Chapter 9

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Ryan’s POV

After that “I dare you…” kiss earlier tonight, things have gotten worse. I can’t stop thinking about her and that kiss. Okay… she was holding back but it was like it was just us and no one else around. I can’t think straight I need to see her. I knock on her door.

“Come in" she chimes.

I slowly peek my head through her door “Hey…” Don't sound awkward I keep telling myself. I never had to worry about how I spoke or stood in front of her, but over the months I've become a shy, dorky and nervous guy. You know the kind, the ones that don't have the confidence to ask a girl out. Everytime I'm around her now, I just want to impress her but I do the opposite almost all the time.

“Ryan… hi.” She smiles at me sweetly, it melts my heart.

“Hey, what’s going on?” I say trying to sound casual.

“Nothing I’m just finishing up some homework.” She was sprawled on her bed with her books and paper everywhere, wearing her huge eyeglasses. What a nerd. I went to sit right beside her on her bed as she took off her glasses.

I was unknowingly fiddling my thumbs around and whenI noticed I immediately stopped and cleared my throat and said, “So our kiss tonight...”

She brought one of her hands over her faced and smiled, “Yeah… I can’t believe Anna dared you.” She was so cute and she didn't even try.

“yeah… me too but I am kinda of glad she did it.”

Her eyebrows furrowed and she said, “What…?"

“I’m glad.”

Alison’s POV

What? He was glad. I was speechless. I couldn’t believe it. Finally I manage to spit out, “Why are you glad?”

He just looks me in the eyes and says, “Because I’ve been wanting to do it for so long. Ever since you brought Chris over to introduce him to us, I realized that I really care about you and I think I might like you as more than a friend.”

“Ryan, be serious.”

“I’m serious." he moved closer and continued, "I’ve been going crazy trying to figure out why I’ve been thinking about you all the time, why I’ve been jealous, and why I’ve been dreaming about you. And after that kiss, I know it’s because I think I’m falling for you.” He looked at me with sincere, loving eyes, and stroked my cheek. He leaned in yet again and started to kiss me. This time he wasn’t gentle. He pulled my whole body towards him and slowly pulled away too soon. Oh my god, his kisses are seriously to die for. No wonder why girls keep coming back. Then he said, “Alison, I want to give us a try.”

“What?” I asked. I was still lightheaded from the kiss. I found myself trying to catch my breath.

“I don’t want to be just friends.” He tightened his grip around my waist.

“Ryan, aren’t you getting a little carried away?” I whispered.

He didn't wait a second to reply, “No… We’ve kissed each other so many times already and it’s clear that it’s because we like each other.”

“Actually, we’ve only kissed 3 times.”

“So you’ve counted…” A smile was forming on his lips. He is so cocky.

I slapped his chest and sat up. “Shut up.”

“Just kidding. I know it’s a little crazy to go from being friends to possibly something more but when I’m with you I can’t stop thinking about being with you.”

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