Chapter 4

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Ryan’s POV

All last week Alison has been moping around the house, watching sad romance flicks while eating ice cream. She wouldn't even change out of her pajamas, she just went straight for the couch, wrapped herself up in a blanket and ate everything while she immersed herself in the cheesy love story movie. Occasionally she would shed a tear or two, but never fully cried her eyes out. Anna, our best friend, Kenny, Anna's boyfriend, and I would just stare at Alison, who was getting caught up in the romance of the movies.

It was really weird how girls tried to get over a break up. I mean, why watch movies that make you more sad? I just didn't understand it. But in Alison's case, I didn't understand why she was this sad. She's the one that broke up with Christopher. Does it mean she thinks she made a mistake? Does she want him back?

Alison's POV

Just look at these two. I'm watching He's Just Not That Into You, and it's the very end of the movie where Alex goes to Gigi's apartment to profess his love for her. He just said, "You're my exception." And that was it, my eyes began to water. I wipe my eyes with tissue and suddenly the television shuts off. I look around and see Anna holding the remote in her hand. I get angry and say, "Hey! I was watching!"

She looks at me in disbelief and laughs a little, "Alison! Give it up. Stop being so mopey and sad. You didn't even love the guy!"

I whine, "I know... but he did mean a lot to me. And I feel like I lost someone special."

She sits beside me and brushes her fingers thru my hair, "I know, but it's not the end of the world. That someone special that you're looking for is out there. You just need to stop being sad and put yourself out there. Right, Ryan?" She looks at him, hinting that he should say something, but he stays silent until I look up at him.

He stumbles with his words a little, "Ye-Yeah, he's out there. I'm sure of it."

Anna grabs my hand and squeezes it a little and smiles, "See! Now how about we take you to the pier today? Get some sunlight on your skin."

I sigh, and get ready and put on some jeans and a t-shirt. No use saying I don't want to go, Anna will just force me, like she always does. So I make my way downstairs and see Anna with Kenny's arm wrapped securely around her waist. But where's Ryan? Isn't he going too? I don't want to be stuck with these two lovebirds, it'll just make me feel even more alone. Ryan is just sitting on the couch reading a book. Plop myself onto the seat next to him and he just looks at me confused, "What?"

"Aren't you coming with us?"

"Uh, no. I have something to do."

"Don't give me that." I frown and whisper, "I don't want to be the third wheel" and direct my eyes towards where Anna and Kenny are hugging up on each other.

A smile crept up on his lips, "Hah, no need to whisper. Besides, knowing them, they won't even notice you're there. They'll be caught up in their own lovey dovey world."

"Okay, but if they're gonna be caught up in their our lovey dovey, who's gonna be there to cheer me up?"

"Alison..." I pouted and he just laughed, "Fine, let's go."

Once we got to the pier, I spotted multitudes of people swarming around shore. Then I saw a couple looking all cute and intimate on the sand. It wasn't gross or overtly sexual, it was adorable and you could tell they loved each other. Ryan probably saw the sadness on my face because he put his arm around my shoulder and said, "Ew, gross. Let's get out of here." He directed me towards the boardwalk.

We decide to get something to eat. While Anna and Kenny went to get the food, Ryan and I went to look for tables. When we found the table and sat down. I didn't say anything because I didn't feel like talking and I think he got the hint. When I looked up from the table I saw Kenny and Anna getting cozy in the food line. Kenny had his arms around Anna's neck and he pulled her close to him as she hugged him around the waist. He just kissed her on the forehead, even though it wasn't a kiss on the lips, it was just as sweet. They love each other every much. I sigh and Ryan says, "What's wrong?"

I couldn't hide how bummed out I was about not having someone to hold and hug me, "Look at them" I say a little bitterly looking towards where they were standing. "They're so cute and lovey dovey and they're just waiting in line."

He smiles and laughs a little. He leans toward me to gently bump his shoulder against mine, "Jealous are we?"

