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      The Marywell soon landed in a shallow bank. Next to the bank were large trees and a stone path that was covered by elaborate stone arches.
I climbed out of the boat as quickly as I could. My heart raced with excitement. We finally made it. I looked over to Bogwater and Havish, "We made it!"
Havish was next to climb out of the boat. A smile broke out over his worn face. We both began to help Bogwater out of the boat, taking him by his arms and heaving him out. Havish and I slowly lead the Orc down the stoned pathway. Bogwater looked weak and frail. I couldn't help but worry over him. Ever since he got hurt he seemed so out of it, like his mind was fading in and out.
We had hardly made it halfway down the path when Bogwater's leg collapsed underneath him. Havish looked at me with a worried frown as he crouched down next to the Orc and studied his wound. It was red and irritated, puss forming around it. "Oh, god."
I looked at Bogwater with wide eyes, he was wincing in pain.
"We've got to get help," I said, looking back at Havish.
Havish nodded, "Run, find Elrond. Tell him Havish is here and needs help. He knows who I am."
I didn't question him. I ran as quick as I could down the stone path and up a long staircase. A arm grabbed me from behind, turning me briskly around. I was faced with a tall, slender man with long auburn hair that was braided down his back. It was an Elven guard. A handsome one at that. He frowned at me, "Who are you?"
I panted, "I need Elrond. My name is Rain and my friend is hurt badly. Havish sent me."
The Elf's bright green eyes grew wide at the mention of the old man. "Follow me," he said as he lead me through a type of long corridor. It lead into an extravagant room, which looked out to the great mountain tops. It looked to be a sort of meeting going on. A tall Elven woman, another Elf man, and an old man with a funny looking hat and walking stick were all sitting at the table in the middle of the room. They looked up at us as we came in. The Elf who lead me here gave a deep bow, "I apologize for the interruption, Lord Elrond. This girl says Havish sent her for you."
The three at the table exchanged worried glances. The tall elven man with long brown hair topped with a silver band around his forehead was the first to stand. I assumed this was Elrond. What is your name?"
"How do you know Havish?"
The real question was how did he know Havish but I didn't say that. He could have me beheaded or something after all. I furrowed my brows, should I tell him everything? I decided that if I wanted my friend to be helped, I would have to admit his secret of being Orc. Hopefully this wouldn't backfire on me.
I took a deep breath and began, "Ok, well, I snuck into Mordor looking for my family who was taken, right? So I was looking around this Uruk camp and got caught by a Orc." Elrond's eyes grew wide at this, but I continued, "Anyway, he said that he wouldn't kill me if I helped him get to Rivendell. Which is were we are now. So I asked him why he wants to go to Rivendell and he talks about this magic door that can turn him human. So I am like okay that doesn't seem too bad. But then we get out of Mordor and I almost drowned and ate by these giant spider things and this Orc is always having to save my stupid butt and I probably bug him but I can't help it because I've always been accident prone, you know? So this one time I break my ankle on a root- it turns out to be an Ent- and the Ent guy takes us to this village to get help. We find this old man, that's where Havish comes in, who ends up helping us and long story short the Orc guy gets stabbed in the leg and now it's infected and I think he's dying and I would really like your help."
The Elf guard looked up at me from his bowing position, "An Orc?"
"What is Havish thinking, trying to bring an Orc here?" Elrond look over at the female Elf. She answered him in Elvish, a small grin forming on her pale lips.
"It is like him," laughed the old man with the funny hat, "He's always getting us into trouble."
Elrond shook his head and looked back at me, "Show us were the old man and Orc are."
I obeyed, leading them to where I had left my friends. Bogwater gave me a weak grin as I crouched down next to him, "You okay Rain?"
"Am I okay? You should be more worried about yourself," I laughed.
Havish stood up, embracing Elrond, "Long time no see. How are you, old man?"
"I'm fine, the better question is what is going on? What were you thinking bringing an Orc here?"
Havish shrugged, "Bogwater isn't bad if that's what your concerned about."
"He's an Orc," Elrond argued, "Of course he is. It's in his nature."
Anger burned inside of me, how dare he! I stood up, turning straight towards him, looking him in the eyes. "Listen here mister. I don't care if you are the king of the entire universe. Don't you dare say anything bad about my friend! He's saved me multiple times and he's smart and kind. I demand you help him!"
Elrond eyes grew wide, he looked over at the other two elves and the old man with the hat for support. The guard Elf looked down at the ground. The other two exchanged looks then began to laugh.
"She's just like Havish," said the other old man with laughter.
Elrond sighed, "Fine. I'll help him, but as soon as he's healed, he has to go."
"Fine!" I snapped, "We wouldn't want to stay here with a jerk like you in the first place!"
Havish put a hand on my shoulder, "Calm down, Rain. He's agreed to help us, don't make him change his mind."
"I'm only doing this because I trust you, Havish," Elrond said, "Don't make me regret it."
I fumed. Who did this guy think he was anyway? The king of the elves or something?
"Yes, my Lord," bowed Havish.
I looked at Havish with wide eyes. What? Did I just yelled at the king of the elves? I was such an idiot! I facepalmed myself with a groan.
Elrond turned to the guard Elf with the long auburn braid, "Help the Orc into a room. I will meet you there with my spells ready."
"Yes, Lord," bowed the Elf. He went over to Bogwater and heaved him up off of the ground. Havish took the other side of the Orc and helped the Elf balance him.
I followed behind them nervously. I hoped with everything in me that they could help my friend. He couldn't die yet! He still hadn't accomplished his dream of being human.
They laid Bogwater down on a big white feather bed in a large room. It was a beautiful room, full of beautiful ornaments and Elvish decorations. I sat in a chair next to the bed as we waited for Elrond to return. Bogwater closed his eyes, succumbed by his intense fever. Elrond came in with the Elf woman with beautiful blonde hair. The old man with the hat stood in the doorway. Elrond and the Lady Elf began chanting in Elvish. It was an ancient healing spell. I saw the wound begin to disappear as they chanted the spell, soon all that was left was a small scar. Relief filled me. Bogwater would be okay.
"Thank you," I looked up at the Elf Lord.
He nodded, "We must let him sleep now. Come, we must talk about what has happened."
The group of us went back into the room where I originally met Elrond and his company. He sat down at the table with a sigh. "You spoke of a door."
I nodded, "Yeah. To turn Bogwater human. That's why we came in the first place."
Havish also nodded, "Yep! It took a while bu-"
"Such a thing does not exist."

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