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"We are so screwed."
The trio was now walking along the edge of a mountain side with snow covered tops. They were shaking with cold. Their teeth chattered and their lips were blue due to the cold.
"We have to get to an end of this mountain sometime." Bogwater sighed. It seemed as if they had been walking this same mountain for hours now.
"Just keep walking," Havish encouraged, "The moment we stop moving is the moment we freeze to death."
"Well, that definitely gives me peace of mind," Rain scoffed as she stumbled through the thick snow.
      "At least it finally stopped snowing," Bogwater smiled.
      "Would have been nicer if it hadn't snowed at all," retorted the girl.
     "Don't be such a butt," Havish teased, "You too young to be pessimistic anyway."

       Rain only rolled her eyes. She was tired of the cold. She was tired of the snow. She was tired of walking. She was just straight tired. They continued walking down the side of the mountain. Only a little bit further and they would be on, relatively, level ground again. Rain could see campfires in the distance, to the left of the mountain they had just finished climbing.
      Bogwater looked at her with worried eyes, "What's wrong?"
     Rain only pointed in the direction of the group of Orcs. One of the Orcs looked up to scan the area. He locked eyes with Rain. They were so screwed.
     "Run," she said.
     "What?" Havish looked around confused.
      Rain grabbed the old man's hand and pulled him through the deep snow as fast as she could. Bogwater followed behind. They ran as fast as they could in the opposite direction of the camp. Rain looked over her shoulder to see a group of Orcs chasing after them. One of them began pointing arrows in their direction.
    "They're gonna shoot at us!" the girl cried as she tried to pick up her pace. The old man was struggling to keep up. Rain grew increasingly worried about their safety.
     That's when the Orcs started shooting arrows. Thankfully, they were far enough ahead of them that the shooters couldn't get very good aim.
      "We can loose them in the woods up ahead," Havish huffed, his legs growing weaker.
       Rain nodded, thinking of the best way to loose the Orcs. They would be able to if-
     She then noticed that Bogwater wasn't with them. Rain looked over her shoulder one last time.
     "Oh, god."
     "What is it? What's wrong?" Havish cried nervously.
      Bogwater was fighting the archers. They were far enough from the camp that they would not draw attention to other Orcs. However, it was one against ten. Bogwater was outnumbered. "We have to help him!" Rain gasped.
      "Keep going!" Bogwater yelled as he pulled out his sword and began slashing at the other Orcs. "I'll catch up!"
      Worry filled Havish and Rain, but they obeyed their friend. The two ended up reaching the snowy forest, and they collapsed behind a large oak tree. Rain gasped for breath as Havish began writing in his journal.
     "Wh-what are you doing?" the girl asked.
     "Writing what's happened so far, of course," huffed Havish, "If we die I at least want our dramatic and romantic deaths to live on in people's hearts for the rest of eternity."
     "Oh, god," Rain ran a hand through her hair, "Bogwater's out there by himself." She was worried for her Orc friend. What if he got hurt? What if he died? She couldn't loose him! Not like this! It wasn't fair!
     Havish looked over at the girl, who seemed to be panicking. He wasn't sure how to comfort a young panicking girl. He'd never dealt with that before. Havish was suddenly glad that he'd never married. He wouldn't be able to handle a panicky woman. He'd be dead by now.
      Rain didn't say anything more, but sat there on the ground pulling at her hair and breathing fast paced breathes. Her palms were sweaty and her hands were shaking. Was Bogwater going to die? She had lost so much already, her home, her family... she couldn't bare to loose her friend too!
     Bogwater in the meantime was fighting furiously. He knew that if he lost this battle, the remaining Orcs would soon find Rain and Havish. He couldn't let his friends die. Not now.
     He stabbed at one of the Orcs, causing him to fall over with a cry, soon dying from blood loss. The Orcs took their swords out and began fighting back. It was nine against one. Swords clashed and loud curses shook the ground.
     "You traitor!" spat one of the Orcs, Bogwater recognized him from the Uruk camp, "How could you side with  the enemy?"
     "Rain is not an enemy!" roared Bogwater as he slashed the other Orc's head off. The eight remaining Orcs stood in shook for a moment, then attacked Bogwater with full force.
    Bogwater fought back with everything in him. He was always good at sword fighting. He was the best of the best. Bogwater had trained many a new recruit.  This was the first time he ever fought against his own kind, however. It killed him. He wanted them to understand they didn't have to follow Saraon, that they could choose how to live their lives. Orcs rarely listened to reason though. They were fully obsessed with fighting and training.
     Thanks to Bogwater's skills in sword fighting, he was able to defend himself easily. Even with eight other Orcs against him. His plan was to wear his enemies out. Then, once they started to let their guard down, kill them off one by one. The plan worked. The Orcs had recently spent many hours training for battle, after setting up camp under the mountain. They were also a bit drunk since after training they would take turns drinking the Uruk ale. As soon as one of the Orcs let their guard down, Bogwater took his sword and cut them down. One by one the Orcs fell, and soon he was the only left standing.
    He felt a pain in his leg, but he had to make sure Rain and Havish were okay. He hobbled over to were he saw them run. His sword dripped with blood, leaving a trail in the snow behind him. Was it just from the sword though? That was a lot of blood he was leaving behind. Bogwater felt dizzy, but he kept walking. Soon he saw Rain and Havish sitting behind a large oak tree.
    "Bog!" Rain cried out as she saw her friend coming towards him. She got up and ran up to her friend, throwing her arms around him, "You're okay!"
    "Ow," he grunted. He felt a sharp pain in his leg as the girl hugged him. Rain looked up at him with wide eyes.
    "You're okay, right?"
     That's when he collapsed onto the ground. Blood was pouring out of his leg! He thought he had blocked all of the other Orc's swings. Was he going to die before he got a chance to be human?
      Havish came running up to the two. He saw Bogwater collapse to the ground.
      "Oh, my god!" he cried, "That's a buttload of blood!"
       "What do we do?" Rain questioned franticly.
      Havish began digging in his pockets, pulling out a small knife, "Find me two strong sticks. Hurry."
      Rain ran into the woods, looking frantically for two sticks. Havish began cutting some fabric off of the hem of his pants, making long strips. "Don't worry, Bogwater," the old man comforted, "I won't let you die. You still gotta get married to Rain. Can't have you dying on her before y'all married."
     That's when Bogwater passed out.

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