Tom starts her training

978 27 9

Warning degrading sexual behaviour and hard oral sex

The next morning I'm in my trailer, wondering how I am supposed to do a topless scene, looking like I do and how to act towards Tom, this is going to be a bad day.

There is a knock on my door, and I just know my day just went from bad to worse, only Tom knocks like that. I contemplate if he will go away, if I don't react.

"Josie please open, I know you are in there". He says, well okay so that ain't gonna work then.

I don't wanna see him. I am embarrassed about my behaviour the day before and to be honest, I am not sure I can resist him. "Go away Tom, yesterday was a mistake".

"If you keep calling me a mistake, I might get hurt darling. Now open the door or I swear I will break it down". His voice tells me he is serious.

I sights and unlocked the door, Tom stalks in looking pissed. "What is it Tom ? You got what you wanted okay, please leave me alone".

"Oh that's cute, You think I am done with you darling ? I told you, I am going to steal you away, you are mine Josie". His eyes are burning into mine.

I shake my head. "Tom no, I am not yours and I never gonna be yours. I made a big mistake, even though you didn't give me much choice".

"Made it easy for you didn't I darling, now you keep telling yourself that it wasn't your fault at all. I practically forced you". He steps closer to me, his jaw tensing.

I hate when he gets under my skin, and I hate that he is right. "Well you did Tom. I told you no and ran away, you grabbed me and tied me to the bed, that is bordering rape".

"Oh darling when a girl runs for the bedroom and not the door, believe me she wants it. You wanted it badly and you still do I can see it in your eyes". He smirks at me.

I hate him right now, mostly because he is right on the mark and I feel exposed for the dirty slut I feel like these days, and I slap him hard. "Shut up Tom, don't talk to me like that".

"Oh no you didn't you insolent little brat". Seriously she just slapped me again, this time she ain't getting away with it, she need to be thought a lesson in good behaviour.

She actually looks a bit scared behind the glaring at me and grinding her teeth. "Get out Tom".

"Not gonna happen darling, that fiancee of yours can't be much of a man, he definitely haven't been training you properly". This woman she needs a man to put her in place and not give in to her bratty behaviour.

She stares at me like I sprouted a second head. "I am not a fucking dog Tom. I don't need to be trained, I am a woman with my own opinions".

"No you are a foul mouthed brat, and I am done with letting you run this darling, get on your knees and I am gonna teach you the first lesson". This is gonna be fun.

She takes a step away from me, a look of loathing on her face, but I can see it in her eyes and the way she clenches her thighs, she is turned on. "Are you crazy Tom ?"

"Oh darling you only makes this so much more fun for me if you fight, and much less pleasant for you". I smirk at her.

She points at the door, looking like she is about to explode. "I told you to leave Tom, do you want me to call security ?"

"No I want you on your knees darling with my cock in that dirty little mouth, so kneel or I am going to make you". I give her 10 seconds to comply.

When she just glares at me her arms crossed. I shrug and step closer to her. "Okay then, you want it the hard way, you gonna get it the hard way".

I grab her by the hair, yanking her over to me, making her gasp, but her eyes are dark and dilated with wanting. "Now get on your knees baby".

"Let me go Tom". I just shake my head, okay then. I pull down on her hair and she sink to her knees, looking up at me with big eyes, oh God she is so sexy.

I open my pants with one hand and pulls out my throbbing cock. "Now darling, you can be a good girl and suck it or I can fuck that dirty little mouth of yours".

She swallows, then she grabs my dick and opens her mouth, slipping me inside her warm wet mouth. "Good girl Josie".

Oh God she really knows how to use that sexy little mouth, she is moaning on my cock, taking it deeper and deeper, running her tongue around me, one hand softly massaging my balls, the other having a tight grip on my ass.

I am such a whore and I love it. I love when he talks to me like that, I know I probably shouldn't, but I do.

My eyes are locked in his the whole time, telling him exactly how turned on I am. I love the feeling of his cock going all the way in, hitting the back of my throat almost making me gag. I love the taste of him.

I really hope he is going to fuck me hard after this. I can feel myself dripping in my panties. I need to get fucked.

"Oh fuck Josie, I'm gonna cum baby". And he does, holding onto my hair, shooting his cum down my throat and I swallow it happily, sucking every last drop from him.

He pulls me up by my hair kissing me greedily, making me even more horny if that is even possible.

Then he lets me go and tucks himself back into his pants, zipping them up. "I am very pleased with you baby".

"Please Tom, fuck me. I need you. I want you cock inside me". I beg him in a most degrading way latching myself to him, kissing his neck.

He chuckles and peels me of him. "Such a dirty cock hungry little bitch aren't we, but no Josie you get nothing right now".

I hear myself whimper, is he fucking serious ? He can't just leave me like this, I need him to fuck me.

"But if you are a good girl all day, and don't play with yourself, you can come to my room around 7 and I will teach you your next lesson". I nod and he gives me an approving smile before leaving me a hot needy mess.

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now