Havish Meets Gollum

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Rain was getting better day by day. Havish and Bogwater with helping her to start walking around the little shack-house a bit every day. Her foot would still hurt sometimes, but it was much better than when she had first broke it.
Bogwater and the old man were getting along surprisingly well. Especially considering how in the past Havish was part of Gondor's army during the first Orc Raids. They would sit at the kitchen table and exchange jokes and stories and little bits of wisdom. Bogwater was extremely smart, and was picking up how to read easily. Since Rain could do little to entertain herself, she had suggested that she teach her friend to read. Bogwater was excited about this notion, and quickly agreed. It was only a week since they started their 'lessons', but Bogwater was already beginning to read short children's stories and easy little poems. Rain was proud of her friend, he was working hard to learn. It was fun to teach him too, she had come up with a little game to help teach the Orc. With every word he successfully read without any stutters or mistakes she would give her friend a small award. Usually it was little berries she had found outside Havish's house. If he was doing extremely well, and got several words in a row, she would give him an apple slice. This gave Bogwater extra motivation to practice.
Of course, this amused Havish. He was fascinated by the relationship between the two. When the two would have their lessons, he would sit near the window and write in his little notebook. Bogwater and Rain had no idea what he was writing about. They thought it was a diary of some short. Havish instead was writing about Bogwater and Rain. He found Rain's teaching method interesting for one. If he could get a book out to the world, proving Orcs weren't just brainless killers, it could be life changing for many. Havish also noticed that Bogwater's and Rain's relationship was a very complicated one. Rain had a habit of running up to the Orc and hugging him. Bogwater could stare at the girl for hours shamelessly. However, they both seemed to deny that they had any kind of feelings for each other. Havish wrote this down too. He also wrote down a lot of the conversations the two had. One of his favorites went a bit like this:

      "Bog (Havish had noticed the girl called him that for short), when will we leave for Rivendell?" asked Rain.
    "Not until your foot is better," Bogwater stated, sitting down at the kitchen table.
    "But it is better!" argued Rain.
    "You can't even walk, Rain."
    "UM," the girl scoffed, "Yes I can! I'm a better walker than you!"
    "Oh, really?" laughed the Orc.
    Rain frowned at her friend, "Yes!"
    "Prove it."
     The girl stood up out of her chair in defiance. Immediately she fell to the floor in a heap, hitting her head on the sand floor, "Ow..."
      Bogwater rolled his eyes, "Told you!"
      "Stop rubbing it in and help me up, you jerk!" the girl cried out from the floor.
    "While you're down there I guess you could sweep."
     "Excuse me?" 
    Bogwater grinned at his little friend as he helped her up, "It's nothing really. It's just that you leave so many crumbs around your chair that I-"
     Rain stomped her good foot, blushing, "Oh! Shut up!"

     It had been a week and a half since Rain first broke her ankle. Havish and Bogwater both sat at the kitchen table, eating a small snack and talking about Rivendell. Rain walked into the room, reading one of Havish's books about birds. As if it was a normal thing for a girl with a broken foot to do.
    Bogwater and Havish looked up at her in shock. Did she heal overnight? How was she walking?
     Bogwater spoke up first, "Rain, you're walking!"
      Rain looked confused for a moment, "Huh?" then she looked down at her feet. "Oh... yeah, I guess I am."
     The Orc shot up from his seat in excitement, "You're walking!"
      "Uh, yeah we just went over this." Rain pressed her lips together.
       Bogwater picked the girl up joyfully, then spun her around in a circle, "You're okay!"
      Rain laughed at her friend, "Of course I'm okay!"
The Uruk couldn't help but place a quick kiss on the girl's smiling lips. He was so happy that she was better, now they could start on their journey again!
Once he realized what he had just done, he set the girl gently onto the floor. "Sorry," he said quietly before he rushed out of the cabin in embarrassment.
Havish quickly began writing in his Love Diary, which he had named it one afternoon while recording an incident a few days ago.
"Uhh... what was that?" Rain asked to no one in particular. Her face turned to a cherry red.
Havish ignored her. He was too busy writing.
Bogwater was pissed again. At himself this time. He couldn't believe he actually did that. There was something seriously wrong with him. An Orc just can't go around and end up falling for a human girl! It was against the laws of nature! Anyway, it was stupid of him to even think he had a chance. Hell, Rain would probably end up going back to the Tavern with the creepy pervert guy after this is over. He kicked at a bush outside Havish's house, it fell over. The Uruk gave a loud angry groan, see? He broke everything he touched! What made him think he wouldn't hurt Rain?
A flash of pink skin caught Bogwater's eye while he studied the ground angrily. He looked up. It was the creature!
"Where the hell have you been?" Bogwater snapped. He'd been gone since before Rain broke her ankle! How can he just show up now?
"No ones buisness, precious," huffed the Creature.
"What are you doing here?" asked the Uruk-hai.
"To goes to Rivendells, of course!" grinned the creature sheepishly.
"Well, you're just in time," sighed Bogwater, "We're probably about to leave."
Rain suddenly peaked her head out of the door, "Bog... are you o-" she frowned once she noticed the creature, "Oh." She still didn't trust him at all.
Bogwater turned his face away from the girl, still embarrassed, "He's asking when we will leave."
"Now, of course!" Havish's head popped out next to Rain. The old man then raised a busy eyebrow at the creature, "The hell is that thing?"
Rain snickered, trying to hid her laugh with her hands as Gollum stared Havish down.
"This is Creature," introduced Bogwater, "He was the one who told me about the magic door that world turn me human."
"Well, then, nice to meet you Creature."
Creature turned his back to the old man in a huff, "Creature is going now. Who will comes with us?"
Rain ran into the cabin, grabbing her bag of supplies before coming back out again, "I'm ready! Let's go!" She pumped her fist into the air.
Havish and Bogwater shrugged at each other, an amused smile on both of their faces.
This was the start of a new adventure.

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