Smeagol's Planses, Precious...

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     Rain was sleeping peacefully on the hard ground as Bogwater kept watch over her. Gollum decided this gave him a chance to turn the tables against Rain. Rain wasn't part of his plan, he needed her to go. She could ruin everything. Gollum had noticed that the Uruk had become very fond of the girl, and this would be bad news if... well... let's not get too far ahead.
    In the meantime, Gollum was perched on top of one of the nearby boulders, planning his words carefully. He had to play his cards just right for the Orc to come against Rain.
    "She wills never loveses you," he finally said.
    "What are you talking about?" the Orc snapped, glaring at the creature with narrow eyes.
     "She thinkses you is a monster."
      "I won't be for long," retorted Bogwater. What is this creature up to? The Uruk-hai couldn't understand how the beast was so against the girl coming along.
      "You maybes a human on the outsides, but you will always bes and orc in the insides," Gollum smiled slyly to himself, "At least that's what the girlsies toldses me, Precious."
     Bogwater felt a lump in his throat, "She really said that?"
     Gollum grinned innocently, "She did. Gollum, Gollum!"
     Bogwater looked over at Rain's sleeping figure. He had to admit he'd grown fond of her. She was clever, and witty. He was impressed at how long she had lasted living alone in Mordor. Not to mention her pretty blue eyes. A strange feeling of despair washed over him, did she really think he was a monster?
     Gollum laid down on the top of his boulder, smiling to himself as he fell asleep. His plan seemed to be working. Soon Rain would be out of the picture, and then he could get the ring back.... his precious.
     Bogwater slept very little that night. His mind kept spinning. He had to somehow prove to Rain that he wasn't a monster. If he found her parents would she be able to love him then? The Uruk sighed as he laid down on the dry grass., there had to be something he could do to get her to trust him.
    The next morning Rain was the first one awake. She stretched as she stood up, her joints popping from sleeping on the hard ground. She was refreshed and ready to go. Rain jumped from foot to foot, maybe they would get in a battle along the way, and she could show off her battle skills to her two new friends. Not that she had any, but she was pumped up. She'd never been to Rivendell before, and now that they were finally out of Mordor they would have a lot of fun the rest of the way.
    Bogwater heard Rain stirring, he slowly sat up to see what she was doing. The girl seemed to be jogging in place.
    "What are you doing?" he laughed at her antics.
    "I don't know, but I'm ready to go! Let's do this!" She kicked into the air before stumbling and falling face first onto the ground.
      Bogwater quickly stood and grabbed Rain's wrist, helping the girl up, "Are you okay?"
    The girl nodded, as she wiped the dirt off her face with her sleeve, "Yeah."
    Gollum was awakened by this commotion, yet continued to act as if he was asleep, to see if the Orc would finally get rid of the girl.
    The Uruk gave a hearty laugh, "You sure seem excited."
     "I've never been to Rivendell before, it should be fun," explained the girl, "Oh! Hey, do you think we will see an elf?! I've never seen an elf before, only in picture books as a kid."
    "I don't know," shrugged Bogwater, "Maybe."
       "I hope we do. I hope we get to meet one too, and maybe eat with them. I heard they have decent food. And they play pretty music during their meals. I've also heard tha-"
    Bogwater cut the girl off, "After I'm human, I want to help find your parents."
    Gollum's eyes shot wide open when he heard this, yet didn't move. The orc wasn't getting rid of the girl?
     Rain clapped her hands together when she heard this, "Really?"
    Bogwater nodded, "You helped me, I would like to help you in return."
    "Oh my god!" Rain threw her arms around the Uruk, "You're the best!"
    Bogwater knew she would be excited about the prospect of helping her find her parents, but he never expected this reaction from her. Rain's thin arms around his neck, and her face buried in his chest. Hope filled him, maybe the creature misunderstood. Maybe Rain didn't say that about him.
       Gollum on the other hand was angry. Very angry. He thought his plan was going so well, and now the Orc and the girl were hugging? Hugging! Of all things! This wasn't part of his plan at all, this wasn't good. If he allowed this to continue then everything he worked for would be ruined! Then he would never get his precious back!
     Gollum sat up quickly, "We needs to go!"
     The suddenness of the creature startled the two friends. They quickly pulled apart, a wave of embarrassment washing over them both. They hoped that the creature didn't hear all of what just happened.
    Gollum jumped down from his rock, "Yous still has the map?" he questioned. 
     Bogwater nodded, pulling it out from his pocket in his ragged fur pants.
     Gollum nodded his head in the direction of Rain, "Well? You cans read, yes, precious?"
      "Oh!" Rain still flustered from the creature's earlier interruption, "Right." The girl took the map from her Uruk companion. Unrolling it to figure out their current location.
      "Okay..." she mumbled to herself, "So we're around here... the nearest village is about 10 miles west. We could stop there for some supplies. Then we could cut through this forest here, as a shortcut. There's a river there... Oh! And there's the-"
     "Let's just goes!" snapped Gollum.
     Rain jumped slightly at his sudden outburst, did she do something to make the creature mad?
     Oh, she had no idea. Gollum was furious at her. Rain was not part of the plan. Not part of the plan at all. They would go straight to Rivendell, which wasn't actually where he was wanting to take the Uruk. The Uruk was just a protective mechanism. He just wanted him to think they were going to Rivendell so the orc would protect him while they where going the way he had originally planned!
      The Uruk felt the tension between the two, "Let's just get to the village, we can take just one step at a time." He tried to smooth things over.
    Rain nodded meekly, "Good idea."
     The trio made their way west. The tension in the air was awkward, and Rain felt as if it was somehow her fault. She probably shouldn't have hugged Bogwater. Maybe the creature had a thing against orc and human friendships? She didn't know, all she could do was try to lighten the atmosphere.
      "You know, when I was little, when my sister was just born," Rain reminisced, "My parents and I used to play a game when we had a long trip to take."
     "Oh?" Bogwater looked down at the girl, "What was it?"
     "We would pick something out that we saw, and give a hint about it. Like it's color or shape. Then the others would guess what it was. Whoever guessed correctly could get the next turn to pick something out."
     "Alright," Bogwater smiled, "You go first."
     "Okay..." Rain looked around at their surroundings as they walked along. She noticed a small bush with berries on it. "I see something that's green, with something good to eat on it."
     Bogwater studied the area around him, soon he saw a bush into the distance. It was green, with bluish berries on it. "The bush with berries on it?" He asked.
     Rain laughed and nodded, "Yep!"
    The trio ran up to the bush, picking off berries one by one and eating them.
     "These aren't poisonous, right?" Rain inquired, her mouth full.
      "No, they are blueberries. Anyway, if they were poisonous we would probably all be dead by now," Bogwater stated as he popped a handful into his mouth.
     Rain suddenly noticed another bush... and another. "Look, guys! They are everywhere!" The whole area was full of blueberry bushes.
     Pretty soon the trio were all sick to their stomachs of blueberries.

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