Dead Fish and Broken Hearts

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The group soon left Havish's small village. Rain took the lead, using her map to guid them. She was excited to finally be able to walk again and go on their journey. Her four friends followed behind her. Havish was recording every bit of the journey in his diary. He felt like he was a part of something important, and he was excited to be traveling to Rivendell once more. Bogwater was amused with the old man's excitement. Havish would talk for hours on end about the majesty of Rivendell and his own adventures to the Elven kingdom. This in turn fueled Bogwater's own excitement. He couldn't wait to get to Rivendell and finally be human. Then maybe he would have a chance with Rain.
      Gollum just couldn't understand how his plan went so wrong. Now they had another member to their company, and Bogwater was even more in love with Rain than before. Gollum was angry and disgusted, with himself and with Rain. There had to be a way to get rid of the girl. Getting rid of the old man then would be a piece of cake.
     A lightbulb went off in Gollum's head. A sly, devilish smile spread on his pale, sickly face. Finally, a plan that could work.
     Looking up from her map, Rain spoke up, "You know, if we make it to the Gorge Valley tonight, that makes the halfway mark to Rivendell."
     "We're so close," grinned old man Havish, "I can almost hear the Elven flutes."
     "In a few days I'll finally be human," mused Bogwater, "I'll be able to have a normal life."
      Rain nodded slowly. Her thoughts wondered off into the future. Sure, she wanted her friend to be happy, but she couldn't help but begin to reconsider what they were aiming to do. Would Bogwater still be the same kind Orc, or would his heart and soul change with his outside appearance? Rain knew that humans were selfish, greedy, creatures. She didn't want her friend to become like the men in her village, those that only cared about having lots of gold, fancy things, big houses, and the prettiest wives.  That was why her old love left her, to marry a prettier girl.
      "Are you okay, Rain," asked Bogwater, noticing the sad look on the girl's face, "You got quiet."
     Rain shook her head, "I'm fine." However, her heart felt as if it was in the pit of her stomach. If Bogwater was human would leave her for a prettier girl too?
     Havish's stomach gave a loud rumble. "I'm hungry as hell, we got any food?"
     Rain couldn't help but laugh. She looked up to the sun, "Well, it is about lunch time."
    The group decided they should take a break for a small snack. Rain had some bread and cheese in her tote bag, which she had stole from the festival at the one village. They sat under a large oak tree, to protect them from the harsh sun. Rain dived up the bread and the cheese, handing a portion to each of the members of the group.
    "Yuck!" Gollum gagged, "We don'ts eat that food!"
     Rain groaned irritatedly, "What will you eat then."
     "We don't have any fishes... I mean fish," Rain snapped.
      "Wes will goes to river."
      "Is there even a river around here?" asked Bogwater as he bit into his bread.
      "There's a creek nearby, I remember passing it when I went to Rivendell last time," remarked Havish.
      Gollum quickly got up, running into the distance to look for the creek.
       Rain rolled her eyes as she chewed on a chunk of her cheese. It had a sharp, tangy flavor. Bogwater studied the girl's face as she ate. It was funny how her cheeks would fill up like a chipmunk's as she chewed. He couldn't help but laugh at her.
     "What's so funny?" Rain asked, her mouth still full.
     "Your face looks like a chipmunk's when you eat."
     Rain swallowed, furrowing her brows slightly, "Well..."  She tried to come up with a snappy comeback, but all she could do was frown.  
     Both Havish and Bogwater laughed, Rain's facial expressions were very amusing. Especially when she was angry.
     Rain exclaimed in exasperation, "Stop laughing at me!"
     "You're just so cute!" teased the Uruk.
     Rain covered her face in her hands, turning as red as a tomato, "Don't tease me!"
     "I can't help it!" argued Bogwater, laughing.
     The girl pushed some stray hairs behind her ear awkwardly. She couldn't help that she was embarrassed. He called her cute after all.
Gollum soon came running back to were the group sat, a fish wiggling in his mouth. He sat down beside Rain and began to punch the fish repeatedly, soon killing it. Rain winced and looked away as he bit into the fish's bloody head. Blood gushed out of the fish as Creature pulled the head off with his teeth.
"I'm not hungry anymore," Rain said, putting her bread back into her bag.
"I'm done too," Bogwater shuddered as Creature spat out fish bones onto the ground.
Havish stood up, "I can't watch that shit any longer. Let's go."
Rain stood up as well, "I second that notion."
"I third it," Bogwater agreed, also standing.
