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A/N: Hey there! So this is the first story I've ever written. I haven't edited it at all and I'm not sure if I will. I really really hope you can look past the grammatical errors and just enjoy the story. This is my baby and I just wanted to share it with all of you. 

Oh, and I've decided to add a cast. To the right you'll see a photo, or multiple photos of Rachel Bilson, who I've decided to cast as Alison Stewart. I chose her because she is cute, bubbly, tiny and just plain adorable! Just like Alison :) 




Alison and Ryan have been friends for years now. They are the best of friends. There isn’t anything they don’t know about each other except maybe that they have feelings for each other. Alison has never had a boyfriend, and Ryan on the other hand has had many girlfriends before. They were different from each other. Ryan didn’t really believe that there was one person that was out there for him but Alison knew that somewhere out there, there was a guy that she would spend the rest of her life with. She knew that he was out there.

One day Alison meets a guy named Christopher. He’s nice, handsome, tall, and very smart. He treats her like a princess. She knew that he was the one for her so she decided to introduce him to her friends. So on the night they decide to have dinner she invites Christopher over as a surprise.

“Hey guys, this is Christopher. My…. Boyfriend.” Although she struggles to say the B word she’s still very happy to declare him hers. And Christopher was happy too, he smiled at her sincerely as he rubbed her lower back.

Ryan could see the way she looked at him. “She really likes him” Ryan thought as he looked down disappointed but he didn’t know why he was disappointed. The rest of her friends were just in shock but also happy for her. They had those cheesy smiles that girls have when they see a cute lovey dovey scene in a movie. They couldn’t speak.

“Ahem!.... guys! Are you here?”

In unison, “Yeah! .. we’re just… just…. Surprised that’s all.” They still had that cheesy smile. Alison saw Ryan looking down.
“Ryan? Are you okay?”

Ryan’s POV

My head immediately shot up as soon as I heard her voice. I just stared at her and then I stared at Christopher’s arm around her waist. I was feeling… jealous? I didn’t know why it bothered me so much. I mean…. Why should I be jealous? She’s my friend. It’s not like she’s my girlfriend. I guess I just keep thinking of her as my Alison. I knew she wouldn’t be single forever cause I mean look at her, she’s gorgeous. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and she doesn’t even wear makeup. She’s so amazing and she doesn’t even try. She’s just that girl. I always knew guys would be trying to date her but I just thought that she was too good for any guy. I didn’t think I’d see the day that she’d bring a guy over and introduce him as her boyfriend. I guess you can say I was really surprised. I didn’t realize I was still staring until she started waving her hand in front of my face.

“Oh… uh.” I stuttered.

She tilted her head, “Ryan, are you okay” she said as she looked at me with concern. I hated it when she did that, it made me concerned.

“Ye-yeah. I’m fine.”

After a few minutes the shock began to subside and we just accepted it. Alison was no longer single. She found her… guy? I don’t know what else to say. She found that guy she knew was out there. Of course I don’t think there is that one person out there but if I did I didn’t think it would be him. I don’t know what it was, but I couldn’t picture him with her forever. The thought just sickened me. But I sucked it up, I couldn’t be jealous of this forever. Could I?

When Christopher left, Alison came outside to talk to me. She hopped onto the balcony with a beaming smile. She was so cute when she was happy and every other time. I couldn’t help but smile back. She sat next to me and nudged me in the arm.


“So… what?”

She rolled her eyes, “Oh come on! What’d you think about Christopher????”

“He’s nice.” I told her. And I was being completely honest. He was nice. That's it, nothing special.

Her jaw dropped and she looked at me like I was crazy, “Nice???? That’s all!”

“Yeah…. What else am I suppose to say?”

“That he’s perfect for me? That he’s amazing?”

“Alison… no one is perfect or amazing enough to be with you.”

She frowns. And I can’t help but laugh.

“Stop laughing. It’s not funny! I brought him over cause I knew he was a great guy for me.” “I’m sorry, but again… no guy is great enough to be with you. He doesn’t deserve you, no guy does.”

“Oh come on, he’s amazing.”

“I don’t know what all the fuss is about? He’s just a regular guy. Nothing special.”

“Nothing special???? He’s not only tall, handsome and smart, but he’s so so kind and loving.”

Hearing her talk about him like that saddened me. I didn’t like that she was falling for a guy that was mediocre. She deserves better.

Alison’s POV

I don’t know why Ryan thought Christopher was just a regular guy. I mean, how could he? Christopher’s amazing. He kept saying that he was just mediocre and regular…. That does not describe Christopher. It’s almost like he was jealous. It was weird.

Then he said, “Fine, he’s alright I guess.”

“You’ll see. Next time I bring him over you’ll get to know him.”

He gave me an unconvinced look, “We’ll see.”

“Haha okay. How about you huh???" I poked hi gently, "Where’s your weekly muse?”

“Weekly muse?”

“Yeah… you always have a new girl every week. It’s kind of your routine.”

“No I don’t.” He defended

“Actually… you do.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh come on, we’ve been friends for years now, I think I know you pretty well by now. So where is she huh? Meeting at our house for a late night booty call?”

“I don’t have a girl right now.”

“Pleasssseee. You always have a girl!”

“Not tonight.”

“Don’t lie to me. Your girls are always the skanky kind. The one’s that touch you everywhere when you’re in public.”

Ryan’s POV

Alison starts to touch me on my chest and on my thigh. She always did this when she was making fun of the girls I “date” and it never bothered me. But this time I started to get nervous and I don’t know why. Every time she brushed her fingers against me I just wanted to get closer to her. I wanted to… touch her too, but I couldn’t she was Christopher’s not my Alison anymore. I couldn’t take the way she was touching me anymore, if it went on any longer I would lose control so I grabbed her wrists. She looked at me with a cute smile on her face. She knew it turned me on.

“Ooooo, you were turned on, weren’t you?” she says wiggling her eyebrows

“No, I just… I just think you shouldn’t be touching me like that when you have a boyfriend.”

“Oh yeah right. I saw how uncomfortable I made you feel. You liked it.”

“No, I didn’t. Come on you’re Alison.”

“Yeah, I know that. And you love me.”

The way she said, “You love me” didn’t sound crazy at all. It actually had some truth to it. I know I love her as a friend but not more than that. I mean I couldn’t love her as more than a friend… could I?

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