Getting ready for the premiere

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6 months later
"Tom sweetie, try and relax okay, you end up all sweaty and your hair is already a mess". Sophie, Ben's wife, is putting a hand on my arm.

I breath in deeply, I am pacing a hotel room i LA. Today is the day of the big premiere, today is the day I get to see her again. "Sorry, I am just so damn nervous".

"You don't say so, I would have never guessed". Ben says with a chuckle from the couch, and I feel like throwing something at him, but Sophie silence him with a glare.

She pats my arm, and I am happy to have them there with me. "I understand Tom, but you have to be prepared for her to bring her fiance or husband if they have been married".

I nod, but the idea of her being married to someone else wrenches at my inside, making me feel sick.

The last week of filming was hell for me, wanting so badly to take her into my arms, to tell her how I feel, but I didn't. I didn't want to put myself up for more hurt, so I kept my distance, kept up the facade.

I had decided to tell her at the wrap party, to come clean end confess my feelings, beg her to give me a chance, but she didn't come, she had already left to go home.

When I got back home, I tried to get Luke to get her informations for me, but he refused, telling me I was a fool, and that I should keep my hands of, it could only end badly for me.

And I knew he was right, I had no right to fuck up her relationship by starting to contact her, so I didn't.

But now it was the premiere, and I knew she was going to be there, and I was afraid I couldn't face it, so I begged Ben and Sophie to come with me, as Luke couldn't go.

I look at Tom. I feel sorry for him, he really is a sweet guy, and it is so easy to see that he is so much in love with this woman, I have honestly never seen him like this before.

But I knew something was up from the moment Ben told me about Tom losing his cool and spewing out every naughty thought, and yes Ben told me, he tells me everything.

It was so out of character for Tom, that I just knew right away that it had nothing to do with lust. I have seen him work his way into womens pant before, he never loses his cool, no he always plays it up, so I knew this was something else.

And that is why I feel sorry for him, because Tom deserves to finally find someone that can make him happy, and that isn't this woman, who from what Ben told had her fun with Tom and then left without even saying goodbye, to go home and marry someone else.

I thought he should just forget her, she isn't worth his time, and he is probably just sitting himself up to get hurt even more.

But he need closure, maybe seeing her with her fiance can get him moving on, because he haven't entirely been himself those past months, even Ben has noticed.

"Come on boys, it is time to go". I smile at them and Ben gets of the couch, Tom is already at the door.

I am in the limo, ready for the premier, Alex smiles at me. "Ready for your first big red carpet event my dear ?"

"I think so, just a bit nervous". I smile at him, happy that he is with me, especially since I know Tom is going to be here.

Yeah I did the chicken thing, I skipped the wrap party and ran back home, afraid that I would say or do something stupid and hurt that Tom hadn't talked to me outside set for the last week.

We had finally set the date, 6 weeks from now and I am happy, at least I think I am, I love Alex, I want to marry him, don't I ? But why can't I stop thinking about Tom then ?

I fear how I will feel seeing him again ? Well it doesn't matter, he showed me very clearly that it had just been a fling, and I am getting married soon, we should be able to act like normal adults for one evening.

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