The Pirate Takeover and Sand Angels

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     "Ridiculous," Rain sighed in frustration.
      She and Bogwater were sent to the hull to sleep. They were given extra hammocks to hang from the rafters. Rain was in the middle hammock. Bogwater and Lorsan were on either side of her, in their own hammock. Blackbeard and Havish had kicked Rain and Bogwater out of the Captain's Room. They even went as far as to lock the door behind them. They had pulled out all of the Elvish wines and spent the night telling jokes and sharing stories. It was like some short of testosterone only sleepover. Which didn't make sense to Rain because she was pretty sure Bogwater would fit in the category of having testosterone. She couldn't argue though, Havish had already pushed them out before she had a chance to bring that fact up.
     "I can't believe that we were kicked out," Bogwater groaned.
      "I can't believe that they took all of the wine!" Lorsan exclaimed.
      "The wine is the least of our problems," Rain scoffed, "We've got to find a way to get rid of these pirates. They'll ruin everything!" 
        "How?" Bogwater questioned.
        "No idea," Rain shrugged.
        Lorsan turned over on his side, "Let's just get some sleep before we decide anything. I'm pooped."
        Rain agreed, "Good idea."
       While Lorsan slept, Rain thought over the day's events. How could they get anything done with these drunk pirates? Rain was wide awake for what seemed like hours. Could they even trust Blackbeard? It seemed odd that all of the sudden he seemed to be running the show. She couldn't sleep with all these thoughts floating around in her head.
       Bogwater turned on his side to face Rain, "Are you asleep yet?" he whispered.
       "No. Are you?"
       Rain moved her head to the side. Bogwater's eyes stared back at her. "I know it's mean," Rain sighed, "But I have a weird feeling about Blackbeard."
     "I don't like him," Bogwater frowned, "He kissed you."
     "Only my hand," Rain tried to stifle a laugh, so she wouldn't wake any of the Elves.
     "Still, he shouldn't have done that."
     "That's my job!" Bogwater retorted.
      Rain blinked, a slight blush forming on her cheeks, "What do you mean?"
      Bogwater reached over and took her hand, placing a kiss on the side of her thumb. "Get some sleep, Rain."
Rain felt the blood rush to her face, "Wh-at?"
Bogwater only smiled, shaking his head at her as he laid on his back, "Goodnight."
Rain reached over and took Bogwater's hand back in hers, "Night."
She continued holding his hand all while they slept.

Lorsan was the first to awake. A loud, thunderous cheer had shaken him from his deep slumber. The other elves were also shook awake. Lorsan hurried out of his hammock, not even noticing the other two, still hand-in-hand. The Elf stumbled up the stairs to the deck of the ship. There were the pirates, singing songs and drinking the entire stash of Elf Ale.
Blackbeard stood up on a barrel full of apples, "Yesterday we were reunited with an old friend. He has agreed to join alliances with us. We are now combining our crews in the pursuit of gold and riches!"
Lorsan spoke up, looking straight at Havish, "You can't do that! It's Rain's crew, not yours!"
Blackbeard fell backward, spilling apples across the floor of the deck.
Havish scoffed, "I can too! Rain isn't capable of running a crew, she has no idea how to do things!"
The other pirates began to laugh loudly, the whole lot of them. "Right?!" "A girl can't run a ship!" "She's just a child!"
That was just some of the insults directed to Rain. Lorsan fumed, he had to talk to Rain and Bogwater. He ran back down to the hull of the ship. The other elves looked to him for an explanation. Rain and Bogwater stood at the front of the group, their arms crossed. "Well?" Rain pressed.
"Havish promised Blackbeard an alliance. They combined our crews."
"He can't do that!" cried one of the female Elves.
"Right," Rain agreed, "I thought I was the captain here?"
"Apparently not," Lorsan frowned. "Blackbeard is in control now."
"I don't understand," Bogwater scratched the top of his head, "Why would Havish do that?" It didn't make sense to the Orc. What was the old man thinking?
Rain sat down on a nearby stool, "I don't know. It seems so rash."
Lorsan walked over to the girl, placing a hand on her head, "Hey, we'll figure it out. Don't worry."
Bogwater pushed the elf to the side, "I agree."
Rain looked at them with a raised eyebrow as the two exchanged an angry glare. "Okay, but what do we do in the meantime?"
Lorsan looked at the other elves, "What do you say?"
The elves mumbled to themselves for a minute before one of them looked up with a confident nod, "We'll do what Rain thinks is best."
A huge grin formed on Rain's face, "Really?"
Lorsan nodded, "We're with you, Rain. Let's get rid of these pirates."

