Chapter 6

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Alison's POV

I wake up this morning in the big king size bed feeling so refreshed and well rested. I turn over expecting to see Ryan but I'm all alone. I look at my phone to check the time and it was 9:13 AM. 'That's weird' I thought to myself. Ryan never gets up before 11AM, even when he has a class.

Ryan's POV

I didn't sleep last night. I said what I needed to say to her. She told me to tell her and I did but she was sleeping. It took a lot for me to say it out loud. Being vulnerable and telling her that I like her is something that could break our friendship. And that is not something I'm willing to lose. I can't lose her. I am so deep in thought that I hear nothing but my own thoughts. Alison waves her dainty little hands in front of my face. I look up at her and she tilts her head and smiles. She sits next to me and says, "You're up early. What are you doing down here in the lobby?"

"Just thinking." was all I said

She bumped her shoulder against mine, "about what?"

"Oh no. We are not going to get into my love life again."

She laughed, "Of course not. I'm just asking what you're thinking about. Geez, calm down."

I heard my phone beep and took it out. It was a text from Jas inviting me to a party. I sigh and Alison gives me a questioning look. I speak, "It's Jas." It was silent for a minute.

Alison turns to me and says, "Okay, I'm not trying to get you to talk about your love life again, but why are you with Jas if you like someone else."

"I've been thinking about that. And maybe, I should just stay single for a while see where it gets me. Maybe it'll be good for me, you know?" I look back at her to see if I get a reaction from her. But I get nothing. She's just looking at the people passing by.

She breathes, "I know you what you mean. I'm thinking about taking a break from guys. Especially like the one from last night." She laughs a little

"So no guys at all?"

"No. I just need time alone. I don't want to be in a relationship right now. I feel like I need a break, then maybe someone special will come along."


We sat on the bench for a little while then headed back to the room. We left Vegas and went back to our house.

------ Ryan’s POV

So, bad timing, but Anna leaves Alison and I at the house alone for two days. She went on a trip with her boyfriend Kenny. It’s the first day and I’ve tried my best to stay away from Alison to keep things from happening. So far the day is almost over. I fall asleep. The next morning, I get hungry so I have to go downstairs and she’s there.

She smiles and playfully says, “Hey you. Why are you hiding from me?”

“What?” I say back, trying to buy some time for me to come up with a good reason as to why I've been staying away from her.

She walked over to the table with her bowl of oatmeal and as she sat down she said, “You stayed in your room the whole day yesterday. Whats going on? Studying?”

“Yeah. I have a big test this week. I'm gonna get back to studying” with that I grab my food and head back up to my room.

“Oh. Okay.”

I go straight to my room. Ugh, I’m really bored. I need to talk to someone. I need someone to take my mind off Alison, so I call Jasmine. She’s more than happy to come over. Minutes later, the doorbell rings.

I swing the door open and she smiles and says, “Hey sexy.”


“I’m surprised you called. ” she says as she begins to place her arms around my neck.

“Yeah, me too.” was all I managed to get out of my mouth

“What do you want me to do?”

“Come up to my room.”

Alison's POV

I see Jasmine at the door. She follows Ryan up to his room. I can’t help but feel… awkward. They’re gonna have sex when I’m here? WHY ME? This is going to be just weird. I sit in my room hoping that I won’t hear any noises so I put on my earphones and blast the music.

Ryan’s POV

Jasmine doesn’t waste any time. She pushes me on my bed and climbs on top of me. She starts to kiss me hard and he reaches for my belt buckle. I hold her hands and say, “Can we just do this for a while?”

“What? Just make out?”


“Uh… why?”

“I just… don’t want to do this right now.”

“Uh okay.”

She starts to kiss me again. At this point I’m just laying there flat on my back, not even moving to kiss her. The only part of my body that moves is my lips. Not even my tongue is moving. She gets really impatient and starts to lift my shirt. She kisses my abdomen and moves down wards and reaches for my belt. I grab her hands again and she just looks pissed.

“Ryan… what the hell?” she says loudly

“Jas… I can’t.”

“Why not?” she sounds irritated.

“I just can’t.”

“Then why did you call me here!?”

“I just needed someone here.”

“Ugh, I’m leaving.”

“Are you serious? You’re worst than me.”

“So what, we use each other for sex. That’s just the way it is.”

She grabs her stuff and leaves. After about an hour of silence, I wonder if Alison is still home. If she isn't then I'd be able to roam around the house and find something to do. I walk down to the kitchen and Alison isn't there. I look outside in the back yard and she's not there either. I walk back upstairs and knock on Alison's door. She doesn’t answer so I open the door slowly and I see her laying on her bed with earphones in her ears.

Alison's POV

I open my eyes and see Ryan above me. I get scared and jump up.

“Ryan! What are you doing?” I say trying to catch my breath.

He smiles and says, “I knocked on your door and your didn’t answer. I thought you were dead.” He sits on my bed.

“But I’m not. I’m here.”

“Haha I know that now.”


“Why are you blasting your ipod?”

“I’m just trying to block out any sounds.”

“What sounds?” he says as wrinkles form above his forehead.

“You and Jas having sex.” I whisper

“What?” his eyes widen

“I I thought you two were gonna have sex with me in the house.” I say trying to avoid eye contact, because this was, after all, awkward.

“Are you serious?”


“If you did… why did you stay? Did you want to hear us?” he says while poking me with his finger.

I slap him his hands away, and reply “Ew you’re so gross!” He laughs. I slap him playfully and he falls backwards and rests his head on my pillow. He inhales deeply and looks up the the ceiling.

“I would never have sex with Jas when you're around." he sits up, turns his head to look at me and continues "I don’t want you to think of me having sex with other girls."


"Just because.."

“What do you mean?”

In a whisper he says, “I just…” and he looks at me and leans in to kiss me. His lips caught mine. At first I didn’t respond but then I moved my lips with his. Our tongues massaged against each other.

Ryan’s POV

She grabbed my hair and pull me closer to her. We both fall backwards and I roll on top of her. I begin to kiss her neck and down to her chest. She moans… she’s wants this? I don’t stop. Then suddenly we here a door slam and it’s Anna, she’s back. Alison pushes me off and looks frantically around. We sit on her bed and she hands me one of her ear phones and we pretend to listen to the music. Anna walks in…

“Hey guys!” she chirps

“Hey… how was the trip?” Alison casually says.

“Good good. How was being alone with out me?” Great, I thought.

Then Alison said, “boring.” I looked at her and she didn’t look back.

“Okay, well I better unpack.” As Anna left, we looked at each other in silence. It's like we both weren't expecting that kiss to happen, but it did. I left her room and didn’t look back.

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