Chapter 25

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Ryan’s POV

“Ry” I hear my girlfriend whisper as I feel her warm hand sweep across my cheek. I slowly open my eyes and blink to adjust my vision. She smiles, “Get dressed, I want to show you something.”

I look over at the alarm clock on the nightstand and it was 7:30AM, “This early?” I yawn.

She laughed quietly, “Mhm. I have a lot stuff planned for us today. So, time to get up, boyfriend”

So, I got up and got dressed. We met downstairs and found ourselves with matching outfits. We both had on jeans and a black pea coat. Talk about a cheesy couple. She noticed the matching situation and said, “Copy cat.”

We headed out the front door and starting walking down the neighborhood streets. I had no idea what we were doing today. All she told me was that she was going to give me a tour of her hometown.

The weather was cold and gloomy compared to warm and sunny California. But the gloom couldn’t diminish the beauty of this town. Kennebunkport, Maine is a different kind of beautiful. This small town is simple, warm, and dare I say it… cute. Just like Alison. The little shops and cafes were family owned. The grocery shops didn’t have bar scanners, just old cash registers. The people were warm and friendly; they treat you like family. They are just genuinely nice people. I can honestly say I’ve never seen or been to a place like this.

She took me to her elementary school and showed me where she had her first job. She worked as a waitress at a local family restaurant called Dally’s, which was where we had lunch. Then she took me to the Welcome to Kennebunkport sign and told me I had to take pictures with the sign because I’m a first time visitor. We took goofy couple pictures in front of the sign. The tour ended at a nearby playground. She told me countless stories about the adventures she had with her brother and sister as we climbed onto the jungle gym. We sat on the edge with our legs dangling in the air. I pulled her closer to me as she rested her head on my shoulder. The cold air didn’t feel as cold now. A comfortable silence took over before she said while looking into the distance, “We’re all grown up now.”

“What makes you say that?”

She sighed, “I don’t know. It might be my sister getting married. Because, just a few years ago she was graduating from college just like me and now she’s getting married, starting the rest of her life with Tom.”

“Well, we’re not officially grown up yet. We still have 7 months till then.”

“Okay, but we’re growing up. We’re going to graduate soon and start working. Then next thing comes marriage and kids. I can still remember running across this playground, how can we be grown up now?”

“Don’t you want to grow up? I can totally picture you being a great teacher and an awesome wife and mom.”

She looks at me smirking, “Can you now?”

“Oh, don’t act like you weren’t thinking about marrying me”, I tease.

Her smile widens, “But I wasn’t.”

“You so were.”

“Even if I was, it’s not going to happen until we’re officially grown up.”

“Oh fine, then I guess we’re saving that whole marrying each other thing until after graduation. Agreed?”

I held my hand out to seal the deal and she shook it, “Agreed.” She smiled and asked in panic, “Oh my god, what time is it?”

I checked my watch, “3:30, should we be heading back?”

“Yeah, Kate and I are getting our hair and make up done at 4:15.”

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