Chapter 1

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Ryan’s POV

As I’m waiting at the house for Alison for our weekly dinner, I start to look through some pictures of us. If someone else came into the house and looked at the photos they would’ve guessed Alison and I were dating, but they’d be wrong. Sure, it looked like we were but the truth is, she had someone else and someone else had her. I had no one and no one had me. I stare at this photo of us at the beach. It was suppose to be just a photo of her, but I remember I grabbed her from behind and hugged her. She looked at me and I looked at her and snap! It was a picture of us hugging, looking at each other with smiles. I don’t remember most things, but as I look through the pictures I remember almost everything. I remember every time I was with her. It was strange, I never realized it until now. Then suddenly the door slams and I look up. It’s Alison, she looks like she’s in a hurry. She gives me an excited smile and takes off her jacket and shoes she runs up the stairs and into her room. I run after her and say, “So what are we doing tonight?”

“Well… I’m going out.”

“Out? Where?”

“I’m gonna have dinner with Christopher in like an hour so I have to hurry.”

“What? You aren’t going to spend tonight with me?”

“Aw, Ryan, I can’t. I already said yes. You understand right?”

“Ahh it’s okay have fun.”

“Thank you. I’ll make it up to you. I promise!”

With that she ran up to me and kissed me on the cheek and hurried into the shower. I went to my room and just listened to some music. Jasmine, this girl I've been hanging out with for the past couple of weeks was texting me but I didn’t want to answer. She would want to hangout but I wasn’t up for it. Then without warning she was at my door. She ran over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Jasmine! What are you doing here?”

“I texted you.”

“I didn’t check my phone.”

“Well it’s right next to you.”

“I didn’t see it.”

“Well, I’m here now. Let’s do something.”

As she said that she straddled me and started to kiss me. I sigh and pull away and say, “I just wanna stay home tonight.”

“Fine, then I’ll stay with you, I know exactly what we could do.” she winked at me and started to kiss my neck.

As nice as Jasmine is, sometimes she’s just too easy. I start to look through my phone trying to ignore her but she keeps putting her hands through my hair and looking at me so intently. I hear heels tap against the hard wood floor. I know it’s not Jasmine cause she’s on top of me. And I know Anna isn’t home it must be Alison. I look towards that hallway and see Alison walk past. She was wearing a short black dress but not one that looked indecent. It wasn’t too tight, it hugged her body in all the right places. She never wore heels or dresses like that. I was really … what’s the word… in awe? Turned on? She went back and forth between her and Anna’s room borrowing stuff. Then she saw me and Jasmine in my room. She wasn’t surprised because she’s seen me with lots of girls like this. She just sweetly smiled and said, “Hey Jasmine, how are you?”

“Good and how are you? You look hot! Where are you going?”

“I’m going out with my boyfriend tonight.”

“You have a boyfriend now?”

“Yeah, his name is Christopher.”

“Aww, that’s great!”

“So how do I look?” she twirls around and does a little curtsey like what princesses do. I just loss my breath. I was speechless.

Alison's POV
Jasmine immediately says, “You look amazing! I never knew you had such a sexy body. Look at that tiny waist! You should dress like this more often. Don't you think Ryan?”

I laugh and smile. I wait for Ryan to speak but it looks like he’s just staring. It kind of made me uncomfortable. He’s never looked at me like this before, it’s weird. It was almost as if he was checking me out.

“Ryan? What do you think?” I said

“You-you look so beautiful.”

When he said that he almost looked heartbroken, like someone stabbed him in the back.
I was running late, and I still had to put on some makeup. So I ran over to my room and said back, “Thanks. I’ll see you two later. BEHAVE!”

Ryan and his girls, not one girl would say no to him. He’s just too good. He’s so good looking it would be crazy to not lust after him. Trust me, I know I’ve known him for years now and now I’m just immune to his sexiness.

The doorbell rings, oh crap, I'm not ready yet. I rush over to the door and open it somewhat out of breath. I swing the door open and there he is, his mouth was open. I smiled and touched my finger to his chin to close it. He just smiled and looked at me with meaningful eyes.
“Alison, you look gorgeous.”

“You’re just realizing that now?”

He chuckled, “Silly me.” He pulled me into a tight hug and buried his face into my hair.

When we get to the restaurant he puts his arm around my waist and guides me to our table. He pulls out the chair for me and pushes it in as I sit down.

“We’ve been together for 3 months now and I’m so glad I have you.”

“Me too. Everything has been great”

“Really? Cause I feel like I’m enjoying this more than you are."

“What are you talking about?”

“I mean, I know I feel a spark between us, but I don’t know if you do.”

“I know I like you, a lot. There doesn’t always have to be a spark.”

“I like you a lot too, but there should be at least a little spark between us right?”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“I’m falling for you, Alison. And I know that there is a great possibility that I love you now. I can even see a future with us. But I don’t know if you can do the same.”

“It’s too soon to tell.”

“I’m not saying that I want to break up, but I just want to know if you can actually picture us being together in the future. That’s all I need to know.”

“I don’t know yet.”

“I’m willing to wait, but please… if you don’t, tell me.”

“I promise.”

With that he kisses me and I feel… nothing. Nada. I don’t feel that spark he was talking about.

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