Death of a Demon

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Bogwater woke up as the Elves began to scurry around the ship. Rain was still sleeping peacefully in the hammock next to him. He smiled at the girl's sleeping figure, remembering last night's events. Did this mean Rain was finally his?
The Uruk was shook out of his thoughts as a throat was cleared behind him. He turned his head, Lorsan was standing next to the Orc's hammock.
"What do you want?" Bogwater demanded, not appreciating the elf taking his focus away from the girl.
"I lost the keys."
Bogwater stood up, "WHAT?!" he roared.
Rain was shook out of her deep sleep, jumping up and hitting her head on a rafter just above her hammock. She rubbed her head, "Ouch."
Bogwater rushed to the girl's side, "Are you okay!?"
"Yeah!" Rain nodded, "But why are we yelling!?"
"Lorsan lost the keys."
The girl shot up from her hammock, "WHAT?!"
Rain quickly turned to the Elf, "Are you serious? How did you lose them?!"

Lorsan lowered his head sadly. Man, he had really screwed up. Last night he decided to go to the lower part of the hull. The night before he had found a strange door which was locked. He went to see if any of the keys would open this mysterious door. He had almost tried all of the keys when a voice startled him, causing him to drop the keys. One of Blackbeard's pirates had found him.
"You have no business being here," the pirate sneered.
Lorsan stumbled over his words, "I-I was just looking for-"
The pirate bent over and picked up the keys, "Where did you get these?"
"Rain took them," Lorsan admitted. He had to get the blame off of him.
"She gave them to you?"
"She told me to do this," that was a lie. But anything Lorsan could say that would prevent him from walking the plank he would do.
The pirate walked away, "I'll have to speak to Blackbeard about this. You and your friend are in big trouble."

Bogwater snapped her fingers in front of Lorsan's face, "Hey! Pretty boy! Rain asked you a question."
Lorsan shook his head, trying to get his thoughts straight, "I'm sorry, what?"
Rain stomped her foot, "You idiot! How did you lose them?"
"A pirate saw me with them."
"What did you tell him?" Rain pressed. This was ridiculous. How were they going to help Havish now?
"I told him the truth."
Bogwater's eyes grew wide, "And what is the truth?"
"I told him Rain was behind it."
Bogwater lunged at the Elf, causing them both to collapse onto the floor. The Uruk had his hands around Lorsan's neck, "You little-"
Lorsan kicked Bogwater in the groin, causing the Orc to drop the Elf. Lorsan tried to crawl away but Bogwater grabbed the Elf by his long braided hair and pulled him back.
Rain jumped into the pile, trying to separate the two. Which was dumb on her part, because Lorsan ended up kicking the girl in the mouth.
"You jerk!" Rain cried, tackling the elf and slapping him repeatedly in the face.
A group of elves and pirates began surrounding the trio. The elves mostly stood in shock, the pirates began to cheer and make bets on who would win.
As the three continued to struggle, a gun shot ran out, causing everyone to turn to the source of the shot. Blackbeard.
"Enough!" cried the pirate, "Can someone please explain what the hell is going on here?"
Rain pointed down at the Elf she was sitting on top of, "He started it!"
"That's a lie!" cried a pirate. The one Lorsan ran into the night before, "You were the one who told him to steal the keys!"
Blackbeard looked down at the girl, "Is this true?"
Rain stood up, "Actually, I'm the one who stole the keys in the first place. Lorsan was just an idiot who lost the keys because he is an idiot."
Blackbeard frowned deeply, "I am disappointed in you Rain. I thought you were better than this. I thought we were friends."
"Well," Rain stuck her nose in the air, "You thought wrong."
         "Why did you steal my keys?"
          "For one thing, those are MY keys. This is MY ship and this is MY crew. You had no right to come aboard and try to take over. Not only that, but your pirates have been eating all the rations, drinking all the wine, and acting a fool. Pretty soon my elves will be starving. I had to do something. I am only trying to take back this ship." 
       "You are not capable of running a ship," Blackbeard argued, "You are just a girl."
       "And you are an idiot for thinking a girl can't run a ship," Rain retorted.
       Blackbeard suddenly seemed to transform in front of their faces. He seemed to expand and his eyes grew wide with fury. His skin seemed to grow darker, and his hair seemed to grow longer. It was almost like he had become possessed. He spoke with a deep voice, "Enough! I am the ruler of this ship! I am the ruler of EVERYTHING!"
       Even the Blackbeard's own men became shocked at this transformation. A darkness came over the ship, and a loud thundering shook the floor.
       One thought went through Rain's head.
      She had to kill this guy before he killed them all.
      Before she could go to do anything, however, the demon-pirate threw himself at his own crew. He grabbed at a pirate and twisted his neck around, Rain could hear a loud snap before the demon threw the dead pirate across the room.
      The demon-pirate's eyes met Bogwater's. This creature had to die. Blackbeard reached his hands out towards the Uruk, trying to grab for his neck. Bogwater grabbed at the Captain's hands and tried to force him back. The demon was too strong, however, and began to push back with full force. This caused Bogwater to slip, and the pirate-demon was able to grab the Orc by the neck. With a thundering voice he began to speak.

