Chapter 10

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Alison's POV

Things were getting hot and heavy real fast. Before I knew it he was on top of me, he was kissing me along my jaw line, down my neck to just above the neck line of my blouse. I never knew making out could feel this good. Every time his lips made contact with my skin, every part of me felt like it was on fire. The way his hands massaged my hips, the way he craddled me in his arms as he placed light tender kisses along my collarbone made me want more of him. Oh. My. Goodness. This guy was incredible. His touch sent me off the edge, I wanted more, but my mind was screaming, stop, it's going to fast. And my mind was right. The pleasure he was giving me with lips, his hands sent my body on a sexual frenzy. And I knew it had to stop, "Ryan" I breathed.

"Mmm." he continued kissing my neck, which only made me moan in pleasure. Then he began to suck on the place between my neck and shoulder, it was too much for me to handle. I knew if I let me continue a second longer, I'd end up doing things I am neither emotionally nor physically prepared for.

I pulled his dark brown hair, made him face me, and said seriously, "Ryan." He was smiling at me. He knew what he was doing to me. And once he noticed my uneven breathing, he gave me a big toothy grin. I sighed, "Ryan, this needs to stop now."

He pouted and propped himself up on his elbows, hoovering above me, and looked where he began tracing circles just below my collarbone, "but why? Didn't you just say that you love kissing me?" Then he peeked up and looked me in the eyes. I don't know if it was because I was lightheaded from our little make out session but I could've sworn I saw a twinkle in his hazel eyes.

"I do. I love kissing you, but-"

Then he cut me off, "then why does it have to stop?"

He was staring at me straight in the eyes. Why does it have to stop? We can still be friends and kiss right? We don't have to be more than that. Then it hit me, "I guess it doesn't have to." It doesn't have to mean anything.

He smiled and brushed a piece of hair away from my face, "I guess it doesn't." He leaned down to kiss me again.

In between kisses I said, "I mean, it doesn't have to be serious. We can still be just friends."

Then he suddenly pulled away and looked at me, "What?"

I tried to smile at him, "Well, you know. We can keep doing this without it having to be a big deal."

I couldn't read his expression. He just looked straight into my eyes, like he was searching for something, "You mean... friends with benefits?"

"Yeah, that's it. Friends with benefits."

Ryan's POV

Wow. I didn't expect that. Never in a million years did I expect her to suggest friends with benefits. She was under me, "Ryan, you okay?" I guess confusion and disappointment were written all over my face.

"Yeah. I'm fine. But... is that what you want?"

She answered by pulling me down to her and kissing me. "But we have to keep it a secret, okay?" I have no idea why, but I agreed. I shouldn't have but I did. Why did I do it?

She sat up gently pushed against my chest, "Alright, it's late. I have work tomorrow. I should get some sleep. And if you stay here any longer, I doubt I'll get any shut eye." She giggled. I knew what she meant by that. If it was up to me, I'd stay with her in her room for as long as I physically could. 

I smiled and placed my hands on the back of her knees and pulled her into me, "Well if you have to get some sleep, then I guess I should go." She smiled and nodded.

I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and stood up and made my way to her door and she said, "I'll see you tomorrow." I turned around and saw her giving me the cutest smile I've ever seen.

"Of course, sleep tight pretty girl." She smiled even wider.

"Night Rybear." I couldn't suppress my chuckle. She came up with 'Rybear' when she tried to embarass me. She would say, "Aww Rybear!" in a tone higher than her own and pinch my cheeks. I always acted like I hated it when she called me that, but honestly I thought it was kind of cute the way she came up with a nickname for me. 

I closed her door and found myself grinning like a fool.

I went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water and saw Kenny at the breakfast table busy on his laptop.

Her smile makes me melt. And when she smiles at me, I feel like it's different from the way she smiles at anyone else. And when she laughs I feel butterflies not only in my stomach but all over my my body. And those bright grey smiling eyes, just looking into them makes my day better.

"What's got you so happy?" I heard Kenny ask behind me.

I turn around and he's giving me a you're weird look, "Nothing" I chirped.

"Uh huh." was all he said and went back to working on his laptop.

I sat across from him. I was stilll smiling until the words 'Friends with benefits' popped in my head. Those three words have never made my insides cringe until now. I've been doing friends with benefits with every girl I've been with and it didn't bother me. But it can't be that way with Alison, I don't want it to be, it shouldn't be. 

"Shit." I swore.

"What's wrong with you?" Kenny asked.

"I just did that stupidiest thing I could ever do." Kenny just waited for me to continue, "I agreed to be friends with benefits with Alison."

Kenny's eyes widened, "Wait. You two are?" I nodded. "You asked her to be friends with benefits?"

I groaned, "no, she asked me. And I don't know why, but I said yes."

"Alison? Friends with benefits? That's weird. Why'd you say yes?"

"I just told you. I don't know! What that fuck is wrong with me? I should've said no. Now she's never going to -"

"Dude, will you shut up for a second. Calm down." I nodded and took a deep breath. Last time I spoke to Kenny about any girl was back in freshman year and it was about Alison. After it didn't work out with Alison the first time, I gave up. And I think Kenny knew I still had a thing for her  since then but he never said anything about it. Kenny isn't much of a talker, but when he gave advice it was full of wisdom.

He finished typing, then he carefully shut his laptop. He started, "So, friends with benefits huh?" Again, those three words were like daggers in my heart. I nodded "Well, I'm surprised she even suggested that. But maybe she wants it because she doesn't know what she wants with you yet."

"So what am I suppose to do? Should I take it back and tell her I can't?"

"It's up to you. You know her better than I do. But you and I both know that Alison won't do anything with you unless she felt something. And by her even bringing up friends with benefits shows that she's considering something more than friendship."

"Okay, so what? Do I just wait it out and see what happens? She wants to keep it a secret."

"Just keep showing her that you can be that guy that she's been looking for. Don't smother her, but don't give her too much space. But be careful, make sure she knows that this friends with benefits thing going on between you two is between just you two. Let her know that you're not seeing anyone else and that you wouldn't want her to see anyone else either. Give her time to realize what she feels. Because, I'm pretty sure she's feeling something. There's always been something between you guys. I just don't know why it took almost 3 years to get here." he smiled and laughed a little. 

"That's a lot to remember."

"Well, if you really want her. That's the least you need to do."

"Why can't it be as easy as it was for you and Anna? Oh wait, never mind. You bitched to me, analyzing every little thing she did."

"Hey man, shut the fuck up. You're bitching to me right now."

"Now you know how it feels."

"Whatever, if you want me to keept helping you then you never tell Anna about my bitching, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah."

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