"Very. I mean, me being a girl and all might be a big reason why I'm jealous. But, who wouldn't want someone they can love and be with for the rest of their life?"

He just looks at me and breathes in deeply. I continue, "I know you don't believe in that forever stuff, but don't you want to love someone and be loved?"

He adjusted his sunglasses and looked out to the ocean and said, "I guess. I mean, it would be great to love a girl and have her love me back, but if it doesn't happen what I'm I suppose to do?"

"So, you want to love?"

"Of course, but if it doesn't happen. It doesn't happen. I'm not gonna live my life chasing and trying to find someone that might not even exist."

"Is that the reason why you don't take relationships seriously?"

"Part of."

Before I could ask him anything else Anna and Kenny get to the table with food. His answers totally make sense. Now I know why he is that way he is with girls and relationships. But I just wish I could've told him that he shouldn't think that there isn't someone out there for him. Of course there's a girl out there for him. Even though he's a certified "player", as most people put it, he's a great guy.

Ryan's POV

After that trip the beach, I realize that if I spend more time with Alison while she's vulnerable I might end up doing something that will ruin our friendship. So I decide to keep my distance from her so I went out with my friends tonight. I had to get out of the house because staying with Alison for any second longer would make me want her more. I had to cool off and take sometime away from her.

I’m at a club, Jasmine is there with me. I have my arm around her but that’s just the way I’ve been with her because if I didn’t have my arm around her she would be all fussy and annoying. So I just saved myself from getting irritated. Jasmine starts to rub her hands up and down my thigh and she whispers in my ear, “Let’s go to the bathroom. I want you.” I just look at her and she grabs my hand and pulls me up and drags me to the bathroom. On the way to the bathroom I see Alison taking shots… multiple shots. She no doubt looks happy but that's because she’s a happy drunk. She’s with her friends but I still don’t trust them enough to get her home safely. I tell Jasmine next time and walk over to Alison.

“Alison, what’s with all the shots?” I yell over the loud music.

She turns to me and hugs me, “RYAN! Nothing. I’m just having fun.”

“Too much fun, ey?”

“Not to much. Not yet. I need more shots.”

“Oh nooo, I know you’re a happy drunk, but I know you don’t want to be throwing up tomorrow.”

“OH come on. I don’t get drunk often.”

“Yeah, but still. You shouldn’t get drunk here, even if you’re with your friends.”

"Anna and Kenny are here. I'll be fine."

"I know they'll take care of you, but you don't want to be the third wheel do you?"

"OH YEAH! I forgot, I'm the third wheel." I couldn't suppress my laugh.

“How about I let you drink at home?”

“With who?” she frowned

“Me.” Her eyes lit up.

“You’re gonna drink with me???” She got excited

“Yeah, but only at home.”




“Promise, but we have to go now.”

On the drive home, Alison just sits and starts singing along to songs on the radio, even songs she hates. She’s so cute. She even starts to sway her head back and forth. When we reach home she immediately takes off her heels and jacket and grabs the liquor and brings it to the living room coffee table. She looks at me with a big smile and says, “You promised.”

“Yeah. I did…I don’t think I should’ve.”

“But you did! So here.” She hands me a shot of tequila. I down it and she just laughs.

“Let’s play I never with shots.” she says

“Okay, sure.”

“I go first. I’ve never had sex”

“NO FAIR” I take a shot. “Okay. I’ve never been called a nerd.”

“WOW.” She takes a shot “I’ve never had a crush on a friend.”

I just look at her and take a shot looking down. How did she know? She just laughs and pokes me saying, “Who did you fall for huh?” Thank God, she didn’t know. But how could she not? It’s so obvious. “Ryan…. Teeeelllll meee!” she grabs my arm and pulls on it.

“Quit it”

“Please? Pretty please? I’m your friend.”

“I’m not going to tell you, so just stop.”

“I promise I wont tell. Please tell me????”

Then she comes closer to me leaning in. Her lips are so close to mine.

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