Chapter 11

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Alison's POV

It's 6am, and I'm not usually this happy and excited for the day to start. I'm not saying I'm a grumpy person in the morning, but I'm almost never excited about a morning shift at Starbucks. Even though I got 4 hours of sleep, I didn't feel tired. I could've gotten 5 hours of sleep but I spent a good hour smiling and grinning at myself like a crazy person. The moment Ryan stepped out of my room, this huge smile has been permenantly plastered across my face. And I'm pretty sure when I finally got to sleep I was still smiling. I don't know what it was that kept me so happy, but I did things last night I definitely do not do. For one, I don't make out with a guy that isn't my boyfriend. It's not like Ryan's a stranger, he's my best friend so I guess that makes it better. No, actually, that makes it weird. And confusing. And.. I don't know.

I have no idea how I'm suppose to feel about all this. Ryan and I are great as friends, why would I want that to change. But oh goodness, when he kisses me my mind just stops thinking and my body takes over. That has never happened. When Chris and I kissed, I knew when it was coming and I prepared myself for it. I planned it all out. But when Ryan kisses me, it takes me by surprise mainly because I still think it's weird that we even crossed that line in our friendship. The moment his lips touch mine, almost all of my self control is out the window. I don't know what it is, but when he touches me, or even glances at me, all I want to do is be closer to him. His kisses are something I never knew I wanted it. Physical attraction is definitely there, it's always been there, but we've never gotten close enough to test it out. Now that it has happened, I don't know if I'll ever be able to restrain myself from touching him when I'm around him.

This is bad.

I've got it bad.

I went through my usual morning routine, shower, put on my black jeans, black polo, and grabbed my hat and green apron. As I turn to shut my bedroom door, my eyes rest on his door. Oh how I want to just barge in and kiss him and have him kiss me back. No. Stop right now. Control yourself, Alison. I scold myself. It took me a good minute to collect myself and force myself out the front door and walk to work. Took me about 10 minutes.

When I got to the Starbucks on campus, my coworkers Kayleigh and Timothy were already there making teas and starting up the coffee machines. I greeted them and within minutes, the line extended out the entrance. It was always busy in the mornings right before the professors and university employees had to check in for work. Once 11am hit, the amount of customers lessened considerably. Now Anna's shift began while Tim's ended.

When there was no line, I went to refill the sugar and straws at the island and then the bell on the door rang. I looked towards the entrance and saw Anna hand in hand with her boyfriend Kenny. And following a few feet behind was Ryan. He was dressed in just dark blue fitted jeans and a simple grey hoodie. He looked so cute and always handsome. That smile from earlier this morning slowly disappeared when work got busy but somehow I knew that that smile was nothing compared to the one I had now. I tried to direct my attention to the happy couple holding hands, "You really made him drive you when it's only a ten minute walk?" I teased Anna.

"I didn't make him, he wanted to get something to drink!" she tried to defend herself and she turned to Kenny as he said, "She's right. I wanted to get some coffee before I leave for LA" Then, being the charming lady she is, Anna stuck her tongue out at me playfully.

Then I heard a voice from behind me, "You know, I could've taken you to work this morning. You should've woken me up" Ryan smiled and his eyes danced between my lips and eyes.

"Don't be silly. I know how much you love your sleep." I teased him and smiled. But a hint of sadness was in his eyes. "Besides, I love the morning walk. It wakes me up."

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