Chapter 3

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Ryan’s POV

Lately things have been okay with me and Alison. For the past couple of weeks, we haven't seen much of each other. Sometimes, she sleeps over at Christopher's place and sometimes he sleeps over at our house. When he sleeps over, I call up Jasmine and sleep over at her place. I know I'd go crazy if I stayed when he slept over. My mind would just keep thinking about what they were doing behind closed doors. My mind already wonders about that stuff when I'm in Jasmine's bed. I don't like knowing that he's the one that gets to make love to her. I wish it was me and it breaks my heart. Why didn't I realize my feelings for her before?

We’ve tried to push aside what was bothering us but there is still some weirdness in the air. I can feel it. I feel like she’s holding back and trying to keep her distance when it comes to being with me and I’ve been doing the same. I guess I’m just scared things will happen that might break our friendship, I can never let that happen. I can’t lose her. Sometimes Christopher comes over and it doesn’t bother me, but sometimes I see them cuddling and that’s when I get really irritated. I mean how hard is it to not do that stuff in front of me? Okay, I haven’t told her how I felt but sometimes the girl is so clueless. She should already know that I want to be with her, but she doesn’t see it. It’s not their fault. There they are. Christopher is laying there on OUR couch and Alison is on top of him. He has his arm draped over her waist. They’re just watching tv, why do they have to do that? As I'm caught up in my own thoughts and Christopher gets up and says, “I gotta go.”

'Finally' I think to myself. He's been here for the whole freaking day, doesn't he have a life?

“Okay, I’ll walk you out.” Alison says.

“Hey Ryan, I’ll see you man.”

“Yeahhh… bye.” I say, sounding a little too happy.

I don’t see them outside but I can bet that she’s kissing him goodbye. F M L

Alison's POV

As I walk Christopher out I spit out, “Chris, I can’t do this.”

He walks over to me and says, “What do you mean?”

“I don’t feel that spark you were talking about.”

“Oh.” he looks down.

“I want to. I really do, I’ve waited to see if it would happen, but it hasn’t.”

“I understand.”

“I’m sorry. I really want to fall for you, but I’m just not.”

“Alison… it’s okay. Really, I’m fine. I’m just glad that you gave it a chance. Thank you.”

“But Chris…”

“It’s okay… don’t worry. I’m just so glad I got to know you. You’re an amazing girl. And I’m glad we’re friends.”

“We’re just friends, aren’t we?”

“We are. And I’m fine with that.”

“Thank you so much Chris.”

“No thank you. I’ll keep in touch, friend.”

He gives me an endearing smile and kisses my hand. He’s such a gentleman and I’m so sad that he wasn’t that guy I thought he was. I wish he was that guy but he isn’t. I start crying and he immediately comes to my side to wipe away my tears. I smile weakly and push his hands away.

“What is it?” he asks

“I just … I just don’t want to lose you as a friend.”

He smiles at me and gently brushes my cheek and says, “You’ll never lose me.” Then he pulls me in for a warm long hug. I rest my head on his shoulder. He let's go and tilts his head to look at me and says, "Don't cry. You broke up with me, remember? I'm the one that should be crying." he smiles.

I let out a weak laugh at his attempt to make me smile. He kisses my forehead and says, "I'll be here for you, okay? And if ever you decide you want to give us a try again, I'll be there." I sigh and smile a little. He gets in his car and starts the engine. Why can't I love him? He's everything I want and more, what's is going to take for my heart to love someone? If I can't love him who can I love? As I watch him drive away I quickly wipe my eyes but the tears keep coming. I try to hide them as I walk into the house but Ryan sees me crying. And runs over to me and hugs me. He brushes his hands through my hair.

“What’s wrong? What did he do?” he says quickly.

“Nothing. He didn’t do anything.” I whine.

“Then why are you crying?”

“I broke things off with him.”

Ryan’s POV

I know it’s wrong to be so happy when she’s crying but she broke things off with Christopher. She broke up with him. I have a chance, but why would she want to be with me. I realize I haven’t said anything to comfort her.

“Alison, it’s okay. It’s your first broken heart it’ll get better.”

“I’m not heart broken. I’m just sad because I thought he’s was the guy I was going to be with forever.”

“You know how I feel about that forever stuff.”

“I know, but I just thought he was.”

Okay, maybe I was wrong about there not being that one person out there for you but I know that Alison is meant to be with the one guy that deserves her. The guy that would love her so much, take care of her and make her so happy. I knew there’s was that one guy for her because if there wasn’t, the rest of us wouldn’t have any hope. I may not have that one girl but she does have that guy. Somewhere.

“Don’t worry. I know there’s a guy out there for you. That guy that loves you so much and will do anything for you.”

She then looks at me carefully and slowly says, “But you don’t believe in that.”

“I don’t. But I believe in it for you. How could there not be that guy for you?”

She just stares into my eyes and I break away from her stare because if I looked into her eyes any longer I’d completely lose it and just kiss her. I continued to hug her. I comforted her and held her in my arms and we stayed like that for shorter than I’d like.

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