Fortune and Zombies

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Rain was the first off of the ship after the death of Blackbeard the Pirate. They buried the man he had killed in the sand next to the sea, leaving a small cross and a gold coin on top of the grave. Blackbeard must have been disintegrated by the flash, because on closer inspection, around the area of the rock were piles of ash. An Elf scooped the ashes up and dumped them over the edge of the boat into the seas, never to be remembered.

Rain was now trying to climb a strange looking tree to get to some strange looking fruit. The likeliness of this having any purpose to help the fight against Sararon was slim, but she was hungry.
Havish was sitting on an old stump, drawing pictures and making diagrams of their surroundings. He was very good at this job, and he was good at giving Rain commands to fetch local plants and such for him to study.
Bogwater was in charge of the Elves and Pirates. He had them all out looking for anything they could find. Then they would give what they found to Havish to study. Whatever Havish demeaned important they would take back to Rivendell with them for Elrond. So far they had several new exotic fruits, a couple of strange rocks and sticks, some leaves, and a couple baby trees. There seemed to be no life forms on the island, except for the tribe of tigers that they had encountered earlier. However, these tigers preferred to come out of their caves at night, so the explorers had not worry about that.
Bogwater approached the girl struggling to climb the tree. "Rain?"
"Yeah?" she huffed.
"There's plenty of food down here, ya know."
"Yeah, but..." Rain furrowed her brows as she pushed herself further up the tree. Her foot slipped, and she fell from the tree. Thankfully, Bogwater was there to catch her.
"Seriously Rain, sometimes I wonder what I'm going to do with you," he smirked.
Rain rolled her eyes at the Uruk, "Pft. Whatever."
He held her close, burying his face in her hair, "Whatever."
"What are you doing now?" the girl asked.
Bogwater shrugged as he ran a hand through her thick hair, "I dunno."
She smiled, "You're funny, you know that?"
"Yeah. You're always doing something like this."
"Because I love you," he smiled down at her.
Rain blushed, "I love you too."
He kissed her forehead, "That's all I've ever wanted to hear."
Havish popped his head out from behind a tree, "Finally!"
The two both jumped around to see their old friend smiling at them.
"Have you been there this whole time?" Rain felt her cheeks grow cherry red.
"Of course."
Bogwater rolled his eyes and sat the girl down on the ground, "Did you want something, Havish?"
"Well, yeah. You could say that."
"What's wrong?" Rain questioned.
"Uh, well, you see. Lorsan is missing."
"What do you mean, missing?" Rain blinked.
"He's been gone for a couple of hours now and no one has seen him."
"Well, this is fantastic," Bogwater sighed sarcastically.
"What do we do?" Rain asked.
Bogwater grinned, "We could leave him here."
Rain playfully slapped her friend's arm, "Be nice!"
Bogwater stuck his tongue out at the girl.
"I already got a search party ready," Havish explained, "We just need your word."
"Alright," Rain nodded, "Lets go look for this Elf."

Havish went to go tell the Elves and pirates to tell them they had Rain's permission to search the island for the elf.
Rain and Bogwater went on their own way through the dense jungle. Lorsan had to be around here somewhere, right? How come he always got them into trouble? This was crazy.

Absolutely crazy.

Rain stomped through the muddy forest floor. Absolutely ridiculous.
"Are you mad?" Bogwater questioned, noticing her angry stomps.
"Of course I am, Lorsan knows better than to go off by himself like that. He'll end up being killed.

Oh, she had no idea. She had no idea of what lied in the island jungle.

They stomped through the forest, taking their sweet time. There wasn't really anything to worry about, right? He just got lost. He probably ended up pulling one of his stupid tricks again.
Stupid stupid stupid. Rain had a really bad feeling about this.

Soon they came across a sort of fountain. A fountain in the middle of the jungle? Now Rain really had a bad feeling about this. There was strange lettering etched along the top of the fountain, in a foreign language. Rain recognized the language, Elvish, which she had learned only a few words of.
"Rain, what does this say? What does it mean?" Bogwater questioned.
Rain narrowed her eyes, trying to translate, "Drink... of the... uh, fountain, of, fortune? If you... dare?"
"I think it's the fountain of fortune."
Bogwater looked at her, "But the last part, if you dare? What does that mean?"
Rain only shrugged.
A snarling noise echoed around the area. Out of the shadows came... Lorsan?
"Oh my god."
It was Lorsan, yet he was completely transformed. His skin was an ugly green color, his eyes were glassed over. He walked strangely, slowly, towards them.
Bogwater grabbed Rain by the arm and repeated, "Run! Run!" He lead her through the forest. Lorsan stumbled after them.
Other similar 'ceatures' came chasing them through the jungle, seemingly out of nowhere. Rain and Bogwater recognized some of these people from their crew. Pirates and Elves alike. Rain and Bogwater only ran faster. They had to get to Havish.
"Havish! Havish!" cried Rain as they forced their legs forward.
An old man came out from behind from one of the trees, "What? Did you find the elf?"
"In a way," Bogwater huffed, grabbing the old man's arm and pulling him forward, "Now run!"
Havish looked over his shoulder to see what exactly was it they were running from.
"Oh, shit."

The three ran as fast as their legs could take them. Other Elves and pirates were also running from the infected creatures. Some of them would fall, only to be attacked by the creatures and dying a painful death.
"Stupid stupid stupid," Rain felt tears streaming down her face. How could they fall for that stupid fountain? It had if you dare written on it for crying out loud! It was obviously a trick! Now they were being chased by those who used to be their friends. What would they do?
"We've got to get to the ship and get the heck outta here," Bogwater said through fast breaths.
"I'll say," Havish agreed.
They only ran. That's all they could do.

As they got closer to the ship, a row of tigers sat waiting for them.
"Get out of here!" Rain cried, "You'll get hurt!"
The tiger who gave the girl the rock only shook his wide head, "No! We can handle this, go! We've fought against their like before!"
Rain could only obey.
The trio ran up into the ship, other elves and pirates came running up as well. The Tigers began to pounce on the possessed people and rip them to shreds.
"This is crazy!" Rain felt tears soak her cheeks as she watched those who once were their friends be killed.
Once the other un-infected crew members all came aboard, Havish and Bogwater set off to pull up the anchor of the ship. Soon they were being pulled away from the island by the pull of the current. Rain could only watch in shock as one-by-one her crew members fell.
The Tigers had won. There were no more possessed people trying to harm the tiger tribe. All of them had either their heads ripped off or their organs torn out. A cheer came out from both the Tiger Tribe and Rain's crew. Rain, however, was still trying to hold back sobs. Her friends had died today. Lorsan had died.
The Tiger King stood on his hind legs, waving with his paw to Rain. "Goodbye, young girl! Remember what I told you about the stone!"
"I promise," the girl cried back, waving back at the Tiger King, "Goodbye!"

And soon the ship and what was left of the crew drifted off back to sea.

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