Forgetting him

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"Oh so you got that finished up dear". Matt says with a smirk as I enter the makeup trailer twenty minutes later and slumps down in the chair.

I just glare at him, I feel bad enough already. "You were so not supposed to see that Matt".

"Oh I know sweetie, but I don't really mind. I got quite a good look at that sexy ass in action". He wiggles his eyebrows.

I can't help but chuckle and wink at him. "Well it is a really delicious ass that one isn't it, but the rest isn't bad either".

"I thought you said you were over and done with him, but that looked more than hot sweetie". He starts on my makeup.

I sigh, it had been so hot, just like the other times. "I have given up fighting, I can't resist him".

"What about Alex then ? The wedding ?" He ask while putting on my face, getting me ready for the day.

I bite my lip. "I know I am an evil bitch, but I don't intend on changing that. We are done filming soon, and I am going back home to get married and forgetting everything about Tom".

"Really ? Just like that ? Are you sure you can ? And that he will let you ?"  Matt is putting the last hand on my makeup, luckily this movie don't require me to wear much.

I shrug, why should that be a problem. "Of course it is nothing but sex, really hot sex, but only sex, and it will never be anything else to me and I don't think it is to him either".

I hadn't expected it to hurt that much, I am still nothing but a fling to her, nothing but casual sex. She is still going back home to marry him, her fiance, hell Tom you stupid fool, what did you expect ?

I didn't mean to listen to their conversation, I was on my way to makeup, after getting my foot cleaned up and bandaged, and I heard they were talking about me.

Unfortunately this is when I realise that I have truly fallen for her, for me it isn't just sex or a fling. It is not even just a flutter of butterflies, it is deep and hard and knocks the air from me, making me lean on the trailer.

I might be hiding it behind cockiness and bad behaviour, but honestly it is only because this dept of feelings scare me.

I just want to get away, but I can't. I need to get ready for today, so I do what I am usually very good at, and push my feelings behind the facade, putting on that million dollar smile.

"Well hello Matt, hi again Josie". I say as I walk in and sit down on the other chair, keeping that smile in place.

And that is what I do all day. Keep up the facade, that smile, remembering to be nice and gracious with everyone, slowly burning up on the inside. Wondering if I am even a better actor than I give myself credit for as no one seems to notice.

There is something wrong with Tom, he has been behaving perfectly all day, he always does of course, but today he is towards me to.

He hasn't touched me in any way he isn't supposed to, haven't made one naughty remark or even send me one dirty glance, I should be happy, but I am not.

But I can't ask, I is really none of my business, he probably is just satisfied now, he has shown he could get me, make me do whatever he wanted bending me to his will, and know I am not interesting anymore.

I should be happy, as I told Matt this is just a fling right ? I am still going to marry Alex, he is the one I love.

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now