In Which Bogwater Nearly Kills Gollum

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Rain awoke enveloped in branches and leaves. For a moment she sat peacefully, listing to the beautiful songs of the two blue birds which sat on a high branch above the girl. The girl bluebird sat on a nest of little bluebird eggs. The boy bluebird was bringing the girl food and singing to her.
Rain gave a sharp gasp as she remembered the events of the day before. Fresh tears stun her eyes, causing her vision to blur.
"Little girl, awake?" questioned a deep voice.
Rain looked around, then noticing that she was being carried by her Ent friend, Treebeard. "Oh! Treebeard!"
"Hello, dear one," greeted the Ent with a kind smile.
"Ho-how did you find me?" Rain asked.
Treebeard slowly walked along the forest floor, "I...had been watching you... to see if you were better...I saw what happened."
"Then you know that I didn't tear the map?"
Rain grinned to herself, "Thank you!" At least someone was on her side. She was so worried that she would have to go back to Mordor and be by herself once again. Rain didn't think she could handle the lonely trip back.
"I am taking you to Bogwater," said the Ent in a rasping voice.

The girl felt a wave of sadness crash over her, "He doesn't want to see me."
"No, but we must prove you are innocent." The events of last night had angered the Ent. Seeing the Gollum creature turn Rain's friends against her had fueled Treebeard's inner self righteousness. He would not rest until the girl's name was cleared. Treebeard planned to take the girl right to Rivendell and prove her innocence as soon as Bogwater was human. That would show him!
Rain sighed, resting her head on her friend's branchy wrists. His hands cradled her. "I'm sorry you have to go through all this trouble for me."
"Don't apologize. It's the least I could do after hurting your foot."
Rain smiled as she began to doze off once more, "Thank you, Treebeard." As soon as she saw the creature again, she would kill him herself.


Bogwater still couldn't believe what had happened last night. He felt betrayed and lied too. He couldn't understand why Rain would do such a thing. The Uruk had thought they were friends... he had even begun to think of her as more than just a friend.
Gollum had now taken charge once again. The creature felt relieved to get the troublesome girl out of the way. They would now get to the destination that he had planned all along. Bogwater and Havish were following behind him unquestionably. Soon he would have his precious once more.
     Havish was still extremely confused. He was a little bit angry as well. He didn't think Rain would ever do such a thing. But he guessed that you never really know people.
     "I can't believe Rain would do that," Havish sighed.
     "Yes she could, we had never trusted her," argued Gollum.
     "Can we just stop talking about it?" snapped Bogwater. He didn't want to think about it. He still loved Rain deeply, yet his heart was broken.
     "We are just glad sheses gone, precious."
     "Why? What could possibly be so good about her being gone?" Bogwater turned to the creature with a demanding voice. There was nothing to be glad about! Unless... the creature wanted her to be gone.
     Gollum said nothing in return. He continued crawling along the ground.
    "Answer me!"
     Creature sneered, if he said the wrong thing then the Orc would leave too. All he did was shrug, "She was annoying."
      Bogwater picked the creature up by his neck, "Did you tear the map?"
     Gollum coughed, trying to gasp for breath, "No-no, precious!"
      "Tell the truth!" Bogwater gave the creature a rough shake.
     "Gollum, gollum, you're hurting me, precious."
    Bogwater was infuriated, "I should do more than just hurt you, you little..."
     Havish put a stern hand on the Uruk's arm, "Put him down, he's not worth the trouble. We have to find Rain."
    The Orc threw the creature onto the ground, causing Gollum to hit his head on a tree trunk. "Don't you dare follow us," Bogwater threatened, "The next time I see you I won't be so merciful."
    Gollum slunk back into the darkness of the forest, "You'll never find her."
     "Oh! Shut up!" Bogwater turned and left the creature. He was going straight back to were they left Rain last night. She couldn't have gotten far. He felt guilty that he had left her there, the creature could have badly hurt her.
   Havish followed quickly behind him, "I knew she didn't do it! Hell, I woulda-"
    Bogwater groaned, "I can't believe I let her alone in the woods."
    Havish turned to his Orc friend, "Shit, you think something happened to her?"
     "I don't know, we should hurry."
     The two broke out into a swift jog. Rain had to still be where they left her, right?
    In a quick hour and half they were there in the same spot they had left Rain the day before. However, she was no where to be seen.
    "Shit!" Bogwater kicked at a tree root. Where could she have gone?
    "Do you think she could have gone to Rivendell?" asked Havish.
    Bogwater plopped down onto the ground with a huff, "Why would she want to go there?"
    "To prove herself to you, and to explain her side."
    "I should have let her done that before!" Bogwater hated himself. He was a disgusting, evil, thing. How could he judge without knowing the full story?
     Havish placed a kind hand on Bogwater's shoulder, "Come on, she's probably already waiting for you."
    "But we don't have a map."
     Havish gave a huge, joyful grin, "That won't be a problem. I remember writing down how to get there in my journal."
     "The same one you have been carrying with you?" questioned the Orc.
     "Of course! It's always good to have a back-up plan!"
      "Havish, you are a genius."

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