Things women knows

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"Sophie, could you please change seat with me ? I don't think I should be sitting next to Josie". I look pleadingly at her, when I see where I am placed, knowing that sitting next to her in the dark would be sure to make me do something I would regret.

Her eyes follows mine and sees the assigned seat and who I am next to. "Sure Tom, you can get my seat on the other side of Ben".

"Thank you". I say with a smile. I still want her, and I intend to talk to her at the after party. I have to get the air cleared, but I need to get her alone, not in a full cinema with her fiance next to us.

To tell the truth I don't see much of the movie, my mind is to occupied with planning how to get Josie alone at the party and how to explain my feelings to her.

"Why didn't you tell me there is gonna be a cool after party ?" Alex asks me as we sit down in the cinema.

I hadn't told him because I don't want to go. I don't want to be at a party where Tom is. "I didn't think you would want to go"

"Can we go ? It sounds cool and the bar is free". He says with a wink, and makes puppy dog eyes at me.

I sigh, I guess I just have to stay away from a certain handsome blue eyed actor, then I should be good. "Okay, if you really want to, I guess we can go".

"Thank you Jo. I know you are used to rubbing shoulders with movie stars, but I think it could be so cool to be at a party with Sherlock and Loki". He says beaming at me.

I am a bit nervous as the movie starts. I mean Alex know there is some really hot scenes and he says that he has no problem with it, but seeing it might be something else.

And I am wondering if any of Toms little tricks and wandering hands can be seen on the screen and will Alex notice that I am not faking that orgasm ?

"Wow baby that was really hot and sexy, but now I never know if you are faking, you are really good at that I can see". Alex leans down and whispers in my ear.

It is a good thing it is dark, because I know I am blushing, both from his words, but also from watching that scene. It really was intense and it seemed so real, not only the orgasm, it made me remember those times that were real.

"So you don't mind seeing my like that at all ?" I swallow, I would have hated it if I was him.

He just kisses my cheek and smiles at me. "Of course not darling. I trust you, I am just proud you did so well".

"Thank you". I say, feeling even worse, I really hate myself for cheating on him, and I have thought about telling him or breaking up with him.

"Wow Tom that sex scene was really intense, it was pretty clear that you two have serious chemistry. But how did you know she didn't fake when you were together ? I mean that was pretty convincing". Ben says as we are sitting in the car on our way to the party.

Oh that scene, seeing it had made me kinda hot. Remembering how close I had been to actually just fucking her right there, not caring that all those people were watching.

Before I can say anything Sophie sends me a stern look and says. "That was very convincing Ben, because she wasn't faking. Tom please tell me you didn't ?"

"Seriously ? How do you know ?" Ben looks at his wife and I am wondering if that is something women is able to tell.

She pads his leg, but her eyes are kept on me, waiting for an answer. "Women just knows Ben. Tom ? What happened shooting that scene ?"

"Well you don't really want to know... The director wanted us to be naked, and no you are right, she wasn't faking, but no I didn't fuck her on camera okay ?" I say blushing.

Ben is looking wide eyed and Sophie is shaking her head. "You know Tom, you better think of a good way to not tell the truth, because you are going to get asked a lot and there will be so much speculation everywhere about that scene".

I sigh, I really hadn't thought about that shooting the scene. I will need a charming and fun answer that doesn't give anything away.

Acting the fool (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now