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7 years later

Ryan’s POV

I stir the slightest bit only to feel my beautiful wife snuggle closer into my body. Mornings are probably one of my favorite parts of the day. Especially the moment I wake up next to this gorgeous woman right next to me. I pulled her in closer, as if that were even possible. She held onto me tighter as the skin on her smooth warm leg slipped over mine. The moment I open my eyes I see her face. Her eyes were still closed but the smile on her yummy lips and the way her hands and her body moved against mine let me know she was wide awake.

Ahhh, what a way to wake up.

I let my hands wander from the length of her back, over her bottom, and over her thighs. Slowly, I roll over her. Holding myself up with my elbows to keep from squishing her beneath me. But none of that kept her from wrapping her legs around me to pull me closer to her. She opened her eyes, her stunning grey eyes, to give me a cheeky smile. I loved how our mornings started. I bent my head slightly to kiss her. My lips brushed hers ever so slightly before fully capturing her lips with my own. Her hands ran up my back possesively as, what seemed like, every bit of her pulled me closer and closer causing me to groan. I wanted more.

Before we can get on, we hear our bedroom door open. And soon enough, our two perfect children Aiden and Zooey are bouncing on our bed.

Alison giggles under me. She smiles apologetically even though we both love our children. "Time to get up."

I reluctantly roll over and sit up. Although we're disappointed about being interrupted we didn't really mind once we saw those cute little faces.

"Dad, it's Max's birthday party today and I can play Happy Birthday on my guitar." Aiden says with subtle excitement.

"And I can sing it!" Zooey adds loudly as she pulls her mom's arm thinking it would pass on her excitement.

"That's wonderful, guys!" Alison says enthusiastically.

"Let's hear it." I tell them.

Aiden quickly leaves the room to retrieve his guitar and comes back before any of us can do anything. Aiden prepares himself and counts before he strums the first chord. Zooey begins to sing. Both of them focusing on getting it right. I couldn't help but smile. Once they finished, Alison and I clapped proudly. Zooey being the dramatic lively little girl she is takes a bow while Aiden smiles shyly at us.

"Wow, great job guys!" I say truly amazed at how talented our kids are. "Give me a hug, that was amazing." I say as they make there way towards me. They tackle me onto my bed giggling. I look over at Alison smiling thoughtfully at us. This is the family I always wanted. The way our kids looked at me with happy faces because they know they have parents who love them unconditionally made me the happiest man on earth. This is everything I could ever ask for.

We spent the morning preparing for the day. I help Zooey get ready.

“Make sure you finish your oatmeal” I hear my wife say to my son Aiden.

“Okay, mom” Aiden says.

I finish helping Zooey get dressed. She’s wearing the white flower dress Alison got her for the millionth time. She twirls and stops only to ask me to brush her hair. She hands me her brush. I quickly comb through her chocolate brown hair, as we’re running late, and pull it up into a ponytail. She turns around and beams up at me with the same pair of gorgeous grey eyes her mother has. My little Zooey looks exactly like Alison…beautiful. But her smile fades when she figures out I’ve given her a ponytail. She was expecting a braid. And of course, only her mother could give her that. But we had no time. We were expected at Kenny and Anna’s house to help set up for their son Max’s 5th birthday.

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