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Bogwater woke up at dawn. Rain was still sleeping in the wet grass beside him. He was worried about her. Yesterday was a rough day for all of them, but especially for her. He still was curious about what she had been so distracted with. It wasn't like her to be so quiet. All he knew was that it had something to do with the creature.
The Uruk-hai looked around curiously. Where was the creature? He was no where to be seen.
The creature was searching for food for himself. There was a river a ways ahead of the two sleeping friends. Gollum sat, watching fish swim by. He wondered why Rain had been acting so strange lately. Was she on to him? That just gave him more reason to get rid of the girl. If the girl had somehow figured out his plan, it was only a matter of time before she would tell the orc.
Gollum gagged as he thought about the Orc. If he didn't need the Orc for protection, he would have gotten rid of him as well. Orcs disgusted him. What was even more disgusting was the Orc's obvious attraction to the girl, Rain. The girl was disgusting in her own way. Of course she was pretty, all girls her age usually were, but her ruining
his plans infuriated him. Disgusting.
The whole situation was disgusting. He had to find a way to get rid of the girl for good.
Rain felt terrible. She had no idea what to do. Should she tell Bogwater? Or would he think she was lying? If she broke the trust between them she would be devastated. And what if she was wrong about the creature? It would be wrong to blame him for something he didn't, or wasn't, going to do. If she was wrong, then they would both be mad with her. Then she would be kicked out of the group to fend for herself. What would she do then? Go back to Mordor?
Rain was awake all night thinking about these things, Bogwater and the creature had no idea though. They thought she was asleep. The girl couldn't sleep though, not with her thoughts all in a jumble like this. Rain's thoughts went back to her old life. When it was simpler. How she missed those days. Tears fell down Rain's face, like water droplets. Bogwater was asleep through all of this. He was sleeping peacefully next to her. She could feel his warm breath hitting the back of her neck. It was her only comfort through the night.
Rain felt Bogwater stirring beside her when it was dawn. He was awake.
Bogwater gave up looking around for the creature. It was pointless, Creature would show up again eventually. Like he always did. The Uruk looked back at the sleeping figure beside him. He didn't know she had been crying all night. When he noticed tears running down her cheeks he scooted quickly over to her.
"Rain! What's wrong?"
She shook her head.
"Are you hurt?"
She shook her head again.
"Is it your family?"
How did he know? She nodded.
Bogwater's heart hurt for his friend. He pulled the girl into a hug, "Its okay to cry."
"I-I miss them."
"I know," the Orc patted her back, "I'm sorry."
Rain looked up at him, tears in her eyes, "Why are you so caring?"
The Orc shrugged, "Saraon must have made a mistake somewhere making me."
The girl laughed, wiping the tears away from her face. Bogwater sighed with relief, she would be okay.
"We are such a mess," Rain shook her head, smiling.
"A beautiful mess," Bogwater gave a crooked smile.
Rain tilted her head at him. What did he mean by that?
"What are you doings?" snapped a voice.
The two jumped around. It was the creature. Why did he always have to do that? Rain rolled her eyes in irritation before pulling away from Bogwater and falling back into the grass. If he did it again she swore she would...
"We needs to go."
Good god, Rain groaned to herself before getting up off of the ground. Popping up out of nowhere was annoying enough, he didn't need to be so bossy on top of it.
Bogwater was slightly annoyed himself. Now he had to deal with the tension between the girl and the creature. He just wished they could all get along. He wished he knew what had happened between them. He couldn't help but feel left out.
Rain looked over at her Orc friend, "Do you have the map?"
"Oh... yeah." He took it from his pocket and handed it to the girl.
"We coulds just shows you the way-"
"No!" Rain snapped at the Creature. He would lead them right into a goblin nest or a pit of snakes. He couldn't be trusted. She felt anger swim in her gut, heating up her face.
"She scares us!" the creature hid behind Bogwater.
"Look, let's just calm down," the Uruk tried to reason with the two, "We won't get anywhere if we start fighting."
Rain looked down at the map, ignoring him.
The creature began pulling on Bogwater's cloak, "Let's just leave her."
Bogwater gave the creature an irritated look. He slunk back away from the Orc. It was always a bad idea to make an orc mad. He knew he couldn't risk that.
"There's something wrong with this map," Rain frowned at the piece of paper. Some things weren't on it. As if whole towns and mountains had been erased.
"What do you mean?" asked Bogwater.
"Stuff is missing," she explained, pointing at a spot to show him, "There's mountains here but they aren't on the map."
