Chapter 18

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Alison's POV

I was ready for work, morning shift at Starbucks. I was so noisy this morning, accidentally bumping into my dresser, almost tipping over my floor lamp, and dropping my keys. I probably wouldn't have been so clumsy if I wasn't trying extra hard not to wake Ryan up. He looks so adorable when he sleeps, I wouldn't want to ruin that. He's on his stomach and the covers are slightly below his waist revealing an adorable pair of baby blue boxers. I can see the contours of his muscles as his body rises and falls slowly as he breathes. I feel a smile on my lips, my boyfriend is so sexy.

"Ry." I whispered and gently nudged him, "I'm leaving."

He stirred a bit and turned over. He opened his eyes slowly, "I'm leaving for work." I kiss him briefly on the lips. He pulls me onto him, making me lay on top of him. I couldn't help but squeal, "Ryan!"

"No" he groaned. He had his eyes closed again while he held me tight around the waist. He wouldn't let me go.

"Ryan, I have to go." I said with a laugh.

He shook his head, "Nah uh." I looked at his handsome face and traced my index finger over the bridge of his nose, then along his lips. He pretended to bite my finger but I pulled it away before he could. His eyes lazily opened up and he suddenly rolled us both over so that he was on top of me, "Let's stay in today."

He was propped up on his elbows and he was inches away from my lips. "I can't just not go to work."

He smiled seductively and bent his head to kiss my neck, "Why not?" he murmured against my skin. "We can spend the whole day snuggled up in bed." I felt my eyelids grow heavy, and before I knew it my eyes were closed. All I could think about was what he was doing to me, how amazing he was making me feel.

As usual, I took his gorgeous hair in my hands. Twirling, gently pulling and running my fingers through his luscious locks. He started to nibble and lick on the skin of my collarbone. I felt myself melting into him, arching my back. We've been in this position many times before but each time feels different, more intense, more sensual, more passionate. It just kept getting better and better. Like toe curling, back arching, mind blowing better.

"Anna will be left alone with all those customers if I don't go in" I said sounding breathless.

Then I felt his lips capture mine, "But how could you turn this down?" he said as I felt him smile against my lips.

I laughed, "Did you really just say that?" He gave me a smug smile and nodded, "You're lucky you're hot Mr. Monroe or else I'd totally be turned off by that big ego of yours." I joked.

"Oh, you think I'm hot?" he teased. I pressed my lips together while holding back a smile. "You do, don't you?" he pressed. I shook my head. "No?" he asked. And I just looked at him. Then his fingers started to tickle my sides. I immediately bursted out in giggles while squirming beneath him.

"Ryan, stop. You know I'm ticklish!" I managed to say in between laughing.

"First, you have to admit it."

"Admit what?"

"That you think I'm hot."

I didn't want to, even if it was the truth. But I had to, or else I'd pee in my pants from laughing too much, "Okay! Fine!" I said. He raised his eyebrows and waited for me to say it, "You're hot."

He smiled big, "So are you." he said without hesitation and kissed me quickly. Then he added, "That's makes us a perfect match, ey?"

I rolled my eyes with a smile and sneaked away from under him and stood up. He sat at the edge of my bed and slouched while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. I gathered my things in my arms and heard him fixing my bed behind me. Me, being the neat freak I am was appalled the first time he left my bed unmade and after that I taught him how to make a bed. Apparently, this boy has never had to make his bed, he was so use to just getting up in the morning leaving the blankets all messed up and returning at night to the same messed up sheets. I look behind me and my bed was perfectly made, I smiled proudly and made my way to him to say goodbye again.

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