Chapter 19

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Alison’s POV

It hasn't been five minutes since I walked away from him and he's knocking on my door. Most girls would love their boyfriends chasing after them right after a fight but me, I'm glad he's come after me, but I need a little time to think. We've never fought before and I don't know what happens next. The Ryan I'm use to is really calm, laid back and confident. But tonight he was agitated, angry and insecure. He's never been angry with me. And I've never been angry with him either. I need time to cool off, I don't want this fight to continue.

"Alison, can you talk to me please?" I hear my boyfriend say from the outside of my door.

I stare at the door for the longest time before saying, "Ry, I just need a minute."

I hear him sigh. Then within seconds I hear a thump, "Shit" I heard him groan.

I rush to the door and swing it open thinking he's hurt himself, but he's okay. "You still care about me." he says with a small smile. I can't believe he's trying to make this a joke. Is he kidding? How can he not see how serious this is? I'm getting even more angry by the minute. I narrow my eyes at him and turn away from him to return to my room but not before I feel his hand gently pull on mine, "Hey" I stop because I hear the softness in his voice, "I'm sorry."

I turn to face him and he's slightly biting on his bottom lip like he's unsure of what to say. "I'm sorry." he says again with the same gentleness I heard moments earlier. "I don't know how to do this." He started rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm sorry for the way spoke to you. I shouldn't have reacted that way."

"What was that?" He looked down, "I've never seen you that mad. And you were mad at me for nothing."

He slowly looked at me and said, "I wasn't mad at you"

"It seemed like it."

He opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself and began again, "I wasn't mad at you. I just-"

"You what?"

"I was jealous. I didn't expect to react that way." he said quietly. "I've been pretty good about it the past couple of weeks but tonight, I guess I was just angry that you spent your time with him instead of me."

"You know if I knew you came home early I'd be here with you."

He nodded, "I've just been really missing you lately. This summer, we spent nearly every second of everyday together and now that school has started, I barely see you. I miss spending time with you, that's all."

I could really see how genuine he was being. But missing me shouldn't be an excuse for him acting jealous and getting angry with me. "I know, I miss you too" I told him, "But you can't act that way just because you miss me."

He looked at me and nodded, "I know."

We stared at each other for bit, finally ending this fight. He pulled me into his arms, hugging me. I wrapped my arms around his middle with my head against his chest.

"Does this mean you accept my apology?" he whispered into my hair.

I nodded and felt him hug me tighter. I closed my eyes thankful that we were okay again. Being angry with him was the worst feeling in the world. I never knew that being angry with him would hurt me.

Still in a tight embrace I had to ask, "Did you mean it? When you said you don't trust me?"

"No. I do trust you. I know you wouldn't cheat on me. I know you would never do anything to hurt me or anyone else for that matter."

I looked up at him, "Then why did you say it?"

"It just slipped, I was angry, I didn't mean it." he said. But he saw that I was unconvinced, "I trust you." he reassured me.

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