Lick My Face

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Havish stretched as he made his way down the bunk bed. It was morning. He was heading to check on the rest of the crew. The old man made his way across the wooden floor and swung the door of the Captian's Room wide open, expecting to get covered in a layer of snow.
But there was none.

Havish stood there a minute, blinking his eyes. No snow?
"No snow!" Havish exclaimed joyfully. He ran back over to the bunk bed and began to shake Rain awake, "No snow! No snow!"
Rain groaned and sat up in bed, "What are you yelling about now?" She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
"No snow!" Havish repeated, pointing outside.
Rain's eyes grew wide. She got up and ran over to the door, staring blankly at the cloudless sky. A grin spread on her face. No snow!
Havish cheered and rushed over to the girl, picking her up off the ground and spinning her around, "We made it! We made it!"
Rain cried out joyfully, "No snow!"
"We should tell the others!" Havish exclaimed, setting the girl down and rushing out to tell everyone the good news. Rain went over to her sleeping friend, Bogwater. He was still sick, but maybe the good news would help him to feel better. She placed a kiss on his cheek before whispering in his ear, "We made it, Bog. We made it out of the snow storm. All we need now is for you to get better. Please get better."

She grinned as she heard the cheers coming from outside the room. Rain went outside to see a group of elves and pirates rejoicing on the deck. The pirates started to sing and dance. One of them even grabbed one of the tall female elves and kiss her on the lips. Rain laughed at this.
Havish rushed over to the girl when he saw her and took her by the hands. The pirates were singing a loud, fast paced, song. Havish, recognizing the song from his days of pirating, knew the dance that went to the song. Rain followed his lead.
Soon the elves awkwardly began to follow the old man's moves. Elves weren't all that great at dancing to fast folk songs, so it was humorous to watch them try to follow along.
That's when, in the far distance, something caught Rain's eye.
A mountain peak?
She stopped dancing, shaking Havish by the shoulders and yelling over the singing pirates, "I think I see land!"
Havish yelled back, "What?"
Rain forced the old man to turn around and pointed at the mountain peak.
Havish yelled again, "Everyone stop!"
Everyone stopped in their tracks. The pirates stopped singing and the elves stopped dancing.
The old man pointed at the peak, "There's land!"
"Is it our home?" questioned one of the Elves.
Havish nodded, recognizing the mountain peaks as the ship inched closer, "It's definitely Rivendell!"
The whole group cheered loudly. Some of the elves even began to cry tears of joy.
They wouldn't die out here.
"Hurry everyone, get ready to land!" Havish encouraged. They obeyed, rushing about to ready the remaining supplies and whatnot.
Rain turned to hurry back to the Captain's room where she left Bogwater. She couldn't wait to tell him.
As she turned she ran into something hard and fell backwards, only to by caught by a strong pair of hands.
"What's all this commotion about? I was tryin' to sleep!"
Rain looked up at her savior. Bog! The girl wrapped her arms around her friend's neck, "You're alive!"
"Of course I'm alive. There ain't no reason for me to die yet."
"You were sick," Rain looked at him with curious eyes.
"I am sick, but that don't mean I'm gonna die. I can't go and die before we even get engaged yet."
Rain raised an eyebrow, "Engaged?"
"Yeah, that's what people in love do, right?"
Rain nodded.
"Then why don't we do it?"
Rain narrowed her eyes at him, "You're joking... aren't you?"
"Maybe." He smirked.
She slapped him, "You turd!"
The Orc gave a bellowing laugh, "I only wanted to see your reaction."
"Damn!" Havish looked disappointed, "I thought y'all really were gonna get engaged."
"I don't even have a ring," Bogwater laughed, "You can't get engaged without a ring."
"Why not?" Rain asked.
"It... well... that's just not how it's done."
"We don't have to do it like everyone else," Rain frowned.
Bogwater looked a little in shock, like he knew where Rain was heading, "What are you getting at?"
"Why can't we get engaged without a ring? It works just as well without a ring as it does with one. I'll prove it," she gave a nod of determination, "Bog, will you marry me?"
"I-I-I... uh... it's... I mean, you, it's not, I just..." Bogwater went on stumbling over his words.
"Well?" Rain pressed.
"Don't you think we're going a little too fast? I mean... we only just met like five months ago."
"Just answer the question."
He sighed, "Yes."
Rain grinned, "Smart choice."
He rolled his eyes, "You were joking, weren't you?"
"Damn it!" Havish stomped his foot, "I hate you both."

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