Chapter 8

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*** Okay, so, there's adult material in this chapter. You have been warned. :P ENJOY! ***

Alison’s POV

As I lay in bed, I smile thinking about how Ryan and I joked about “the kiss”. I fell asleep. But suddenly I was in the kitchen getting something to drink when Ryan comes up from behind me and grabs me. He whispers along my ear, “Alison, I want you.”

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I breathed, “What?”

“I need you.” he breathed. I felt his breath along my neck

“Ryan what are you talking about?”

Then he starts kissing my lips, slowly and sensually. I give in. He then moves to my neck pulling my waist closer and closer to his body. Then he looks into my eyes and says, “You’re so beautiful” Then he picks me up bridal style and carries me to his bedroom. He lays me on his bed and climbs on top of me. He starts to kiss my lips, then my jawline, then my neck, then my breasts, then my stomach. His hands reach up my shirt and grab my breasts. He takes off my shirt and his too. He unhooks my bra and starts to fondle my nipples. A light moan escapes my mouth. He smiles and then removes my pants and panties along with his pants and boxers. He kiss me again and slowly he enters me. But suddenly I wake up with uneven breaths. I’m in my bed, by myself, fully clothed.

That was weird.

As I sit at the breakfast table, I just stare into space. Anna starts talking to me but I’m stuck, thinking about the dream. The SEX dream. Anna tries to get my attention by snapping in my face. “HELLLOOOO! Alison!”

I gasp and shake my head, “…Uh what?”

Her face scrunches up as she tilts her head and asks, “What’s going on with you?”

“Nothing…” I sigh

“Oh come on. What is it?”

I bite my bottom lip contemplating on whether or not I should tell her. I mean, it's extremely embarrassing. “If I tell you, you better not tell anyone…. Promise?”

She smiles and encourages me to vent, “Of course, what’s going on?”

“I had… a… dream.” I stutter.

“Okkaaaayyy?” she exaggerates the word.

I look down finding a way to tell her. I stumble with my words, “It was a –a –a sex dream.”

I look up and she eyes widen and she shrieks, “WHAT?! With who?”

“Ryan..” I whisper, looking around to make sure no one is around.

“Ryan. Ryan? OUR RYAN?!?!?!” she said his name so loud, I swear I was about to slap her!

I reach over the table trying to cover her loud mouth, “SHHH!”

Her eyes just lit up and whisper-shouted, “I knew there was something going on between you guys!” She pointed at me accusingly.

“No, there isn’t!” I almost jumped out of my chair

She gave me a knowing look, “then why are you dreaming of having sex with him?” She smiled like she was victorious. And she was right.

She scooted closer to me and poked me on my sides, “Yeah right. Something happened between you two to make this happen.”

I challenged her, “Oh yeah… like what?”

She was so persistent. She knew once she had me talking, I'd tell everything, “I don’t know…. Something intimate. SPILL!”

I gave in and whispered, “Well… we kinda kissed.”

She almost fell out of her chair and screamed, “What?!?!” I tried to cover her mouth again but she pushed my hands away.

Once she was quiet, I continued, “Yeah… when you went away with Kenny last week”

She was composed now, but now she had a curious face on. And now the questions came, “How did I not know this? And who kissed who?”

“He kissed me on my bed.” I admitted

“And you kissed him back?” She asked raising her eyebrows

“Yeah….”her jaw dropped.


“Yes.” Her eyes lit up even more and her mouth was still open.



“OMG you guys are in love.”she held onto my wrists and shook me.

“Ew, Anna shut up! We’re so not” I said trying to pry myself away from her grip.

“Yeah you are. This is how it all starts. You guys are gonna get married and have lots of babies”

“stop it.”

Ryan’s POV

What the hell? She’s having sex dreams about me? Does this mean she wants to be with me too? I know I shouldn’t be listening but I just over heard and I couldn’t stop myself, she had a sex dream about me. This is big, I’m in her mind now. Maybe fate is working in my favor this time. OH crap, they stopped talking… act natural.

“Morning girls.” I chime, I couldn't help but smile.

“Morning.” they said quickly

Anna is smiling at me weird and Alison can barely look at me. I know this is awkward, but she’s finally thinking about me too. This is great. I sat down to eat my breakfast and Anna leaves the kitchen. Alison gets up and for some reason all I see her wearing is a bra and panties. WHAT THE HELL???? I rub my eyes but she’s still in her underwear. Now, she’s walking towards me swaying her hips right to left. Oh god, she’s sexy. Why is she on the table now? Oh god, Alison stop bouncing up and down. Please stop, it’s too much to handle.

I snap out of it and I see Alison just staring at me.

“What?” I say defensively

“Why are you looking at me like that?” She says slowly

I look down and reply, “Like what?”

“You’re just looking at me weird.” and she was looking at me weird too.

“Oh.. I was just spacing out.” I try to convince her

“Oh…. Okay. I gotta go now.”

Okay, it’s been weeks since I heard Alison tell Anna about her sex dream of us and since then I’ve been having sex dreams about her too. Sometimes I’d just find her in my bed, sometimes she’d be dressed up in a costume, and sometimes she’s just naked. It’s so distracting. I can’t think about anything else. It’s killing me. I can’t look at her without my brain thinking about her sexually. What is wrong with me?

Alison's POV

There he is, just sitting at the breakfast table. He’s always spacing out. I can’t stop thinking about him naked. Not that I’ve ever seen a guy naked before but I still dream about it. I keep having dreams about him kissing my body, pleasuring me with his tongue just touching and teasing me. I’ve never had sex before and I’m dreaming about it. This isn’t normal. Why can’t I just forget about it?

Okay, try to act normal, “Hey”

“Alyssa…. Hi.” he was smiling at me weird again.

