Chapter 22

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Alison's POV

Ryan didn't even come home last night or the night before. It's been two days and he hasn't even called me. He just disappeared. I've called him a few times but after the third time I figured he didn't really care to talk to me.

"Hey" Anna says while giving me a comforting smile from across the kitchen. I've been sitting at the breakfast table for about an hour now. Just slowly eating my oatmeal. I've already cried my eyes out to her for the past two days. We've gone through all the possible reasons why Ryan had left and why he's been acting so strange but we couldn't decide on what it was. This whole thing didn't make any sense to me. The only thing that was clear was that I didn't know Ryan as well as I thought I did. These past three years, he's never once mentioned his family or anything about his past unless we asked. And we rarely asked because we saw how uncomfortable he got whenever we asked. And now, I just wish he was here so I just know he's okay. Even if he didn't want to talk, I just want him here with me. "He's fine. Don't worry, alright?"

I nodded, not fully believing her. I wouldn't believe he's okay unless I saw him. Even though I'm grateful, Anna has been here to comfort me these past couple of days, I just wanted to be home already. Having Thanksgiving dinner with my family. Then it hit me. I'll just fly home two days earlier. It'll be the first time I've ever missed class, but I didn't have any exams so it wouldn't be a big deal. I needed to be home, I needed my family. Ryan was suppose to fly home with me but I'm pretty sure that's not happening since he left me.

"I think I want to go home." I said quietly.

Anna looked shocked, "what? but you never miss class."

I sighed, "I know, but I just want to see my family. I miss them" She smiled a little, "And being home will make me feel a little better"

She nodded understanding that being with my family is something I love because we're so close.

I changed my flight date and went home the next morning to Kennebunkport, Maine.When I got home I was greeted warmly by my parents. My brother and sister were at work and my parents were retired so they were at home with my neice, Lily,and nephew, James. I helped babysit. When the little ones were asleep for their daytime nap I went to the backyard and sat on the swinging bench. I loved being home. I loved reminiscing about growing up in this house with my brother and sister. But this time, being home didn't feel the same. I thought being home would help me feel better but I was still worrying about Ryan. By now, I was frustrated with him. First, he wouldn't talk to me, then he wouldn't let me help him, then he just left, then he didn't even answer my phone calls making me worry about him even more. Why does he do this to me? I HATE WORRYING ABOUT HIM. I hate this feeling. I hate seeing him hurt. I hate not being able to help him. Why does he make me feel this way?

My dad walks out unto the backyard and walks towards me and takes a seat next to me. "How's my munchkin doing?" he asks as he pulls me into a side hug. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I'm okay." I sigh as my mom joins us and sits on the other side.

He lets out a chuckle, "Now, I know that's not true. What's the matter?"

"I just missed you guys."

"We missed you too. But I know you love school and your friends over there. You know, your mom and I love having you home, but you almost never come home early. Is something wrong? Did you have a fight with Anna? or Ryan?" My eyes begin to fill with tears, "Say, isn't that boyfriend of yours suppose to be here?" Tears begin to fall and I sniff. My dad notices and he releases me from the hug to look at me. "Oh honey, what is it?"

"That boyfriend of mine." I blubber, "He-he-, he left me"

"What? Now, why would he do that?" my mom asks as she runs her fingers through my hair soothingly.

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