Panic attack.

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Octavia and Elijah were walking through a crowded city. They were waiting for Marcel who had decided to visit. Octavia was walking ahead of Elijah looking at the street stores. When she heard Elijah talking she turned around to see him on his phone talking to Marcel. She continued to walk with him following her explaining to Marcel where they were in the city. Octavia kept an eye out for Marcel as she walked she looked person to person. She caught the eye of someone she thought she would never ever see again for a split second before he disappeared into the crowd, she froze in the sidewalk she turned back to Elijah to see that he was there she began to panic. Where was he why wasn't he there, did he plan this, was he leaves her there.
She turned her head scanning the nearby people with dark hair and people wearing suits in search of Elijah.

" ABBA, ABBA" she yelled out frantically.

Once again the person she saw in the street showed again closer and walking towards her. Octavia backed up until she hit the wall she stumbled cutting her arm on the brick siding of the building, she turned down a side street as the memory and fear overwhelmed her, she couldn't think of anything beside run and don't stop because she wouldn't go back, she couldn't.

" Elijah" she screamed.

A second after she had screamed she hit something hard, correction someone. She looked up and saw Elijah and Marcel behind him. She hugged him and then flinched back, fear and memories once again hit her in a panic attack she turned around looking to see if he had followed her she couldn't see him anywhere.

Elijah reached out to grab her shoulders to get her attention he could hear that her heart was going a mile a minute and that she looked petrified. Octavia stepped back from him and more tears rushed out of her eyes.

" Don't. I... I want Rebekah... or Freya" she sat down on the ground and leaned back on the brick wall wrapping her arm around her self as she cried and shook.

Elijah opened up his phone and made a call to Rebekah lucky for him she had followed them to the city to talk and see Marcel. Rebekah quickly made her way to them, she slowed in her steps when she saw Octavia sitting on the ground.

" Elijah, what happened and what did you do or was this someone else I swear Elijah of anyo-" Rebekah started before Elijah cut her off.

" Rebekah, I nor Marcel hurt her. I am not sure what happened she wouldn't talk to me she only asked for you to come." Elijah explained.

Rebekah nodded to her eldest brother and sent a smile Marcels way that Elijah decided to ignore he had more pressing matters to worry about than his sisters affairs.

Rebekah picked up Octavia and cradled her while vamping back to the vehicle with Elijah and Marcel right behind her. She knew that Elijah wouldn't break his cool and calm demeanor but he was genuinely worried. She knew why a quite frankly she was worrying about the same thing.

Once they arrived back at the house, Rebekah once again picked up Octavia and walked up to her room and set Octavia in her bed. When Rebekah left the room Octavia slid off of the bed and huddled against the wall in her room.

Downstairs Rebekah saw Cami and Klaus having real man to woman discussion. Rebekah rolled her eyes before calling Cami over to her. Which Cami complied to her request quickly, leaving Klaus to drink is bourbon on the rocks in peace for a while to seconds before Elijah approached him.

" Cami could you possibly go and try to talk to Octavia considering your bit of that Psycho thingy" Rebekah said waving her hand.

" Psychologist, yes I can.  I'll go up and try to talk to her I'm not going to force her to try and talk to me." Cami said trying to not roll her eyes at Rebekah.

Cami walked upstairs to Octavia's room, she paused on the hallway before guessing which one was Octavia's room. She opened the door and saw Octavia on the floor not quite crying but wasn't far from it. When Octavia looked up at her, Cami smiled at her while she walked up to her with caution.

Cami tried to talk to her while she was studying her reactions and body language. Octavia flinched back suddenly her eyes widened and she began to shake more so than she already was. Cami turned and looked over her shoulder to see Elijah in the door way. Cami got up and walked out in the car while Rebekah walked into the bedroom to keep Octavia company.

" Elijah did you see who she saw" Cami asked.

" No, I stepped away to talk with Marcel for one second I heard her call for me and I made the assumption that she was backtracking to find me, but then she yelled my given name. I went to her immediately she seemed to be running from something but I do not know who." Elijah explained.

" She has gone into a state of mind that is paralyzing her with fear but on the inside there is several things that can go on, Freya may be able to help more so than me at this point" Cami spoke kindly knowing that it was a touchy subject.

" And what are we supposed to do with this information" Klaus said joining the conversation.

" Nothing Klaus give her time until she ready to be open and let her come to you, Elijah she flinched when she saw you. Have Rebekah and Freya talk to her first she needs to calm down and take her time." Cami explained carefully.

" What is it were supposed to tell the school that she has a constant panic attack" Klaus said rolling his eyes.

Cami sighed in frustration knowing Klaus was covering up with hostility rather than the worry he was sure to have.

" Tell then what ever you must, and if you don't dint I have to make my way back to New Orleans. When I have the time to drive back up I will." Cami said leaving quickly.

( Hey guys.. so who do you think Octavia saw????? This will have a part two)

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