Orc in the Kitchen

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Bogwater stretched as he got up from the bed, joints popping. Rain was still sleeping peacefully. Her hair was puffed up at weird angles. She moved around a lot as she was sleeping, sometimes even kicking the Orc awake. He didn't mind though, he thought it was endearing.
His stomach rumbled loudly, he had not ate a lot at dinner the night before. Bogwater was too busy thinking angry thoughts toward pretty boy Elf. He felt a little better now though, but he was still worried that Lorsan would still go after Rain. Rain was his. The Elf obviously didn't care about that though.
His stomach rumbled once more. The Orc decided he should find some food. Bogwater quietly tip-toed out of the room, as not to wake Rain and Havish. He snuck down back into the hull of the ship, looking around for a kitchen where he could cook something warm for himself and his friends. He ended up going down a sort of long hallway. There was a door at the end of the hallway, which he opened. Inside was cooking utensils and a small furnace. Bogwater decided to warm up some bread and porridge. He made sure to make enough for his other two friends as well.
     "What are you doing?"
     Bogwater didn't have to turn around to know it was Lorsan.
      "I'm making breakfast for Rain."
      Lorsan sniffed, "Actually, I was going to do that."
       Bogwater turned to face the elf, "I'm sorry, but I already made a portion for both of us."
      "I insist," the Elf took the spoon from the Orc's hand, "Rain must be feed by me."
     "Why?" Bogwater questioned, "Can't she feed herself?"
      "She's a girl, she needs to be taken care of."
     "She can't take care of herself?" Bogwater frowned. Rain had been able to live for months alone in Mordor. She didn't need some arrogant elf to take care of her.
       "No, you just want her to yourself."
       "Well, it isn't like I want to share!" Bogwater retorted, snatching the spoon back out of the Elf's hand.
        "How dare yo-"
         "How dare me?" Bogwater exclaimed, "How dare you! You're the one who's trying to take Rain from me!"
       "What makes you think Rain wants to be with an ugly Orc?" Lorsan retorted. There wasn't a chance on earth Rain could actually like such an ugly beast like that! Lorsan felt that Rain was meant to be his, not Bogwater's.
     That's when Bogwater swung his arm back and punched Lorsan in the eye, sending the elf falling to the floor. Bogwater grabbed the porridge he had warmed up, put it in a big pot, and stormed out of the room. He marched up the stairs and back to the room where he had left Rain and Havish. He swung the door open and slammed the pot onto the desk with a loud thud.
     Rain sat up, her hair sticking up in places, "Bog? What's that?"
     "I made breakfast."
      Rain furrowed her brows as Bogwater plopped down on a stool next to the desk, crossing his arms across his chest. "Are you okay?"
      "That stupid Elf thinks he can just get away with everything!"
     Rain laughed, "What did Lorsan do now?"
      "He was trying to insist on feeding you breakfast!"
      Rain couldn't hid the snicker that came out of her lips, "What did you do?"
      "I punched him."
     Rain stood up with wide eyes, "Really? You punched him?"
       A wide smile formed on Rain's face, "Bog!"
       Bogwater shrugged, "He asked for it."
     Rain began to brush her hair with the tips of her fingers. She was worried that Bogwater had only made the situation worse, but she couldn't help but think it was slightly funny. She wished she was a fly on the wall when it had happened. Seeing and majestic Elf fall down on the floor would have been funny. Rain approached her friend and put a hand on his shoulder, "Don't let Lorsan get to you. He just doesn't understand."
      Bogwater looked up at the girl, "Thanks Rain."
      Havish yawned, stretching up from his bed. He crawled down to the floor and ran over to the pot of porridge, using his hands to eat it.
     "Havish!" scolded Rain,"Use a spoon, what are you? An animal?"
      "Hey!" Havish frowned at her with a full mouth, "I'm hungry, okay? That Elf food sucks!"
      Rain laughed at her friend, "It's really not that bad."
       "There's no meat! No cakes or jellies! No protein! Only vegetables. Salad! Salad everywhere!"
       Bogwater shook his head with a laugh, "I think you're overreacting, Havish."
      "Am not! It's a travesty! They are starving me!"
     "Did you hit your head on something?" Rain asked, "You are acting strange."
      "No," Havish sat down on the bottom of the bunk bed, "Just hungry."
      "I'm hungry too," Rain nodded as she took a spoon and began to scoop up some of the porridge. The porridge was nice and warm. It tasted sweet, almost like sugar. It was cinnamon-y too, which gave it a little bit of a kick.
      "Wow!" Rain grinned as she took another bite, "This is great, Bog!"
      "Thanks," Bog smiled. He had lost his apatite with the situation with the Elf, but at least someone was there to enjoy it.
      "I was thinking," Havish started, "Since we're obviously the outcasts of this little voyage, we should start a mutiny and become pirates."
     Rain spat out her porridge, it landed across the table on one of the maps. "What?!"
       "Rain!" scolded the Orc with a laugh, "Stop always spitting your food out!"
     Rain ignored her friend, turning to the old man, "Did you say we should become pirates?!"
     "I was only joking, I wanted to see if you would spit your food out," Havish said with a mischievous twinkle in his dark brown eyes. "But, if you really want too..."
      "I mean, pirates are cool and all, but what about Elrond?" Rain questioned.
     "Elrond, Smelrond. He wouldn't care. He lets me do all kinds of stuff."
      "Like what?"
      "Well," Havish contemplated this, "He did let me bring an Orc into Rivendell and get away with it. That was a bit of a shock in itself."
      Rain was confused, was he being serious? Pirates? "Are you being serious? Pirates?"
      Bogwater laughed, "Havish! Stop teasing her, look, you made her all nervous."
      Havish smiled, "Sorry! It's just fun to see her get all worked up over things."
     "So, you aren't serious about being pirates?" Rain frowned with a confused look.
     "Only if you want to be pirates."
     Rain stomped her foot, "Oh! Stop it! Now you're just being mean!"
     Havish laughed, "Sorry!"
     "Although, being a pirate would be fun," Bogwater gave Rain a little glance.
      "You guys are just trying to get us killed!" Rain argued, "We can't be pirates!"
     "Why not?" questioned the old man.
      "Well, for one thing, you are an old man who bullies people for fun. I'm a girl who doesn't have any fighting skills and is terribly clumsy, and Bogwater is an Orc with a temper problem."
     "I don't have a temper problem."
      Rain rolled her eyes, "Tell that to Lorsan."
     "What? What happened with Lorsan? What did I miss?" The old man pressed for information. This would be juicy.
     "Bogwater punched him in the face."
     "What?!" exclaimed the old man, "Why?"
       "He kissed Rain," explained the Orc, crossing his arms back over his chest with a huff.
     "He kissed Rain? Where was I?"
     Rain shrugged, "Don't ask me. You were busy trying to boss around the Elves I suppose."
      "The little turd!" Havish slapped his leg with his hand, "I can't believe he did that!"
     "I couldn't either," Rain blushed, "It was awkward."
      "It was even more awkward for me when I caught them," Bogwater scoffed with frustration. Just thinking about the way the Elf forced himself on Rain made him furious.
      "Well, dang! I just miss all the fun!" Havish pouted.
        Lorsan came running into the room. A black bruise was already forming around his eye.
      "Uhh... we have a problem."

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