Blackbeard came running down the steps of the hull. "Get ready everyone! Land ahead!" Once he finished his drunken speech, he marched back up to the deck.
The Elves all looked to Rain, what would she say for them to do now?
Rain thought quietly for a moment, contemplating her options. It seemed to her the best choice would be to wait it out until they are back aboard the ship. The pirates could be an advantage if they come across a violent people.
"I think we should wait until we are aboard the ship again. Then I think we should try to turn Havish against Blackbeard. Once that happens, Havish will be on our side again, then he will break the alliance."
Lorsan nodded, "That's actually a pretty good idea."
"Why do you seem so surprised?" questioned Bogwater. It irked him how Lorsan acted as if Rain was some sort of frail doll who couldn't make any of her decisions.
Lorsan ignored the Orc. He smiled down at Rain, "We should get prepared."
Rain stood up and nodded, "Right."
The Elves rushed around, getting their weapons, food, and other supplies. Lorsan went up to the deck of the ship, the pirates were already preparing to land the ship in the island's coast. It was a beautiful island. Lush trees dotted the sands and tall mountains stood in the distance.
The pirates successfully anchored in a small bay, surrounded by tall cliffs for protection. They unloaded most of the supplies, although not very carefully, since they were still extremely drunk.
Bogwater helped Rain down to the white sandy beach. As soon as she had her feet in the sand, she fell on her back and flapped her arms and legs up and down.
"What are you doing?" Bogwater laughed at the girl's antics.
Rain stood up and moved away from the indent she made in the sand. "It's a Sand-Angel."
Bogwater studied it with an amused look, "A Sand-Angel?"
Rain nodded, "Yeah! You make one!"
"What? Me?"
Rain took her friend's arm and pulled him to the ground, "All you have to do is lay on your back and move your arms up and down."
Bogwater laughed and followed her instructions, "I look ridiculous."
Rain made another one next to her friend, "Now we both do!"
They stood up and looked down at their sand creations.
"Look," Rain pointed, "They turned out pretty good!"
Bogwater looked at the girl, smiling, "I've never made one of these before."
"Well, you did pretty good for a first time!" Rain grinned.
"Thanks," Bogwater grinned back.
They were interrupted by a hacking cough. The two turned.
Rain's face fell as soon as she saw him, "Can you tell me why you sold my ship and crew?"
"Technically it's Elrond's ship," the old man retorted.
"Technically," Rain said with a sarcastic tone before becoming serious again, "Elrond left the ship in my care."
"It's just a little inconvenience for now," Havish explained, "It's just for a little while until I know you have more experience."
Rain was taken aback, "What?"
"Part of the agreement was that Blackbeard teach you how to run a ship."
"Wait a minute," it was Bogwater's turn to speak up, "I didn't get a say in this? Rain can't be left alone with that pompous jerk!"
"Well," Havish rolled his eyes, "What do you suggest?"
"I just think th-"
"It's too late to think anything, I signed a contract," the old man stated.
"A contract?" Rain cried.
"In my own blood."
"Without us?" the Orc exclaimed.
"Of course without you, ya'll just get in the way of everything," Havish scoffed.
"Are you sure that was a good idea?" questioned the girl.
Havish shrugged, "I was drunk."
"He got you drunk just so you can sign the contract!" Bogwater figured.
"No, he's my friend. He wouldn't do that."
"I think he would, he's a pirate!"
"And you're an Orc!"

A loud noise startled the three. They turned around to the source of it.
Was that a tiger?

"Oh, man," Rain ran a hand through her thick hair.

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