The best orgasm since Meg Ryan

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Oh mercy of God, he is huge. I gasp at the sight of him, realising to late that he of course where hoping for exactly that reaction, but hell did that guy just stand first in every line when the blessings where getting distributed ?

I had heard rumours and seen the internet guess from folds in his pants, and I have felt it pressed against me, but restricted by clothes, I knew he weren't exactly wanting in that department, but seeing it there, literally right in front of my face is something else.

He slides down under the cover, clearly trying to get a look at my naked body, smiling smugly, but hey he got every woman on set staring longingly at him right now, some of the men to, I guess he has reason to feel good about himself.

There is a lot of noise as everyone is getting ready for the shoot, Tom rolls onto his side, resting on his elbow. "Got a good look at it Josie ?"

"Well pretty hard not to Tom, as you practically showed it in my face". I hiss, trying to forget the image of his hard naked body and his even harder manhood, that had gotten burned into my brain.

He lick his lips, his voice purring. "Just wanted you to get a little appetizer, later when we are alone it is all yours darling, and I be happy to showe it in your face or anywhere else you might like it".

Damn that voice, his words combined with knowing what he hid under the cover actually made me happy we were on set and had a lot of people watching, because I might have been doing something very stupid that I would regret forever if we were alone.

I try to tell myself that he was probably a lazy lover, relaying on his size and the fact that he looked like a greek God, but I knew I was fooling myself, a man that had skills like that in his fingers is bound to know how to use the rest as well.

"What I wouldn't pay to be able to read your mind right now darling". Tom looks at me with a lopsided grin.

I can't help but blush deeply, embarrassed of my own thoughts, I hate what this man is doing to me. "I wasn't.. I mean I was just.. Oh fuck off Tom".

"Well I guess I don't have to pay, your face is giving all your dirty thoughts away, I can't wait to fulfil those". He whispered in a hoarse voice.

I just couldn't help pushing her, teasing her, making her know just how much I wanted her and I could see that she couldn't help respond to me, at least on a physical plane she wanted me.

Once again I wondered if I am playing fair here, was it okay for me to want her this bad when she is engaged ? But on the other hand, she will be the one breaking a promise if she gives in to me, should I be blamed ? I don't know and sadly I don't really care.

I try to focus a bit, I need to get in character, think what he would do in this situation, I know the director said go with it, but I know he would change his mind pretty fast if I did, after all we not not shooting hard porn here.

"And go". The director yells, this is happening, I have to push myself aside, tell myself that I am a woman madly in love and in lust with this man and now I finally have him, how would I act ?

There are no lines, the page literally say just go with it, the director is kind of eccentric, he would probably love if we just went for it and actually had sex right here.

Tom rolls on top of me, his hands grabs mine and laces his fingers with mine, his eyes are dark and I can clearly see that the passion is real, and not an act.

He smiles wickedly, and then he kisses me, his mouth crashing down on mine, devouring mine, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth taking mine hostage.

I know there are people watching us, filming us, but right now it is like only the two of us exist, my head is spinning and my body reacts involuntarily.

His mouth travels down my neck, leaving a trail of kisses, when he reaches my pulse point he suddenly bite down rather hard and I gasp, my body bucks up against him, oh hell.

"Oh God, I want you so badly". I moan breathlessly, she would say that wouldn't she ? Do I mean it ? Hell yeah I do, I can't help it.

I can feel him chuckle against my collarbone, I can't hide how turned on I am right now. "And you will darling, you will".

He makes a motion, on camera it will look like he just entered me, luckily he didn't, but he is grinding down on me, and with every snap of his hips his hard cock slides over my now burning folds.

I throw my head back moaning and I am not acting, this is to much, he is grinding against my clitoris, I feel the weight of his hard body on mine and his breath on my neck and ear, and I am close to unravelling.

"Cum for me darling". He moans against my ear, pressing hard down against me, then whispering for only me to hear. "I guess there will be no faking".

And I can't help it, I lose control and only just manage to bite my tongue and keep me from screaming his name, as I cum hard.

Well credit to his acting abilities, he keeps a straight face and he is pretty good at faking it, then the director yells. "Cut, fabulous, just perfect, Josie you just faked the best orgasm since Meg Ryan".

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now