Tom the God of sex

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I wake up a little later, slipping out from Tom's arm, he is fast asleep, looking around for my clothes, or what remains of it, my ripped T-shirt still hangs on me.

I find my pants in the other end of the room, not remembering when those came of or how they ended up there, my panties are gone, what the hell did he do with them ?

After a couple of minutes of searching I give up and steal his hotel bathrobe and sneak out the door, luckily he is a deep sleeper, so I can get away unnoticed.

I go directly to Matt's room, knocking on his door, knowing that he will still be up, waiting for me.

"There you are Josie, I was getting worried". He moves aside to let me in, and I walk briskly past him, he closes the door.

I sit down on the bed, not really knowing what to say or do, I feel really bad, I know I have done something really bad, but it just felt so good.

"So I take it there wasn't much talking, what happened ?" Matt is eyeing the bath robe.

I open it, I have no trouble with Matt seeing my breasts, he is gay after all, and show him my ripped T-shirt. "Well this happened".

"Oh shit Josie, are you okay ? Did he hurt you ?" He asks me, his eyes wide as he looks me over.

Why is he so worked up over a ripped T-shirt ? I looked down, oh shit, my breasts are adorned in some rather vivid bruises and there is a hand print on my hip, where he had grapped me.

"Oh fuck, I have a topless scene tomorrow". It literally looks like he has been hitting me or something. I don't even remember him being that hard on me. Matt is still staring at me and I hastily adds. "No no he didn't hurt me, he is just a bit rough".

"A bit ? That look pretty hard core to me, but I guess he got his way after all, how did he talk you into it ?" Matt gets me one of his T-shirt to wear.

I pull the ripped one of and Matt's T-shirt on. "Well he kind of grabbed me and tied me to the bed when I tried to run, oh shit that sounds bad doesn't it ?"

"Well yeah that kind of sound illegal when you say it like that, but how was it then ?" He look at me and I throw myself on his bed.

What do I say ? How does I put it in words at all ? "I think he knew he had me when I ran for the bedroom and not the door, and I am happy he tied me up, feels less guilty. You were right though, I hate to admit it, but the man is a freaking sex God".

"I knew it, what now then ? What did he say before you left ?" Matt flopped down next to me.

I make a grimace. "Nothing, he was sleeping when I left, a lot easier that way".

"So you are over and done with him now ? Can you really let that man go ?" Matt rolls on his side and look at me.

There is no letting him go, I don't have him, it was just sex and I love Alex. "Of course, and he will only be happy that I don't expect anything".

I am disappointed to wake up alone, she has made a run for it while I slept, wish I hadn't slept so deep or maybe I just shouldn't have untied her.

In some ways I kind of wished that fucking her would help, that the need for her would go away, that it would turn out to be just lust, that kind which would go away as soon as it had been satisfied.

But I knew now that I wasn't that fortunate, I only wanted her more now, wanted to possess her, make her mine, but how do I do that ?

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now