The three of them went on their way, leaving the creature and his fish behind. They ended up passing through another small village, however they agreed it would be best not to stay the night. Rain stole some more bread for their trip, but they left before nightfall. The group set up camp for the night just a little outside the village. Rain passed each of them an apple and a slice of bread for dinner. It wasn't very filling, but they decided it would be best to ration out the food so that it would last longer.
Creature found them again a little after the sun had went down. The trio were already fast asleep on the soft ground. Rain had fallen asleep a bit aways from the rest of the group, using a tree root as a pillow. Gollum decided it would be the perfect time to carry out his plan to get rid of the girl.
He slunk over to were Bogwater slept, carefully pulling the map out of the pocket of his fur pants. The Orc always kept the map close to him when Rain was finished with it, so not to loose it. Gollum crawled over the where the girl slept, tearing the map into tiny pieces. He planned on blaming it on the girl, the Orc would be devastated and refuse to work along side her any longer. She would be kicked out of the group, then all Gollum had to deal with was finishing off the old man.
Rain was awoken by the sound of tearing paper. She looked up, wondering what was going on. The girl saw the creature sitting beside her, tearing the map into small pieces.
"Hey!" Rain sat up, "What are you doing?!"
Gollum jumped up at the sound of her voice. He sneered at her, "Getting rid of you, precious."
Gollum jumped on top of the girl, his grimy hands went around her neck, squeezing with all of his might.
Rain struggled back, tears welling up in her eyes. The creature was strong for his size. She couldn't breathe. Rain tried to push him off, but her sight began to get fuzzy. Her lungs burned in want of air. Was she going to die?
Bogwater woke up with a start. He had dreamed about the burning village again. The Uruk rubbed his eyes sleepily, trying to shake the feeling of sadness off. He then heard a loud grunt. He looked up to see the creature on top of Rain, his hands around her neck. He was choking her! Bogwater stood up and ran over to the two, pulling the creature off of the girl.
"What are you doing?!" he yelled with a booming voice.
Rain couldn't say anything, red welts formed on her neck as she tried to gasp for breath. Her vision faded in and out.
"We saws the girl tearing up the map," fibbed the creature, "we had a to do something! Gollum, Gollum!"
Bogwater looked over at Rain, next to her was a pile of tore up paper. It was the map. "Why?" A feeling of betrayal washed over him.
"We heards her talking, that she would never love an ugly creature. That you would still be ugly on the inside, precious. She was just using you to get outs of Mordor!"
The Orc dropped the creature onto the ground. He couldn't believe his ears. He trusted the girl! He protected her, he gave her his love! "Why would you do this Rain?"
Rain couldn't help the tears falling down her face. The creature was trying to turn Bogwater against her! "It's... it's not true," Rain managed to cough out. Her voice was hoarse.
Bogwater shook his head, pointing at the tore map, "But what's this?"
"I swear... I didn't do it!" Rain cried out, her heart fell to the pit of her stomach. He would kick her out!
Bogwater rubbed his face with his hands, his own tears rolling down his scarred face, "I-I don't understand. We were friends. I... I loved you!"
All Rain could do was sob pitifully. Her heart was breaking once again. Rain should have saw this coming, she never trusted the creature. Now she knew why. This was the creature's plan all along... to turn Bogwater against her.
Havish was awoken by the sound of Rain's sobs. "The hell is going on?"
The creature explained, "We caughts Rain tearing up the map, precious."
Havish was confused. He didn't think Rain would ever do something like that. He knew how much she loved Bogwater... it just didn't make sense. However, he had only just met Creature, and he had noticed that the creature had hard feelings against the girl. "You're lying."
Creature pointed once again to the torn map beside Rain," We has proof."
The old man waved his arms up and down, "I'm confused as shit!"
Bogwater just shook his head, he didn't know what to believe. The Uruk walked off sadly. His heart hurt, this was the first time he had ever cried. Havish ran up to the Orc, "You don't really believe she did it, do you?"
Bogwater used the sleeve of his cloak to wipe the tears off of his face, "Let's just go."
Rain cried out with a hoarse voice, "Don't leave me here!"
Bogwater's face turned cold. The Uruk spoke to the girl one last time, "Goodbye, Rain."
Bogwater ignored her, walking deeper into the woods. Creature gave the girl a sly grin before crawling after the Uruk-hai. Havish looked around in confusion before finally running after Bog and Creature.
Rain was alone once again.
She sobbed hot, ugly sobs. She never thought this would happen. The girl coughed, rubbing her sore neck. What would she do? Where would she go? Rain felt her vision go in and out once more. She passed out just as she felt a pair of arms pick her up gently.

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