     Rain was in too much of a panic to hear what Blackbeard was even saying. All she knew was that he had Bogwater. He had her friend! What would she do?
     The rock.
     She pulled it out of her pocket where she always kept it. She looked down at it in the palm of her hand. There was no way it really had magical powers, right?
     "Alright, rock," Rain spoke to it, "I'm going to throw you at the pirate, and you're gonna do your magic thing and kill him. Got that?"
     The rock didn't say anything in return.

     But she thought she saw it flicker.

      Rain pulled her arm back, aimed, and threw it right for the Pirate's head. It hit smack-dab in the middle of his forehead and Blackbeard stumbled backwards. He let go of Bogwater as he fell to the ground.
       Rain thought that this would at least stop the pirate-demon from doing anything to her friend long enough so she could get a sword or something before he got back up. What happened next surprised everyone.
      The rock began to glow a strange blue color, then suddenly a strong flash of light filled the ship, blinding everyone. It took a while for Rain's eyes to re-adjust to the sudden flash. When she finally managed to blink her way out of her blindness, she looked to where the pirate had landed.
       He was gone.
       In his place sat the small rock on the floor of the hull. Not glowing anymore. As if nothing happened.
      The whole group was quiet, just staring at the rock in amazement. Then their heads turned to the girl who threw the rock, Rain.
       She grinned sheepishly.
       Bogwater got up from his sitting position and rushed to the girl. He pulled her into a hug, planting a kiss on the top of her head, "Oh, Rain."
        "I'm okay," she laughed.
       "I know," he smiled back at her, "But you saved me."
        "Oh, yeah, that," the girl blushed slightly. Did she really just kill someone? Rain felt a little guilty, she'd never killed someone before. It felt kind of bad to do that, but she knew if she hadn't, Bogwater could have been killed.
         Lorsan finally got up from the floor, he had been laying there this whole time. He was about to leave, when Bogwater grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "You need to apologize," the Orc demanded.
        "For what?"
        "First, you caused this whole thing in the first place, and second, for underestimating Rain's abilities."
       "Fine, I apologize."
       "Like you mean it!" Bogwater sneered.
       Lorsan frowned, turning to face Rain, "Rain, I am very sorry for causing this to happen. I shouldn't have ratted on you. And I'm sorry for underestimating you and for ever making you feel like you couldn't do something."
      "Alright," Rain nodded, "I forgive you." 
       Bogwater gave the girl another kiss, "And Rain, If I ever made you feel that way, I'm sorry too."
       Another Elf piped up, "I'm sorry too."
       "I'm also sorry," said a voice. Everyone turned. It was Havish!
      Rain got up and ran to her old friend, giving him a hug, "It's okay. I could never be mad with you."
      Havish patted her back, "Thanks Rain."
       Another pirate stepped up from behind Havish, "I'm sorry too. I think we are all sorry."
      And one by one, all of the elves and pirates took turns apologizing. They even started apologizing to Bogwater, for thinking he was bad.
      "I think we can all agree," said Havish, "That Rain and Bogwater should be the new co-captains of this crew."
       They others cheered.
      Rain and Bogwater both blushed.

      Maybe now they could finally get started on Elrond's mission.

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