The creature rolled his eyes, "What does she knows?" He had tampered with the map himself, to make sure that if they did follow the map, they wouldn't make it to Rivendell. He had done it before originally giving it to the Orc, hoping that if he could read a bit of it, they would still get to where he needed to go to find his precious. If they got rid of the map, and found a different one, they would surely get to Rivendell.
"I used to live there!" she snapped, "I know that there are supposed to be mountains there."
"Alright, calm down. We can find another map," Bogwater said calmly.
Rain sighed, "There should be a tavern nearby somewhere. The taverns usually have maps."
"Alright, then we will go there."
Rain nodded, looking down at the ground. Her face felt hot, her stomach felt sick. She just wanted to get to Rivendell safely, but it seemed like the creature was leading her to her death.
Bogwater took the girl's face in his hands, forcing her to look up at him, "We'll be okay. I promise."
Rain nodded again, feeling a bit better at his words. She was still suspicious of the creature, but she felt that Bogwater wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.
"Come on, lets go find another map."
Rain sighed, tossing the map to the ground, it was worthless now. Bogwater took her hand as they walked through the field. He didn't want her to fall behind like yesterday and get hurt.
Gollum's face downturned into an ugly frown. He followed behind the two, feeling sick to his stomach. He just had to find a way to get rid of the girl. She was ruining everything he worked for! This was bad. Very bad.
They came across a small village, it was a lot smaller than the village they were chased out of the other day. The buildings were small and make-shift. It reminded Rain of her old village. It was just like how she remembered it before the Orcs attacked and burned it down.
"Bog! Put your hood up!" Rain suddenly noticed that he still hadn't put it up over his face yet.
"Oh, right." He pulled it over his head, covering his face. "So, do you know were the tavern would be?"
Rain looked around, noticing a drunk man stumbling out of one of the buildings, "Yeah. Found it."
"Where did the creature go?" Bogwater asked as he followed Rain up to the building.
Rain shrugged, "He'll show up eventually." He always did.
The two walked into the tavern. The smell of ale and smoke hit their noses. Rain took a deep breath, it smelled like home.
Rain walked up to the bar, a man was busy cleaning an ale cup.
"Excuse me," she tried to get the bartender's attention.
The man looked up at the girl. He smirked, "Yeah?"
"Do you happen to have a map I could have? Our old one got messed up." Rain explained.
Rain nodded in the direction of Bogwater, who stood with his arms crossed over his chest.
The man gave a small frown, "Ah. Well, I guess I could spare a map."
"Oh! Thank you!" Rain exclaimed happily.
"On one condition."
Rain frowned. What? This didn't sound good.
The man leaned over the counter, a sly smile spread over his face, "Why don't we have some fun? You know, I haven't seen a pretty girl like you around in a while."
What?! Rain's eyes grew wide as the man's hand caressed her cheek.
In a flash, the man's hand was ripped away from her face and twisted awkwardly onto the counter. Rain could hear a loud snap come from his wrist. The man cried out in pain.
Rain looked up to see who the culprit was.
"Never touch what isn't yours," Bogwater spat.
"I-I'm sorry," the man's voice shook.
"Give us the map. Now."
The man pulled his arm away. It was definitely broken. He rushed into the room in the back.
"What...?" was all Rain could muster out.
The man came back with a map in his good hand. He shakingly handed it to Bogwater.
"Thank you," the Uruk snatched it out of his hand. He grabbed Rain by the wrist and pulled her out of the tavern, letting her go as soon as they were out.
"Oh my god, what just happened?" Rain asked, still shocked.
Bogwater didn't say anything as he marched out of the town. He was pissed.
Rain hurried after him, "Are you okay?"
"No!" he snapped. He didn't know why he was so mad. He didn't understand what he was feeling. He was confused and hurt.
Rain stopped in her tracks. Was he jealous that the man in the tavern tried to... well... you know. A grin spread on her face. He was! She couldn't help but feel happy.
"You were jealous!"
"No I wasn't!" But he knew he was.
She laughed before running up to him and hugging him, "Thank you. For, you know. Keeping him from-"
"Don't even say the word!"
Rain couldn't help but tilt her head back in laughter, "I can't believe you broke his arm!"
"I can't either."
She pulled back from him, shrugging, "Well, at least you got the map."
"Probably the only good thing about this sick place."
Rain shook her head at him, she'd never seen him so mad before.
"As soon as I'm human, I'm coming back here and beating that guy's ass," Bogwater sneered.

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