Truth?.. a tidbit

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Freya sent all of them in, including herself. Once they entered the other world in Octavia's  head. It was a house that Freya didn't recognize but Elijah and Marcel did it was the first home that Octavia had lived in with with them.

Octavia turned the corner of the house and Freya was stunned at how adorable Octavia was as a child. Her hair was unruly curly and long, her eyes were wide with curiosity and wonder, her nose as cute as a button and her smile was infectious. She was very short which only added to her cuteness. Freya was astonished to say that Thirrin was very pretty even as a child much like Octavia only she had straight and reddish blonde hair. Thirrin was also was a bit taller than Octavia much like they were before but that wasn't very surprising.

When Octavia saw Marcel her face lit up like a Christmas tree, and her smile grew bigger.

" Marcel" the girl screeched as she ran towards Marcel as fast as her little legs could take her before launching herself into his arms with a big smile. Marcel caught her easily happy to see the girl so joyful... not crying or broken.

" Octavia, do not run and yell in the house" Elijah reprimanded although he had a smile on his face as well.

Octavia pouted at Elijah but giggled as Marcel swung her in the air and hugged her before setting her down.

Thirrin smiled and bit her lip unsure of what to  say or do.
" Tavia where's Kol and Rebekah" she asked.

" In the kitchen, here I'll show you. Elijah come with" Octavia announced and reached over and grabbed Elijah's hand and without hesitation began to pull Elijah and Thirrin out of the room.

Freya was once again surprised about how different Octavia was as a child, she was aware that Octavia was very expressive beforehand but she was always one to being polite and to ask instead of being demanding. Freya watched as she dragged Elijah and Thirrin to the kitchen following behind them. The more that Freya thought about Octavia as a child it became more apparent that the older Octavia was heavily influenced by Elijah over the years and also was older and more mature more so than a little girl.

Octavia let go of Thirrin and Elijah's hand before making her way over to Kol, Thirrin followed in suit of Octavia. Kol picked Octavia up and also leaned down to pick up Thirrin to hug her as well as Octavia.

" What do you say sweetheart want to go play a game"  Kol asked directing his question at Octavia knowing that Klaus wanted to talk with Thirrin.

" Chess" Octavia asked tilting her head to the side.

Kol nodded setting her and Thirrin down and took Octavia's hand walking out of the room out of sight.

" Thirrin sweetheart come here" Klaus called

Thirrin sighed but walked over to her father with a scowl on her face upset that she didn't get to go with them immediately but Thirrin was the first to open her arms out to be held.

" Papa is Octavia going to okay" Thirrin asked.

Klaus sighed before picking up Thirrin.

" I think that we need to give it time, okay" Klaus locked eyes with her to scrutinized her.

Thirrin nodded and smiled nuzzling her head into Klaus's neck. Klaus took his hand and stroked Thirrin hair. It so different and difficult to see Thirrin and Octavia young again, they were much more fragile and not as emotionally stable as everyone was used too.  Although Klaus relished Thirrin as a child, mostly because she didn't crave the freedom that Klaus didn't want to give her, he was brought out of his thoughts when Thirrin wiggled to get down.

" I want to go watch Kol and Octavia" Thirrin decided once Klaus set her down.

" Alright do want me to help you find them" Klaus asked knowing that Octavia had no idea where they were but Thirrin shook her head no. Klaus smirked she was always head strong.

The five of them; Elijah, Freya, Marcel, Klaus and Rebekah watched Thirrin wonder off in search of Octavia and Kol.

Freya turned to both Elijah and Klaus while she spoke.
" It's easy to see why you both adored them their adorable, but they're so different as children Octavia has always been confident and courageous, but very composed but now..." she was cut off my Klaus.

" That was Elijah's doing as a child Octavia was very cautious and fearful until she trusted us she turned into a very giddy and carefree child, however as she grew Elijah had structure for her and it helped reign in her anger and her wolf side and other things, you know that she is part wolf and part witch but her family history is horrible her family was cursed centuries before Octavia was born they had rituals and the entire village that she was part of were born with their own abilities, Octavia didn't get so lucky, her mother broke the ritual and the rules of the village not that any of them know besides us and her family. Octavia was born with an ability that was meant to reign terror above all of them, granted it is much like our humanity switch she can choose to use this ability or not but it only added for a constant need for control and rules." Klaus spoke.

" I was aware of most of that except for her having an ability even when I went into her head I couldn't see it.... why?" Freya's eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

" Octavia can hide and show to whom she wants to and only when she wants to but she has hid it so well and buried deep down concealing it from anyone." Elijah explained

" What is it, the ability" Freya curiously asked

" She shows you your worst fears when she wants, she can also take a fear that you had as a child such as the dark and have it consume you as if you were still a child. It is and sounds horrible but for Octavia when she first sees you she doesn't have a choice she is forced to see all of things that you have ever been afraid in your lifetime all at once. It's torturous for the poor girl" Rebekah said entering the conversation. Kol walked in the room absent of two little girls who were mostly likely off playing their own game.

" No wonder the girl was in so much pain, maybe she wasn't just having a mental breakdown she could have been seeing someone else's fear that was so close to her own worst fear." Freya rushed out and walking around to empathize her point.

"That's absurd Octavia's worst fear is her own father and the only person who would share the fear would be one of her own bro...." Kol trailed off in realization.


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