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As Thirrin walked through the door.
She was halfway to the kitchen when someone grabbed her shoulders

" I thought you had school why are you here" she cringed at the voice until she recognized it

" ELIJAH" she screamed as she spun around and hugged him. " Iv missed you so much"

He chuckled and pulled her away from him after a minute " I missed you too and you didn't answer my question why are you not at school"

" oh uh I have open campus for lunch so I was going to go out and eat but I have open campus 4th hour so I decided to come home for lunch" she lied smoothly she felt a little bad and she didn't lie to Elijah often but he was back and she didn't want him mad at her.

" I know for a fact that you don't have 4th hour open campus because your a sophomore and iv been called for the last week that you've been skipping, is this what you've been doing and your a sophomore you cant have open campus lunch." Marcel said entering the room

She immediately scowled " well I changed my classes and talked to the principal so that I could leave during lunch"

" can you explain why I have been getting calls saying that you have been skipping"

" well my schedule is isn't changed yet and my teacher is new and probably calling the office telling the that I'm not there" she knew that she was failing at lying but still if Elijah knew how badly she was doing in school and how she was lacking in effort not to mention that she was skipping. He would punish her and she did not want that.

This time Elijah turned her around and grabbed her chin so she couldn't look away.

" then lets go talk to the school I am sure they can sort this and if you are lying I can deal with you once we return home now go and head to the car"

She followed Elijah out to the car she stopped half way and Said

" I lied"

Elijah stopped walking in shock the only reason he was doing this was to settle Marcel nerves. Thirrin hadn't lied to him Since 1898 sure she had disobeyed him several times but he was only strict on four rules disrespect, Lying, school, and safety also he hadn't seen her in 6 years and but she always made sure not to lie to him.

" what"

" Elijah you have super hearing I know you heard me I'm not going to repeat myself" Thirrin whined

He turned and walked to her
" Thirrin we have not been together for quite a bit of time but you will be respectful now come" when he finished he started to walk back to the car

" were still going to school but Elijah I haven't eaten yet and by the time we get there lunch will be over and I'll have class why can't I be a little late it will be fine if I'm late"

Elijah stopped walking
" we will get something on the way and my guess is that you have skipped this class plenty of times and I will not let you skip it again"

" Eli-"

" Thirrin stop stalling I am not happy and I would not recommend you push me any further"

She sighed and walked to the car as soon as they got on the road he spoke again.
" is there anything else that you want to tell me"

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