Chapter 20

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Ryan's POV

I'm waiting outside my car leaning against the door for my girlfriend in Fraiser Elementary School's parking lot. We're suppose to meet Kenny, Anna, Kayleigh and Logan at the costume shop to get some costumes for tomorrow night's Halloween party. Held at our house, of course. We're a little late getting costumes but the girls wanted to shop all together and this was the only time we'd all be able to meet up. I have no idea why they had to shop in a group but I guess it's important.

I see Alison outside one of the classrooms standing in front of a line of six year olds. She puts her pointer finger on her lips and the kids all copy her. Then she puts both arms at her sides and the kids follow her movement yet again. She leads them to the tables outside and dismisses them.

It's lunch time and all the little kids are scattered everywhere with their lunch boxes, some eating some playing with their food. This one boy was throwing pieces of bread at a girl's head. Why little boys do that? I have no clue. I threw food when I was young but never at a girl's head. Right when I was about to tell that boy it was mean to throw food at the little girl, the little girl throws little fruit snacks at his face. I chuckled, that little girl is so confident, and brave. Props to her.

Then I see Alison bouncing towards me. She tiptoes and brings my face closer to hers to kiss me, "Hey" she coos.

"Well hello to you too." I say, "you do know there are little children who can see what we're doing"

Before she could get a word in, we hear a small child's voice, "Ew, they're kissing!" Alison sucks in her bottom lip and immediately blushes beautifully as she looks up at me. She turns around and we both see the little boy and the little girl who were having a food fight earlier. They had disgusted looks on their faces. I couldn't help but laugh. They have no idea that they'll be doing the same thing when they find that special someone.

Alison bends down so that she's eye level with the little ones, "Thomas, Ginger, we were just-"

The little girl named Ginger finishes Alison's sentence, "Kissing."

Then they both yell, "EW!" Alison looks up at me for help but I just chuckle. These kids are too amusing.

Thomas decides to ask, "Is he your booooyfriend?" Yes, he extended the word boyfriend in the same disgusted tone.

"Um-" Alison starts

"Yeah, am I your booooyfriend?" I tease her.

She glares at me and says, "Yes. Yes he is."

Ginger and Thomas look at each other with wide eyes and shout, "EW!"

Oh my god, children are hilarious. Or maybe Alison being completely embarrassed is hilarious, either way, I'm laughing.

"Hey, hey, what's going on here? Why aren't you eating your lunch?" a man who looks about a few years older than Alison and I asks the kids.

Thomas points at us and says, "They were kissing. Isn't that gross?!"

The man laughs, "Thomas, one day when you're older you're going to want to kiss pretty girls too." He then looks at Alison and winks. Did he really wink at my girlfriend?

"Yeah right," Thomas says as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yes. I'm right. Now go finish your lunch so you can play." the man says to both children

Both children run off and the man looks at me and Alison, "Kids"

I laughed to be polite. And Alison spoke, "Corey, this is my boyfriend, Ryan."

"Ahh, the boyfriend. We've heard so much about you. It's nice to meet you." He extended his hand and I shook it reluctantly.

He was about to say something before a couple kids started screaming and yelling, he looked over his shoulder only to find some boys fighting. He sighed and said, "Well, I've got to go. I'll see you."

On the drive to the costume shop, I asked Alison who he was and she said that he was the new teacher they've hired to take over for Mrs. Portman who was recently submitted to bedrest until she gives birth. I couldn't ask more about Corey because we were already at the shop. But from what Alison told me he's really good with the kids. They listen to him more than they listened to Mrs. Portman. And has almost all the kids in the class reading chapter books. She admired him and how he was able to teach the children in an effective and positive way. To someone else, they'd think that Alison was gushing over Corey but its just the way she is. She just simply admires his ability with the children, nothing more. We've already fought because I was being jealous, I don't want that to happen again. Whatever I'm feeling towards this Corey guy, I can't let it get the best of me. I can't assume the worst. I have to let it go and just remind myself that Alison's with me.


Alison's POV

The Halloween Party is in full swing downstairs. Anna and I just finished getting ready because we were busy setting up until the first guests arrived. Anna is dressed as a sexy pirate. And I'm dressed up as Tinkerbell even though I'm brunette. Everyone insisted that I dress as a fairy because of my size. We made our way downstairs, walking through the crowd of people to find our boyfriends. I was suddenly pulled into strong very familiar arms. It was Ryan. I turned in his arms and quickly kissed him. "Aww you make such a cute Peter Pan"

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