Chapter 16

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Alison's POV

Here we are, in an intense lip lock. My back is up against the wall and there is not on centimeter between us. Ryan's been holding onto me like he'd never let go. Don't Look Now by Far East Movement ft. Keri Hilson was playing loudly in the club. I could feel the bass bumping in my veins. I'm caught up in his embrace, feeling every caress, grab, and squeeze. With my eyes closed I savored this amazing feeling. I would've cared that anyone could see us, but at that moment I really didn't care. I loved this. I loved his lips on mine. The Keri Hilson's part was clearly playing in my head.

Hey, uh, I know I promised you I’d take it slow
I know I swore on everything I own
But I can’t resist, how’s just one kiss?
But don’t look now
You’ve got me going, I’m going, I’m gone.
Don’t look now
You’ve got me going, I’m going, I’m gone
Don’t look now
I can’t resist, how’s just one kiss?
Don’t look now.

I've never felt like this. Like I didn't have control of my body. Everything he was doing to me made me want to do the same to him. I wanted to make him feel the way I did. His lips gently traced my jaw as his hands slowly went my blouse. He didn't go further. His warm hands gently massaged the skin on my hips. My hands involuntarily went to his head. My fingers tangled in his soft dark brown hair. Then I felt him... Like really felt him on my stomach. To be honest, I was a little freaked out. I knew what that was, and I knew what he wanted.

"Too fast." I breathed out.

He was trying to catch up with his breathing. His face remained on my neck and once he had control of his breath he pulled away slightly and faced me. I've only had my eyes closed for 20 minutes max, but I missed those beautiful hazel eyes. In his eyes I saw lust, desire, and want. He looked down at me seriously and said, "Sorry"

He knew I don't do things like this. I don't publicly grope my boyfriend. It's just not me, but when I'm with him anything goes. "It's okay. You want to dance?"

He smiled, "Um, actually, I'm kind of thirsty. You want anything?"

"Just water, please?"

"Okay. Be right back." He kissed me on the cheek and fought through the crowd to get to the bar.

I sat back in our group's booth and waited for him to come back. I looked to the dance floor and saw Anna and Kenny in their own little world, as usual. They are so in love. And saw Kayleigh, Collin, and Kayleigh's friend Alex walking towards the booth. They had just been dancing and were sweating with smiles on their faces.

"Having fun?" I asked

"Tons! But probably not as much fun as you." Collin teased. All I could do was blush. "So I'm guessing, things between you two are good?"

"Better than good. He's really everything I never expected him to be." I replied. He's been doing great for a guy that's never been in a committed relationship.

"So, how is he in bed?" Alex asked. Collin and I shoot her a are-you-kidding-me look. Because anyone that knew me personally knows that even if I were intimate with someone that I would never discuss the details. "What? I just want to know. We've all heard how good he is." she said simply.

Collin just looked at me and Kayleigh gave me an apologetic look for her blunt friend. "We haven't done it yet." I said. I mean, there's nothing to hide. I'm not ashamed of being a virgin. I want my first time to be with someone I love. I know a lot of girls say that, but it's true.

Before Alex could say anything else, Ryan came back with drinks in his hand. Thank God, he's here. He gave Kayleigh a kiss on the cheek and Alex a friendly hand shake. Once he saw Collin, he gave him 'the guy nod' and shook his hand. We've all gotten pretty close over the last few weeks. After I told Ryan Collin was gay, everything got better. They've even gone shopping once. And I have to say with the help of Collin's styling Ryan dresses even sexier now, which is something I thought was impossible.

"So what did I miss?" Ryan asks as he sits close to me and puts his arm around my waist.

"Nothing!" I say a little too quickly. Smiling sheepishly at him he gives me a questioning look and turns to Collin to get some hints. I didn't want him to know we were talking about our sex lives or rather, lack there of. I shoot Collin a don't-you-dare look. And before I can do the same to Alex she speaks.

"We were just talking about how good you are in bed." She says nonchalantly. Oh my goodness. Was this girl for real? I couldn't help but look away from Ryan. I knew he was looking at me. Kayleigh got up and started to drag Alex with her.

"I'm so sorry. We'll be right back." Kayleigh said.

This was way awkward. Everyone was quiet then Collin excuses himself. CURSE HIM for leaving me!

I still didn't dare to look at Ryan. I felt him shift beside me. "Alison?" he said quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

I shut my eyes tightly and turned to him quickly and smiled tightly, "Can we talk about this later?" I asked even though I don't intend on bringing it up ever again. His face was serious but he nodded anyways.