“What are you doing?” I casually ask

And he simply says, “Just thinking.”

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in what he was thinking about. “You’ve been thinking a lot lately… haven’t you?”

He shifted slightly in his seat to face me directly “yeah… I can’t stop thinking about something.”

“Really? Me too… it’s consuming me.” oh crap, I shouldn't have said that, now he's gonna want to know.

He’s quiet for a while and then he says, “How about you tell me what you’re thinking about and I’ll tell you what I’m thinking about.”

Hah, there is no way I'm telling him. “Uh…I can’t.”

“Why not? We’re friends right?” he says pouting his bottom lip out.

Geez, he's really going to use the friend card? “Yeah…but …”

He cuts me off and says, “But nothing. You can tell me.” he was grinning at me now. It's like he was just waiting for me to say something he wanted to hear.

“I can’t…”

“Why not?” he pressed.

“Because it’s embarrassing.” I mumble.

He smiles and keeps going, “Oh come on. I won’t judge.”

“No… seriously. I can’t. How about you tell me what you’re thinking about first?” I raise an eyebrow

He wasn't smiling now. He shook his head, “Uh… I don’t know.”

“Wow… you wanted me to tell you first and you’re not even willing to tell me first?”

“It’s embarrassing.” He laughed a little.

“HAHAHA… wow. Fine, then I guess we’re both not saying anything.”I turned my head and started to hum. I'm not telling him first.

He just smiles at me and hints with his eyes telling me to go first. I just shake my head, no. SO he gives in, “Fine, I’ll tell you, but you can’t act differently around me.”

I smile knowing that I won, “Deal.” we shake hands.

Then he continues, “Well… I’ve been … having dreams … and day dreams.”

“About?” I ask

“You.” he says quietly

My eyes widen in shock, “Me????”

“Yeah, you. Sex dreams.”

I could help my eyes from widening even more. I was shocked. I thought I was crazy for having sex dreams about him but he was having sex dreams about me too.

After a minute of silence he says, “Soo?”

I look down and mumble, “Uh… I have something to tell you.”

"What is it?" he says.

“I’ve been having sex dreams about you too.” Slowly I look up at him and I see a small smirk forming on his lips.

“why are you smiling?” I was a little irritated that he was mocking me by smiling at my embarrassment. “You have sex dreams about me. And I already knew.” he sang.

What the hell? He did all this just to get me to admit I was having sex dreams about him. “WHAT? How?” I shrieked

He shrugged and said, “I kinda over heard you telling Anna about it.”

Oh man, I was sooo mad. How could he? I'm so humiliated. “OMG! How could you pretend not knowing! You jerk!” I just want to slap him

“Because, I was just kinda happy and flattered that you’ve been dreaming about me.” he was beaming as he spoke

“Yeah… but you’re naked in my dreams?” I don't know what face I made but it must have been the kind of face you make when you see something gross.

“Judging by the way you said that, you obviously haven’t seen me naked.” he said arrogantly.

Wow. He was really full of himself, I rolled my eyes and said, “Oh god.”

He sat up and made his argument, “seriously… when girls think of me naked, all they can do is smile and blush.”

I said, “Ew Ryan.” When he said that, I felt dirty.

“It's the truth.” he said simply

I couldn't help but ask, “But in your dreams, you’ve seen me naked?”

He nervously brought his hand to the back of his neck and said, “…uh yeah.” A light tint of red rose to his cheeks.

My jaw dropped and pointed to his cheeks, “You’re blushing!”

“I mean, in my dreams, you’re really sexy.”

“And in real life?” I pressed on trying to get him to admit that I was sexy. I didn't think he would actually admit it but he replied, “You’re sexy.”

I tried to laugh it off. “haha… okay Ry.”

“Seriously… do you not know that?”He looks at me seriously and I’m caught in his gaze. Is it bad that I want to kiss him? Right when he leans in, the front door barges open. Our friends come in with alcohol and food. “Hey guys we’re gonna play truth or dare.” They ask.

Ryan and I sit on opposite sides. He is still looking at me. I look down and back up but he’s still looking at me.

Ryan’s POV

God, why did we have to be interrupted. Now I can’t stop thinking about kissing her. I need to. I can’t stop looking at her. I want to hold her close.

“Okay so, we’re gonna go around in a circle. Taking turns.” Anna says

I’m right next to her and she sees me staring at Alison. She says, “Okay Ryan, you’re first. I dare you to kiss Alison for 1 minute.”

“What?!” Alison and I manage to say the same thing.

Kenny shoots her a look and she just smiles back at him and turns to me, “You heard me.”

I want to kiss her, but what if she doesn't want to kiss me? I'd get rejected in front of everyone. I try to get out of it, “But…”

Anna cuts me off and simply says, “No buts, neither of you and seeing anyone exclusively so there’s no excuse.”

I just glare at her but I’m kind of happy she dared me. Alison just looks at me with big eyes, she looks scared. I want her to like it. I want her to kiss me back and like it. I get up and she walks over to me. In the middle of the circle she just looks down, then I put my hand on her cheek.

Alison's POV

He’s really going to kiss me. Oh god, his hand against my skin feels so warm he leans in more looking at me straight in the eyes. His lips brush against mine. I didn’t want to get carried away and he knew so he slowly pushed his lips against mine again. He coaxed my mouth open slightly with the tip of his tongue. Slowly, he moved his tongue in and out along with moving his lips. With every stroke his tongue made against mine it made me want to massage his tongue with mine too. His hand moved to the back of my neck pulling my face closer to his. Then his other hand snakes around my waist to the lower part of my back bringing my body closer to his. Right when I decide to give in, it’s over. Anna says, “One minute is up.” My eyes shoot open and I pull away. I manage to pull my lips away from his but he held my body close to his. He realizes we’re in front of everyone. He lets go.

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