Tom totals a trailer

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I am pacing my trailer the next morning, after having talked to Alex in the morning, him telling me that he can't wait to get me home. I once again feel so very bad, cursing Tom for making me do this.

And talking about that handsome devil, there is a knock on my door and Tom comes walking in. "Morning Josie baby".

"Tom please don't baby me, I.. We.. It was". I try to find the right words. I have to stop this once and for all, he has to be satisfied by now, he has already made me do things I never thought I would do.

He is at me in a flash, pushing me back against the wall. "Don't you dare say it Josie, I promise you, you will regret it dearly".

"Tom stop, it was a mistake ..". I don't get to say another word, he growls at me, his eyes burning angrily and his jaw tense and his hand is pressed hard over my mouth.

He is gritting his teeth and then hisses into my ear, he is kind of scary right now. "I warned you Josie and now for you third lesson, if you act like a brat I will punish you".

Wait he can't be serious, can he ? But I can see in his eyes that he is, I can feel my stomach knot up nervously, but for some reason I can also feel myself getting turned on.

He pulls me with him to the couch and sits down in the middle of it. "Now pull down your pant darling and come here lay across my lap".

"No Tom, this is not fun okay ?" I back away from him, again feeling the urge to run, but feeling my body react in a way I don't want it to.

He looks a me very sternly, his eyes telling me he is in no mood for games. "Now darling, don't make me get up to get you, because then you will really regret".

I sigh, not daring anything but do as I am told, so I pull down my pants and drapes myself across his lap. "Please don't hurt me Tom".

"Oh I would never hurt you darling, but it might sting a bit, do you understand why I punish you ?" He moves me a bit and gentle caresses my ass.

I breathe in deeply, very aware of how hot and moist I am between my tights. "Because I keep calling you a mistake".

"Exactly darling, it actually hurts quite a lot when you do that. I feel that you don't really like me". He says, his voice actually sounding a bit sad, but why ? I am just a fling to him.

I gasp as his hand suddenly slaps me hard, it does sting a bit, my voice shaking a bit. "I am sorry Tom".

Each time his hand comes down on me he is slapping a little harder, and by now it starting to burn. I am pretty sure my ass is bright red by now, and I am gasping.

When he finally lets me go, I got tears in my eyes from the pain and the humiliation, but mostly because I am so embarrassed that I am also very much turned on.

He sits me up on my feet and looks on me. "I really hope that is the last time ever you call what we do a mistake".

"Easy Tom, because that is never happening again, I like you to leave right now". I glare at him, angry with the way he makes feel.

He actually chuckles and get up from the couch, starting to open his pants. "Oh Josie darling, why does it have to be such a fight with you every time ? No I am not leaving, I am going to fuck you".

"No Tom, I said leave, please just do as I say for once". I start to back up, trying to get my pants up as I see him pull his down stepping out of them.

I wonder if I can get away if I turn and run, but I know it is futile, he is way to fast for me. "Stop complaining Josie and accept the fact, not to talk about your own desires".

I gasp at he grabs me and with one arm and pulls my pants and panties down, then he steps down on them, lifting me clean out, and I fold my legs around him.

A second later I am pushed up against the wall and he thrusts himself into me bottoming out, making me moan and grab his hair.

"Oh fuck darling, you are practically dripping". He moans against my ear, his hands on my hips, taking me so hard, banging me into the wall, that I wouldn't be surprised if the trailer was rocking.

Suddenly the door opens and Matt's face appears in the door, his eyes growing wide with surprise, then he smirks at me, and I wave him of, not exactly wanting an audience.

He winks at me and closes the door again. Tom haven't noticed a thing and soon I forget everything about Matt, and I probably wouldn't notice if the freaking queen of England stepped into the trailer.

I grab at something, which turns out to be my coat rack, and well it wasn't made for holding on to, I throw it through the room, hitting something.

Then Tom puts me down on the kitchen like counter, everything on it, getting pushed off, and I faintly hear something breaking, but I don't care, as he is still pounding into me relentlessly.

I see stars before my eyes when he pulls me up again, slamming me into the opposite wall, hitting the blinds covering the window, well they only hold out for a couple of thrusts, then they comes loose. Tom throws them over his shoulder probably knocking over more stuff.

I feel the window against my ass, but right now all I can concentrate on is the feel of Tom pounding into me, having me on the edge now, and not if someone is outside getting a close look at my ass.

As he throws us both down on the couch I hear something crack and the couch slumps, but right then Tom growls. "Oh God now darling, cum with me".

And I let go, pulling his hair so hard I have quite a large tuft come away in my fist as I scream out his name, and I hear him cum to, almost roaring.

He slumps down on his back on the floor, panting hard and I sit up on the couch, looking around on the total devastation. "Fuck Tom, you just totalled my trailer".

"Better watch out, there's some broken glass somewhere". Tom says, holding up his left foot, which is dripping blood from a gash.

I shake my head and get up, looking at the couch, well one of the legs are broken and some of the springs has sprung of. "You are dangerous to be around Tom".

"Only to you darling, oh and your furniture". He says with a chuckle and pulls me down on top of him.

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now