We went home about an hour later. While I was getting ready for bed I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said

Ryan popped his head in and had his hand over his eyes, "Are you decent?" I had to smile at that.

"You're such a dork. Why would I tell you to come in if I wasn't decent?"

"Umm, I don't know. Maybe to seduce me?" He winked.

"Are you seduceable?" I questioned with raised eyebrows.

He walked into my room, shut the door behind him and said in a very sexy voice, "Very."

I shook my head and laughed. He's so ridiculous. He sat on the edge of my bed while I put lotion on my arms. He just watched me and his face turned serious, "So about earlier tonight." he started. Oh, crap. I thought we were never going to discuss this. Why did he have to remember? "You told them we were having sex?"

"Huh?" I asked stupidly. "What? No! I didn't! I told them we haven't."

"Then why did Alex say that you were talking about how good I am in bed?"

"She was talking about it. Not me. She was telling me about what she's heard from other girls."

"Oh" he said looking down.

"I'm sorry. You've never had to wait before and here I am making you wait for something that every girl would give you without hesitation." He looked at me like I was crazy but I couldn't stop myself from talking, "I'm not trying to be a tease or anything like that, but I'm a virgin. You know that. And I just want it to be special. It's not that I don't think it will be special with you. I want to have sex with you, I really do." He chuckled at that.

"Alison..." he said but I kept going.

Everything was just coming out of my mouth, like word vomit. "But I'm not ready. You're my boyfriend and..."

He stood up and shook me gently by the shoulders, "Alison!"

I just looked up at him with wide eyes.

Ryan's POV

She called me her boyfriend. Her boyfriend. I had no idea that one word, 'boyfriend', could make me happy. When her perfectly pink lips said that word, I couldn't help but smile.

"Breathe." I told her. She was nervous. She only rambled like that when she was nervous. Sex is a topic that she had always been uncomfortable talking about. She's so innocent when it comes to being intimate and I don't know why but it was a turn on. She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. Her mouth made an 'O' shape. She's such a cute little thing.

She was still looking at me with big, worried eyes. "You okay?" I asked. She just nodded. "Listen, just because we're together doesn't mean I expect us to have sex. I mean, I want to but it doesn't have to happen right away. Like I said before, I want to be with you because I actually care about you. And because I care about you, I don't want to rush into anything. When that time finally comes, it will be special because we both want it." Her face softened. "You decide when you're ready, and if it gets to be too much for you. Just tell me when to stop and I will. I'll wait until you're ready."

"Here I am getting all flustered while you being your cool self are relaxed. How are you so sweet and understanding with me?"

"It's easy when I have a seriously cute girlfriend like you."

Being her cute self, she wrinkled her cute little nose and laughed. "You called me your girlfriend."

My hands slid down her sides and stopped at her hips. "Well, aren't you?" I pulled her closer to me.

She smiled at me, "Yes, I am."

"Good, because I love the way it sounds."

"Me too, boyfriend." She said it again. She called me her boyfriend.

"Say it again." I told her.

She tilted her head and smiled as she whispered, "Boyfriend." I watched as her lips moved to say it. I didn't think she could say it sexier but she did. I bent my head in to kiss her sweet lips. She moaned into my lips. Wow, even her moans are sexy. I am so turned on right now. She brought her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. I cocked my head to the side to deepen the kiss.

"Would it be too much if I asked you to say with me tonight?" she whispered against my lips.

"That depends." she tilted her head and smirked at me. "Will you be seducing me?" She giggled and shook her head, "Well then, I guess we could cuddle. Unless you have other things in mind..." I wiggled my eyebrows.

She laughed and playfully slapped my chest, "Hey! I thought you said you'd wait until I'm ready!"

"I'm joking." I said and pulled away from her and headed straight for her bed, "Now, I'm getting in bed before you change your mind"

She rolled her eyes and slipped under her covers and said, "It's not like we haven't slept together before."

Now we both had our heads resting on pillows. We were facing each other. I scooted closer to her and said, "Yeah, but before we were just friends, you were untouchable. Now, we're together. I'm your boyfriend and you're my girlfriend. And as your boyfriend, I get to do things like this." I slid my hands around her waist and pulled her into my body. She smelled so good. I could smell her fruit shampoo. I loved it. She didn't protest. She settled into me and relaxed. I've never spent a night with a girl without having sex. I've only done it with her and I've never felt so content. Just holding her and feeling her heart beat close to mine felt right. This is where I want to be. Close to her.

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