Titles and Klaus returns

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" Elijah I want to talk to you about something really important" Octavia said as she walked in to his study biting her lip.

Elijah put down the paperwork he was holding and looked at her. " sit what is it" he asked taking in her body language.

" I- we both know that my biological family wasn't exactly the greatest and.... and you know that I love you very much and I was told when I was in New York that a title is something that gives meaning to something it's not just given but earned... it has its own importance and while I had always call my father, father and my mother, mother although they never earned it and my social worker said that she had always call the ones she loved by her native tongue, and you know that I'm originally from Israel and I am mostly fluent in Hebrew, I want to know is it was okay if I were to call you Abba meaning father but I completely understand if you don't, I just know that you're important to me and I would like to give you a title." Octavia finished studying Elijah facial expressions she wasn't sure how he would react. Angry, Sad, excited, or confused. This could go good or bad.

Elijah listened to her talk and while she very much looked nervous and remained calm and collected he could see the fear in her eyes, fear of being rejected and the cracks in her voice and her heartbeat quickening surely told him.  He didn't need to look at her to know she was nervous. He took a breath before answering.

" Octavia you may call me what ever you like, you don't have to feel obligated to either. I am very honored that you would like to give a title to me and I am also very much aware of how much this means to you and how much love you have" he spoke he could see the tension in her shoulders dissipated and a smile appeared on her face.

" Thanks I'm going to go and meet with Thirrin and Freya to practice with them, is that okay"

" Go ahead" Elijah said nodding at the door

Octavia quickly left room and jogged to the room Freya practiced magic in. She softly knocked on the door so she didn't surprise them, when she heard Freya call out to come in she entered the room. Thirrin was working on a location spell, they had one of Klaus's most important and favorite paintings she wasn't sure if they were looking for Klaus or the person who's blood was in the painting and frankly she didn't want to know.

She sat in the chair and listen to Thirrin chant the words to the spell until Thirrin stopped.

" They're in Illinois... well at least papa is I don't know where Rebekah is probably with guy "

" Let's not test that theory I'm sure that Rebekah is with Klaus" Freya said reassuring Thirrin of Rebekah whereabouts.

" Octavia why don't you try" Freya offered.

" Uh can I try something different than a Locator spell... maybe a you can show me how give someone an aneurism that sounds like fun, can I learn that"

" No I don't think Elijah would be very happy to see you doing destructive things with magic" Freya said unsure of how to answer the question.

" Fine um can we do the levitating thing again" Octavia asked.

" Of course, do you remember how to do it"

" Um yeah I got it, I don't have to say the words anymore I just have to concentrate on it.... here watch" Octavia turned to the table and focused on the pen on the table and took a breath away before making it float high in the air.
" I like doing that it's fun" Octavia said smiling.

" It seems you just about aced it" Freya said collecting the things off the table placing them in a box before locking it.
" Well we're all done.. I'm going to assume that you both have home work you could get done" Freya smirked when they both ducked their heads to avoid eye contact.

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