Caught in a trap

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Of course I didn't convey Tom's message to Alex, cause it wasn't going to happen, not now not ever.

It had been a couple of days now with no real problems with Tom, he was still looking at me like I was the most delicious dessert, but he hadn't tried anything.

I was starting to relax a bit, but today I was nervous and I had been driving Matt crazy all morning, we were shooting a sex scene today, and I feared what Tom might do.

As I walked on stage, I saw Tom talking to the director an heard him say. "Well I have no trouble with nudity, if you feel it will make it more reel".

Oh no he didn't, he had just caught me in a trap, if I said no I would seem like a prude, but I didn't want to get close to Tom naked.

I already hated this scene, there was no real script, the director just wanted us to go with it and do what felt natural and I really wasn't sure Tom and I was on the same page.

"What do you say Josie ? Do you want to get naked with me ? Well I know you do.. but for the scene ?" Tom smirked at me.

I breathed in slowly, everyone was looking at me, waiting for me to react. I giggled like he had said something funny and looked at the director. "Sure, if you think it is the right thing to do".

"Wonderful, off course we wont show anything, but it will just feel so much more real". The director said, starting to get the set ready.

Tom walked over to me with a shit eating grin on his face. "Yes I will feel so much more real, don't you think so Josie".

"If you try anything Tom, I swear to God I will kill you". I hiss at him, low enough so that only he can hear me.

His eyes darkened, and his voice got deeper. "Oh I won't try anything. I will make you beg for it darling".

I just rolled my eyes at him, did he really believe that, how fucking conceited can that man be ?

His jaw clenched and the vein in his neck bulged. "Oh you should be so happy we are on set you little brat or I would have taken you over my knee and spanked you for that".

"You wouldn't". I looked at him, I shouldn't be surprised, he had slapped my ass pretty hard during our rendezvous, but their was still a difference between that and a real spanking, at least I thought there was.

He leaned down to whisper in me ear. "Why don't you try me Josie, actually please try me".

Luckily someone from wardrobe showed up at that moment with dressing gowns, ushering us of to get out of our clothes and into the dressing gowns.

I wasn't actually sure this was a good idea. I thought as I undressed in my trailer and put on the dressing gown.

It would be pretty hard to be laying there with her naked, not really able to do anything and I was going to be hard, I already was just thinking about it.

And I couldn't hide what effect she had on me, everyone would be able to see that now, why on earth did I agree to this ?

When I walked on set, she was already there, lying on the bed under the cover and I knew she was naked, the mere thought made my cock react.

I walked over to the bed, flashing her a smile. "I hope you are ready for it Josie ?"

She snorted, I am not shy and I took of the rope, knowing she at a pretty close up view of what she would be getting later and to my pleasure the sight made her gasp, clearly surprised.

I lifted the covers, trying to get a glimpse of her naked body, when I slid in beside her

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now