Chapter 23

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Ryan’s POV

“You must be Ryan”, Alison’s mom said to me when she opened the door. I recognized her from all the pictures Alison had up in her room. Alison looked a lot like her. They had the same grey eyes and dark brown hair. But Alison was probably a good 5 inches shorter.

“Yes, Mrs. Stewart.”

“Please, call me Sandra.” She said with a smile. She probably doesn’t know about the fight Alison and I had, or else she wouldn’t be this nice to me.

“Honey, Katelynn’s asking what to add to the stuffing.” Alison’s dad says to Sandra as he walks into the foyer. This man was huge. He looked like he could pick me up and throw me to Mars without a problem. He was probably four inches taller than me. Since I’m already six foot, he’s 6’4. How did Alison end up so small? He smiles at me and extends his hand to shake mine, “I’m Patrick, you must be Ryan.” I took his hand in mine and shook it.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Please, call me Patrick.” He said immediately. “You must be here for Alison.”

I nod, “Yeah, I am. Can I please speak to her?”

“Of course you can. I’m so glad you could make it.” Sandra says. She takes a look at my one bag and says, “You should put that upstairs.”

“Oh, I’m not sure that Alison would want that. You see…”

Before I could finish what I was saying, Sandra says, “Oh sweetie, she may be angry right now, but she’ll hear you out.”

“Wait, you know about our fight?”

She nods with a smile, “We do and I think you two will be able to work through whatever the problem is. Our daughter seems to care about you a lot and since you’re here, you probably care about her too.”

“I do. I need explain some things to her.” I said quietly.

“Well, then let’s go get her.” Her mom says, still smiling. How is she so understanding about everything?

We walk through the foyer and enter the opening to the living room. I see Alison sitting on a rug near their coffee table. She has her back facing me. She’s playing with an infant that couldn’t be more than 2 years old. They were watching some children’s program. Alison was holding both of the child’s hands in hers and moving them to the beat of the song. Alison sang along as the child tried to sing too. The child giggled.

“Munchkin, you have a visitor.” Her dad says to her.

“Who is –“ She says as she turns to face me. Her smile faded once she saw me. She stood up with the child in her arms and said, “I’ll be back, Lily.” The child gives her a sloppy kiss and Alison smiles in return.

Her mom takes Lily and Alison doesn’t look at me but instead says, “Follow me.”

We walked up the stairs and entered what I’m assuming is her room. Right when she closed the door she started to slap me on my chest multiple times. “How could you just leave me like that? Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been about you? How could you make me feel like that?” I let her slap me. She was angry at me, and she had a right to be. Her voice became quieter and quieter as I wrapped my arms around her. She stopped slapping me. She didn’t push me away nor did she hug me back, she just let me hold her. “You just left me, Ryan.” She cried into my chest.

“I know” I whispered, “I shouldn’t have just walked out on you. I’m sorry. I’ve been such a shitty boyfriend lately and you deserve better. I promise to be better if you’ll let me.”

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