Chapter 24

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Ryan’s POV

I arrived at Alison’s house right when Thanksgiving dinner was about happen. Alison introduced me to her sister Katelynn and her fiancé Tom, her brother Matthew and his wife Michelle and their children Chase, James and baby Lily. While we ate dinner, I was really nervous. I came here with everyone already knowing that Alison and I had a fight before hand and I was just preparing myself for the tough questioning but it never came. The conversation at the dinner table was surprisingly easy. They were open and easy to talk to.

It was late and the kids all fell asleep. All the adults settled in the living room with coffee. Everyone had there own little conversations going on until it was time to get grilled. I knew it was coming…

“So Ryan, you seem like a perfectly sane young man.” Sandra said, “What about our Alison could you possibly like?”

“Oh here we go.” Alison rolled her eyes, clearly aware of where her mom was going with this conversation. I gave her a questioning look and she smiled and whispered, “Just wait for it.”

“I mean, she’s an awful cook.” Sandra said seriously.

“She’s a dwarf.” Katelynn added.

“She’s a nerd” Matthew said quickly after.

And finally, Patrick said, “And don’t forget how big of a neat freak she is.”

I had no idea what was going on. I looked all around and they all had serious expressions on their faces. It was quiet and Sandra asked, “How could you possibly like a tiny, nerdy, neat freak who can’t cook?”

I look to Alison and she’s just smirking at me. And I say, “I just do. Actually, I love all those things about her.”

It was silent for a moment. Then Patrick said, “Great answer.”

Then Katelynn’s fiancé, Tom says, “Damn, I was panicking when you guys ambushed me like that.”

They all laugh as Sandra says, “Oh I’m sorry, Ryan. We just couldn’t help ourselves. You’re the first boy Alison’s brought home.”

“They’ve done it to all my boyfriends.” Katelynn says.

“And to all my girlfriends. So it was only fair for us to pull it on you.” Matt says.

They all laughed and my brows furrowed in confusion. Alison explained, “It all started when Matt brought this girl home, I don’t even remember her name. But anyways, Matt repeatedly begged us to not embarrass him.” Matt shook his head while chuckling, “But we just couldn’t resist. Mom, Dad, Katelynn and I devised a plan to bring up embarrassing things about Matt and make the girl nervous. It was originally for laughs but it turned into a Stewart family tradition. So now, we put all the new girlfriends and boyfriends in the hot seat and see if they can handle it."

“Yeah and that girl really couldn’t handle it.” Katelynn laughs.

“Poor girl was practically running out the front door. I actually felt bad.” Alison says

“But that didn’t stop the tradition.” Matt says

“Nope,” Alison laughed, “It wasn’t just for laughs, I promise.”

“No, it wasn’t. It quickly turned into a test that determined whether or not the girl or guy was right for our kids.” Sandra said

“What does it take to pass?” I asked

Patrick looked at his wife Sandra then back at me, “Well, I guess they pass if they care about our kids enough to deal with us… the crazy Stewart family.”

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