Chapter 5

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Alison’s POV

Leaning in was a bad idea, now I’m stuck in his gaze. He keeps looking at my lips and back to my eyes. I don’t know what to do. I can’t pull away, then suddenly I feel sick. Oh God, I'm gonna throw up. I run to the bathroom and Ryan runs after me and holds up my hair and rubs my back as I throw up. HOW EMBARRASSING! But at least it kept me from doing something I might regret. That was close. I felt like he was about to kiss me. I know I haven’t kiss that many guys but I know that that’s how Chris looked at me before he kissed me. This was weird. He was going to kiss me. Why? We are drunk, maybe that’s it.  I’m too weak to get up, so he carries me to my room and I tell him to leave so I can change. But once I close my door I realize I can’t even unzip my dress. I call him in to help me.

Ryan’s POV

I knew she drank too much. I shake my head and walk over to my room, right when I open my door she whispers, “Ryan…” Alison says shyly “Can you help me with this?”

She points to her dress. Was she serious? Does she not know that this would turn every guy on especially me, since I do like her a lot. She can’t be serious. Then she looks at me with sad puppy eyes…. I’m sure it’s just because she’s drunk. I unzip her dress and it slips off her body she immediately puts her hands over my eyes and says while giggling, “don’t look at me” She was so adorable. I turned around but then I heard her stumble over to her dresser I turned to pick her up and she said, “I said don’t look” And she laughed. She got a big tshirt and put it on and her sweats. Then she started to walk to the bathroom and I said, “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to brush my teeth.” When she said it, I couldn't quite understand because her words were slurred together.

“Are you sure you can do that?”

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be able to?”

“Cuz you’re piss drunk.”

“Watch me.”

She walks over knocking some of the stuff in the cabinet to the side and grabs her toothbrush and puts toothpaste. She begins to brush her teeth but she can barely hold herself up. She starts to lean to the right, then the left and finally she almost falls backwards but I make it to her just in time to catch her. I hold her hand to guide her toothbrush and she leans her head back on my chest and just smiles, “I swear I thought I could.”

“Hahah… I bet you did.”

After she rinses I guide her to her bed. I tuck her in and right before she falls asleep she says, “You will tell me who you’re crushing on…”

And she fell asleep. I just stared at her sleeping. She was so beautiful and calm when she slept.

I know I shouldn’t have, but I kissed her on the forehead.

Alison’s POV

The next morning I woke up in my big tshirt and sweats. I remembered everything from last night. Ryan and I almost kissed but it was just the alcohol. I laughed to myself when I thought of how he helped me get dressed and brush my teeth. I must have been a handful but all he did was smile and help me. Oh that smile, it makes me melt. I go downstairs to get some breakfast and Anna and Ryan are already up. Anna just smiles at me.
“what are you smiling at Anna?” I say

“Nothing.” she says but giving me a 'I know something is up' look.


“Someone got really drunk last night.”

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