don't think I am safe to walk around like this. I would most likely do something really stupid.

Oh I want her even more now, she felt so good and I think about her while I pleasure myself. Imagine her on her knees sucking my cock, thinking about her wet pussy and how it would feel to bury myself inside her.

As I moan her name coming. I know I need to fuck her, it is the only way to get over this obsession.

I just need to find the right way to get her to cave in, make her forget about that fiancee of her for a little while.

Yeah I know I am bad, that I am walking a thin line here. But she is driving me absolutely crazy.

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