Stealth Missions and Secret Kisses

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Rain, Bogwater, and Lorsan laid in their hammocks until they knew for certain that everyone else was asleep. Once they were sure, they slunk down out of the hammocks, going over to a corner of the hull to whisper their plan.
"Follow me," Lorsan hushed as he lead the two down a sort of hallway. At the end of the hallway was a pirate guard, fast asleep. There was a small chest next to the pirate, and in the pirate's hand was a key to said chest.
"We have to get that key," whispered Lorsan, "Then we can open the chest and get the other keys."
This was Rain's job. Her nimble fingers were perfect for getting stuff out of tight places. Rain tiptoed quietly to the sleeping pirate, hand out reached. She carefully slipped her fingers in the pirates' closed hands. He mumbled in his sleep as the girl slipped out the key, quickly placing a wad of paper inside to replace it. She grinned at her friend's in her apparent success, holding the key up in the air like a trophy. They both gave her a thumbs up. Rain then scooted over to the chest, carefully inserting the key into the keyhole. She turned they key until she heard a little 'click'. The girl opened the lid of the chest, sure enough, inside was a ring of keys. She didn't know which one would open the door to the captain's room, so she just took the whole ring. Then Rain shut the lid as quietly as she could. The girl tiptoed as fast as she could over to were her friends hid in the shadows.
"Good job, Rain!" congratulated Bogwater with a grin.
Rain smiled broadly, giving a small bow, "Thank you, thank you."
Lorsan interjected, "So how do we get into the captain's room? We can't do it now, with them sleeping and all."
"Right, so the moment they both leave the room, we go in," Rain explained.
"Okay, and what happens if you get caught?" Lorsan asked.
Rain narrowed her eyes at him, "Me?"
"Yes you. I'm not about to sneak around in someone's room. There's no telling when they would come back."
"We'll figure that out later," Bogwater frowned. This elf was causing more problems than actually helping. "Right now let's get out of here before the pirates realize they lost the keys."
So the three began to sneak back over to where the others were sleeping peacefully. Lorsan was a bit of a ways ahead of the other two, ready to get back to sleep. He thought this plan wouldn't work, and he didn't want to be the one that got caught. Bogwater decided that this would be the perfect time to get Rain alone. He wanted to talk to her about her parents. So when Lorsan was out of sight, Bogwater took the girl's arm and pulled her over into a corner.
"Bog, what's wrong?" the girl was a bit surprised at this action.
"I wanted to talk to you. About your parents. When do you think we should go to find them? I want to make my part of the deal whole."
Rain's face fell, "Oh."
The way the girl's face clouded over concerned the Orc. Usually when they talked about her parents her eyes would be full of hope. "What's the matter? Did something happen?"
Rain bit the bottom of her lip before sighing, "When I died, before the tiger brought me back to life, I think I went to the afterlife. I saw my parents and my sister there."
Bogwater's heart fell to the pit of his stomach, "What? What do you mean?"
"Bog, they're dead."
The sad look in the girl's eyes only confirmed the news. Bogwater pulled the girl into a tight embrace, "I'm so so sorry, Rain."
Tears fell over Rain's cheeks, wetting the Orc's cloak, "I miss them."
"I know. I wish I could have helped you find them. I'm so sorry."
Rain pushed back from the embrace, wiping the tears off of her face, "It's okay. I'll be fine."
"Are you sure?" Bogwater looked down at her with worried eyes.
Rain nodded, "Yeah, I'll be okay."
Bogwater smiled down at her admiringly. She was so strong.
Rain tilted her head to the side, "Why are you smiling?"
"You're just so brave, Rain. Even when everything seems to be against you."
The girl laughed, "You're always feeding my ego."
The Uruk laughed as well, "There's my favorite laugh."
Rain looked down at the floor, a deep blush formed on her face. Why did he always have to get her all flustered?
Bogwater's face fell, "What's wrong?"
Rain shook her head, still blushing, "Its nothing, really."
"Rain, seriously, tell me what's going on in that head of yours."
She pressed her lips tightly together before replying, "Every time you say something sweet like that I get all flustered. I can't help it."
Bogwater let out a hearty laugh, "You're such a cutie."
Rain flapped her arms up and down in frustration, "Seriously! Stop it!"
Bogwater bent down and placed a quick kiss on the girl's nose. Rain gave a sharp gasp at this action, her eyes growing wide. "Wha-what?"
The Orc only shook his head at the girl. A sly smile on his lips. He turned to head back to the hammocks but a small cry stopped him.
He turned back, "Rain?"
In a flash a pair of thin arms wrapped around his neck. Rain had flung herself at her friend, burying her face in the crook of his neck.
"What are you doing?" Bogwater asked with a chuckle.
"I don't know," she said, "I just felt like it was the right thing to do."
Bogwater grinned to himself, "I kinda like it."
Rain rubbed her nose against the side of his cheek, "Yeah."
"Awe, now I really like it."
Rain pulled back to look her friend in the eye. Wait, were they just friends? Or was it something... more? She frowned at this thought.
"What are you thinking now?" questioned Bogwater.
"It's just..." she hummed in thought, "How do I word this? You know how we were friends when we first meet? Well, do you think that it's something more now?"
Bogwater shrugged, "Do you want it to be?"
Rain only shrugged in return.
"I would like it. Only if you want to, of course."
        Rain raised an eyebrow, "You've always wanted that though, haven't you?"
        Bogwater looked away, biting his lip before replying, "Yeah."
       "Bog, look at me."
       He obeyed, staring back at her with his reddish colored eyes.
        "Why didn't you ever tell me? That you wanted something more?"
        He sighed, "Why would you want to be with an ugly beast like me? You are the prettiest girl I've ever laid eyes on. You could have any man, elf, dwarf, even hobbit, you wanted. I didn't think I'd ever have a chance."
        Rain shook her head with a laugh, "You aren't an ugly beast, Bog. You have the kindest soul. That's why I love you."
       Bogwater's eyes grew wide, "Really?"
       Rain nodded, "Really, really."
      He smiled brightly. This was all he ever wanted to hear, and now he had his deepest wish. Maybe they could still be together, even though he wasn't human or elf or dwarf or hobbit.
     He was so happy he couldn't help himself. He set Rain's feet firmly on the floor and took her face in his hands, leaning over and placing a firm kiss on the girl's lips. What surprised him the most was when she started kissing him back. His heart beat fast against his chest. It wasn't a rough kiss like when Lorsan forced himself on Rain. It was a soft, gentle, kiss. When they finally pulled back, a wide grin was on Bogwater's face.
     "I really liked that," Bogwater gave a deep sigh.
     Rain's face was rosy, her heart pounded, "Yeah."
       Bogwater placed a small kiss on the girl's forehead. He'd never felt this happy before. This was the best thing that had ever happened to him in his sad little existence.
         Rain laid her head on the Uruk's shoulder with a yawn, "I'm tired."
         The Orc picked the girl up bridal style, "Alright, let's get you to bed, sleepyhead."
        "I can walk!" laughed Rain as he started to carry her down the hall.
        Bogwater shook his head, "Okay, sure. Maybe you can, but I'm still gonna carry you."
        Rain rolled her eyes at him, "You're crazy."
        A sudden thought rushed through Bogwater's brain, "Speaking of crazy. What happened to those keys?"
        Rain's eyes grew wide, "Oh."
       They looked at each other for a moment before nodding, "Lorsan." 

  A/N: Was that too much fluff too soon? Idk anymore. I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

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