Giving up control and responsibility

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"I have to do something Matt. I can't go on like this. I am literally going insane". I am pacing Matts room, I have just told him about the sex scene.

Matt looks up at me. "Seriously Josie you have to fuck him, for women and gay guys everywhere and for me. I want to know if he is just half the sex God I am imagining".

"Matt I am engaged. I love Alex. I don't want to fuck Tom". I look at him, while I keep chanting those words in my head.

He shakes his head. "Yes you are engaged and you might very well be in love with him, but don't you come here and tell me you do not want that man to fuck you silly".

"Oh fuck it Matt. I do. I feel so bad, but I do. I am not going to though". I am not that girl. I am not the unfaithful bitch.

Matt shrugs. "You know Alex don't need to know. It wouldn't hurt him if he didn't know. One great shag and you both have a clear head and you can work together without all this sexual tension".

"I can't Matt. I need to talk to Tom. Need to make him understand that he hurts me when he does this". I breathe in deeply. I mean Tom is known as a nice guy, he must be able to see that this is wrong, if I just talk to him.

He huffs. "Well then go talk to him, see if that helps, he is up in the grand suite of course".

"See you Matt, if I am not back in an hour please come save me, then he might have me tied up to exploit me". I say grinning, as I walk towards the door.

I am pacing my room, I haven't been able to get myself back down since that scene. Oh God, I had been so close to just taking her right there, forget about the people watching and just bury myself inside her.

If I don't have her soon I am going to lose my mind. I simply need to go tell her that she is mine, make her understand just how much I want her.

I walk to the door and open it to find Josie standing right outside, her hand lifted to knock, our eyes lock and I feel my breath getting stuck in my throat.

Why is she here ? Probably to yell at me for what I did during the sex scene. Okay I admit, it was a wicked thing to do, but at least everyone thought she was fabulous. I step aside and she walk past me into my suite. I close the door and for some reason lock it, then I turn towards her.

"Tom we need to talk". She is looking at me. She looks so very determined and it is adorable how she try to pretend that she has the upper hand here.

I breathe in deeply. This is it, my limits have been reached. "Oh we can talk all you like darling, but first I need to fuck you".

She looks at me, her eyes growing wide, she looks like a deer who have just spotted a large predator, and she might not be far off.

"Stop Tom, you can't do this". She is backing away from me. Oh this is going to be fun, she might think she has a choice, but she hasn't, not really.

I slowly stalk closer to her, she is backing away faster. "I bet you I can darling, but it would so much easier if you just would give in and stop being such a stubborn brat".

She turn and runs. Oh she is going to make me work hard for this, that naughty little bitch, she is so going to pay for this when I get her.

I reach her in the bedroom, and I grab her around the waist, throwing her down on my bed. "Are you going to behave og will I have to tie you up ?"

Oh God yes tie me up, I think, if I am tied up it's not my fault. I had no choice. I try to get of the bed. "Please let me leave Tom".

"It is a good thing I know that you don't really mean that, but guess I will have to tie you up darling". He throws himself on me, pinning me to the bed and I squeal.

He straddles my chest and lean over to pick something of the floor, then he grabs my hands, and shortly after my hands are tied above my head with a silk tie.

As Tom grabs the hem of my T-shirt. I watch the feral look on his face. Oh this is going to be hard, hot and dirty, and I gasp as he rips it, leavin my chest bare as I am not wearing a bra.

"So fucking gorgeous darling, just begging to be pinched". His voice is a low growl as his hands finds my breasts, kneading them thoroughly.

His fingers close around my nipples, pinching them, tugging at them, and I gasp, my head is already spinning. "No Tom, please stop. Oh God, don't stop".

"A bit indecisive darling ? Well I help you make up your mind then". He looks up at me with a smirk and then bites down on my nipple making me scream out.

When he move to the other nipple I look down, to see my nipple bright red from his torture, standing hard and very sensitive.

His mouth moves down over my body, leaving trails of kisses and bites, murmuring against my skin. "Still want me to stop darling ?"

"No don't stop Tom. Please don't stop. I am yours". I moan the words, just wanting to feel him inside me.

His mouth is on my inner thigh now, making me squirm. Then his fingers find my very wet and heated folds, my panties long gone. "Oh I can definitely feel you don't want me to stop, you are dripping for me darling".

"Please fuck me Tom, take me hard". I moan, feeling unable to contain myself much longer.

He chuckles against my hot skin, his long fingers slide into me. "Oh I will darling, but first I want to taste you and play with you".

As his tongue starts running around his fingers while they work inside me, I am gasping and moaning, knowing that I will be coming hard very soon.

"Cum for me baby". He growled, then sucking my clit into his mouth, and I can't take it anymore. I buck up against him, as my inside clenched hard around his fingers and I scream his name.

As I try to breathe again, I hear him remove his clothes, then he grabs me by the hips and turns me over. "Brace yourself darling".

I bite my lip, thinking about what is coming now, but I still scream out as he buried himself completely inside me in one hard thrust.

Oh shit I can't breathe, every thrust knocks the air from my lungs and he seems to hit everything in me, which isn't at all unexpected as he fills me completely.

"Josie you feels so good girl". He starts rubbing my ass with his hand as he keeps pounding into me.

Then he slaps me hard, and I feel my inside clamp down on him, making him moan, and he slaps me again. "Oh God Tom yes".

I am a writhing mess and very close to lose all control, as he keeps slapping my ass with each thrust. "Wait Josie, don't cum yet".

Oh I fight against my urge to let go, and my legs start to shake, while I whimper, it is almost painful, but I for some reason wants to please him.

"Please Tom, I need to cum, please let me cum". I am pleading. I can't take it anymore.

He grabs my waist, and hammers hard into me, his voice so raw it is almost unrecognisable. "Then cum for me darling, show me how much you like it".

And I do, I am screaming out once more, feeling like I lose all contact with reality, taking him with me as he moans my name again and again, before collapsing next to me.

He reaches up to untie me and pulls me into his arms, where I cuddle up, more satisfied than ever before.

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now