chapter 28

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*Ashley's pov*

I walk down stairs with Tucker in my arms and put him down as soon as I got off the stairs and watched him crawl all over the floor. Shawn came in the living room and said breakfast was ready. I picked up Tucker and put him in his high chair. We finished eating and we designed to go for a walk. Shawn and I saw some people we use to go to school with. Their names are James and Charlie.

"Hey Ashley looking beautiful as ever." Charlie said.

"Thanks but we need to go."

They were the stupid jocks in school who use to bully Shawn for talking to me well Nathan and Mark were best friends with them too so all four of them would bully him. The only one that got a piece of Shawn was Nathan, and Mark got a piece of me. The other two stayed away from us because of how strong Shawn is.

"What's the rush?" James asked.

"Back the fuck up guys Ashley's mine. bitches and don't touch my kids." Shawn snapped at them.

"Kids. You don't have kids you have one kid not more then one." Charlie snapped back.

"You sure about that?" I glared them down with a death stare.

"We have another one on the way." Shawn finished for me.

"Shawn how did you get the most popular girl in our school? You were the nerd every single year until you and Ashley became friends."

"First of all I'm a better nerd then you two were. Second of all at least I got all A's and not bad grades like yours, and finally she liked me and I liked her." Shawn snapped very fortuitously.

The boys just look at us and walked off without saying a word.

"Well don't you think we should go home." I asked Shawn.

"Yeah I don't want to bump into other people that we know from school." Shawn replied.

By the time we got home Jacob and rose were going to our house.

"Hey guys." Jacob said.

"Hey." Shawn and I said at the same time.

"So Ashley what do you want to do today." Rose asked.

"I want to sneak in my mom's house one more time and get a few things that I left over there and start packing her stuff up. My mom's old house can be our party house so I'm not selling the house at all." I stated.

"Ok I'll help you ans the boys can watch our kids." Rose said.

"Yeah let me take Tucker." Shawn says reaching for ticker.

"Here take Ella." Rose gave Jacob Ella.

Rose and I walked to my old house where I made my memories at. Where I grow up at. We walked in the house and I went to my mom's room first. I grabbed her box of pictures of our whole family and friends. I spotted a picture I have never seen before. I picked it up and saw my parents and Shawn's parents as teenagers. I thought to myself. They knew each other before Shawn and I were born.
I mean my mom and dad could have met here and went to school here then moved, had me, had Emma, move back here when I was seven years old and met Shawn. I guess that how it worked I'm not sure tho. I'll ask Karen about it latter. I put the picture aside so I can show her. I started going though my mom's old stuff and found her ultrasounds of me and Emma. I packed them in a box and put them in our storage room. I went back and packed all of her clothes she used to wear and put them in three trash bags and put them up in the storage room. I go to her room again and there was nothing else I needed to pack but one thing caught my eye. I walk to her side of my bed and saw a journal the said Emily's memories. I decided to keep the journal with me since we get to keep whatever we want from my mom. I go to my old room and packed my favorite bed spread up to take to my new house for my kids to use if I have a girl.

This is my luck bed spread because my grandma gave it to me before she died. That was all I needed to pack in my room. I walk to Emma's old bedroom. And saw the picture I drew her for her 10th birthday.

I grabbed it and put it in a box to take to her and there wasn't nothing to pack after that the only thing we need to put in here was to put food and drank's in the kitchen for our parties.

I walk out and couldn't find Rosmeri. I test her.

*texting conversion*

Me: where are you?

Rose: I'm in the back yard why.

Me: you got me scared there for a minute. I'm ready to go come on.

Rose: on my way.

I put my phone away and rose came to the front. We walked to the Mendes house and I go in and walked to Emma's room to see her making out with her boyfriend Nick Jackson.

"Umm em. Here is your picture I drew you. The one that was hanging up at the old house."

"Oh yeah umm thank you very much." She said shyly.

"Nick don't do anything that will get my sister pregnant. I'm warning you." I said with my finger pointed at him.

"Ashley stop I'm not going to get pregnant like you did." Em says.

"Leave the door open because I don't trust you. Aaliyah." I called out her name.

"Yes Ashley."

"Can you keep a eye on Emma so her boyfriend won't do anything to her?"


"Thank you."

"Your welcome Ashley."

Once I get home rose and Jacob go home because their daughter was getting sleepy and I'm going to Josie's house.

I pack my clothes for two days.

"Bye baby I love you." I tell shawn.

"Bye I love you too babe."

He grabbed my hips and pressed his soft lips on mine for a long time. I pull away and kissed Tucker on the head because he's staying with Shawn. I walk out and went to Josie's. I knocked on her door and she opened it.

"Hey Ashley getting ready fir the big day two day from now?" Josie asked.

"Oh you have no idea." I said walking in.

I walk in and put my stuff down and got ready to go to sleep for the night.

Shawn Mendes~The Secret Box (book 2; squeal of BFTL)Where stories live. Discover now