Chapter 15

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Ryan’s POV

“So you’re really not going to tell me what we’re doing?” Alison pouted. She purposely popped out her bottom lip and made her eyes big and sad looking. I smiled at her attempt to make to tell her and shook my head. “Not even where we’re going?” Her bottom lip popped out even more.

“Put that bottom lip back in your mouth. I am not going to tell you, no matter how cute and adorable you are.”

“Hmm… just cute and adorable huh?” her soft delicate fingers and eyes started at my chest and gently grazed my bare skin traveling down to my stomach. She stopped just above my board shorts and slowly looked up at me. This time she bit down on her bottom lip making me bite down on my bottom lip. She was making it so hard for me to keep our date a surprise and her black bikini definitely wasn’t helping.

“Cute, adorable, sexy, gorgeous. But I’m still not caving. I want to surprise you.”

She put her forehead against my chest and groaned, “Fine.” I laughed and hugged her around her shoulders. She suddenly looked up at me with a slight smile on her pink lips, “I hate you, you know that? You know I hate surprises.”

“No, you love me. And you’ll love surprises after tomorrow night, I promise.” I winked at her.

She wrinkled her nose, “Love you? Hmm… maybe.” She teased. Neither of us has said those three words, I love you, to each other seriously. We loved each other as friends but as boyfriend and girlfriend… not yet. I mean, I love her in a way different than I love anyone else, I know that much. I don’t even know what it feels like to be in love. But we haven’t even established what we were. I don’t know how these things work. I don’t know when it’s the right time to ask her to be my girlfriend. Do I even have to ask? I had no idea how this dating relationship thing worked. I had no idea how to be a boyfriend, let alone a boyfriend that she deserved. I was completely lost when it came to being in an actual relationship. We kind of went out of order, or so I think. We’ve kissed and made out way before we even went out. Everything was just so new to me.

“Maybe?” I asked and she grinned and nodded, “I don’t think like that answer.”

“That’s too bad.” She said smiling, clearly aware of what I was going to do next. She stepped back and looked like she was going to make a run for it. Before she could get away I threw her tiny little body over my shoulder and ran towards the ocean. This wee little thing was like a feather, she’s so small. She’s petite compared to the girls I’ve been with. She’s only 5’4 and even though the girls the other girls I’ve been with were as thin and slender as she was, they didn’t nearly fit as perfectly in my arms like she did. Girls today are way too skinny, but her, she's perfect. Whenever I scooped her up in my arms, she fit perfectly.

I plunged into the water with her in my arms. The whole time, she was laughing, smiling, and holding onto me tightly. Most girls would freak out and complain that they we’re getting their hair wet and that their make up would get ruined but she didn’t care. I loved that about her. She’s feminine but not too girly.

One minute she’s splashing water on me and the next she was clinging onto me. Then I realized she was shivering. She had goose bumps. The water wasn’t too cold for me but she was tiny compared to me. The coldness of the water affected her faster than it did me. “You’re cold, let’s get a towel around you.”

“No, I’m fine. Just hold me.” I chuckled; she’s always so stubborn.

“Come on, let’s get you warmed up. If you catch a cold, you won’t be able to see what I’ve planned for our date tomorrow night.”

She finally gave in and released her grip from me just enough so that we could walk back to shore. Once we got to shore, I wrapped the big beach towel around her and tried to warm her up.

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