Chapter 7

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Ryan’s POV

As I lay in bed, I hear my alarm clock go off. I turn it off and just stare at the ceiling. Did yesterday really happen? Did Alison and I kiss? Or was it a dream? I couldn’t tell reality from my dreams because the same things were happening in both. I dreamt of her all the time. The kiss couldn't have happened. I already decided that I wasn't going to act on my feelings for her because 1)When I told her I liked her, she was sleeping. She wasn't meant to hear me profess my feelings for her 2) She said herself that she wasn't ready to be in a relationship again just yet. 3) Our friendship will be ruined. Three very good reasons why I told myself I was going to keep my feelings for her a secret and why I wasn't going to do anything.

I got dressed and headed down stairs. It was just me and Alison, Anna left for class. Alison just continues reading her notes. Okay, so I guess it didn’t happen, because she isn't acting weird around me. When I sit down at the table I look at her again, she looks up then quickly looks back down. Oh god, it did happen. I close my eyes and say,


She looks up first with one eye then the other. “Mmmm?”

“The kiss happened, didn’t it?”

She just stares at me

“Alison … listen-“

She quickly cuts me off, “Don’t worry about it. It’s okay.”

Then she just got up and left. This is really really killing me. I need to talk about this with her. I need to know how she feels and what she wants to do about us.

Alison's POV

Oh my god, I couldn’t even look at him. I just left like a coward. He must have thought I was crazy. To tell you the truth, I don’t know what to say to him. I’ve been thinking about that kiss ever since his lips left mine. It wasn’t bad, it was actually really amazing. His lips were so soft and warm. I just was confused about why it happened. Why did he lean in and kiss me? Why did I kiss him back? We’ve been having weird moments staring at each other, almost kissing, but I never thought it would actually lead to a kiss. I didn’t realize that there were feelings behind it, or are there? I’m sooo confused. I’m sitting in class and I don’t even know what the professor is talking about. Oh no, class is over. I can’t go home now. I’ll have to face him. So I decide to stay in the library and study a little. It was midnight so I thought it was clear to go home. As I walk to my car I see him leaning against the driver’s door. I sigh and cringe a little. I have no choice but to get in my car and leave but he was blocking the way. Once he sees me he stands up straight and nervously runs his hand through his hair.

“Hey… I thought I’d find you here.” he smiles a little.

“What are you doing here?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“About what?” I say innocently

"You know..."

"No, I don't know."

“Come on! You know exactly what!”

“No I don’t.”

“Fine, I’ll remind you! The kiss okay? THE KISS!”


I cover my ears and push him aside and get into my car. I shut the door and lock it I wasn’t sure what he was yelling at me but I’m pretty sure it was something along the lines of, “Are you serious? You’re being so childish”

I immediately backed up and rushed home. I went to my room and locked the door. I took a shower and got dressed for bed. Then I hear a knock. Knock knock knock.

“Alison… I know you’re in there.”

“go away.”

“I’m not going anywhere until we talk about this.”

Ryan's POV

I guess I was being a little bit loud because Kenny comes out from Anna's room, "Ryan, what the hell are you yelling about?"

I forgot about what time it was, "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I'll be quiet."

He just shuts the door and I whisper loudly, "Alison, if you don't open the door, I'll open it myself."

She doesn't say anything so I open the door using a paper clip, she quickly turns around and yells, "What the-" before she could finish what she had to say I cover her mouth with my hand and say, "Quiet. Kenny and Anna are sleeping." She was glaring at me now. I slowly release my hand from her mouth and suddenly she's slapping me. I back away with my arms trying to protect myself, "Alison, stop. Why the hell are you slapping me?"

She finally stops slapping me and says, "I could've been changing!"

"I already told you I was going to open the door if you didn't open it yourself."


"Whatever, stop changing the subject! Why can't we just talk about it? Stop avoiding it."

Alison's POV

“ugh leave me alone!” I say. I go to my bed and put my pillows over my ears then all of a sudden he is on top of me pulling my wrists above my head. All I could do is stare at him and he says in a firm stern voice, “We need to talk about this, okay?”

I just nod.

“I don’t know how it happened, and I just want to know how you’re feeling about everything.” he said slowly.

“Okay, but… I think you should let me go first”

“Only if you promise not to cover your ears and say lalalala. You have to listen to me.” he was serious

“Okay… I promise.” I breathe

He slowly and gently lets go of my wrists and rolls off me. “so…”

I just stay silent

“Are you not going to say anything?”

Still silent


“alright! Okay… I just… I don’t know what to say…” I say looking down. He just looks at me.

“I mean, why did you kiss me?”

“You kissed me back.” he looks at me seriously

I quickly retort, “But you kissed me first. You leaned in.”

He thinks for a moment, looks down and slowly looks up“I know I guess I was just caught up in the moment.” This wasn't a statement, it was more like a question.

When those last words finally left his mouth it all made sense. “That’s it! I’ve been trying to figure out why.” I mean, Ryan and I are friends. We've never felt anything close to romance towards each other. I just got out of a relationship and I guess I just missed the whole kissing thing.

“So, you were just caught up in the moment? We're just friends?” he looked at me with piercing eyes.

“Yeah… I mean… I guess I just miss being with someone. We're definitely just friends. ” I felt relieved. Finally knowing why it happened.

“Oh… I understand. But you were thinking about it aaaalllll day huh?” He was mocking me now. He was himself again. He was my friend. “SHUT UP. You kissed me!” I slapped him playfully

“Haha…. Yeah.. but you kissed me back!”

“What was I suppose to do? I couldn’t push you off!”

“oh come on. You could’ve said stop or kick me in the balls.”

“I’m just that nice.”

“Yeah right, you like it. You wanted me to kiss you.”

“Wow… big ego. Dream on. You’re the one that came into my room and leaned in and kissed me.”

“Yeah well… now we know that we were just caught up in the moment.” With that said, he gets up and winks at me. And leaves.

Ryan's POV

So she only kissed me back because she missed doing that with Chris. Maybe that's why she's talking to him again. She may not want a relationship right now because she just needs a break before she and Chris get back together. It makes sense. She did say that he was amazing and everything she wanted in a guy. Maybe now that she doesn't have him she realizes that she does love him. And now she's making it even clearer to me, "We're DEFINITELY just FRIENDS" she doesn't like me the way I like her.

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